The ACLU and other critics of the 117-year-old Pledge of Allegiance are pushing for legislation that requires all public school students be given a "Miranda warning" that informs them of their right not to recite the words and instead remain silent. Should schools be required to inform students that they have the right not to say the Pledge of Allegiance?The Pledge is the Citizen's Oath. It binds us as Americans. The "Melting Pot" only exists if we are ALL Americans.
I have lost all respect for the ACLU these days. They have fallen to O'Sullivan's First Law. (John's a terrific person by the way.)
Follow the above link to vote in a FoxNews Poll with the question framed as "Should schools be required to inform students that they have the right not to say the Pledge of Allegiance?" Currently 95% have voted NO.
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