Friday, November 12, 2010
What We Believe (Bill Whittle)
What We Believe, Part 1: Small Government and Free Enterprise.
What We Believe, Part 2: The Problem with Elitism
What We Believe, Part 3: Wealth Creation
What We Believe, Part 4: Natural Law
What We Believe, Part 5: Gun Rights
What We Believe, Part 6: Immigration
What We Believe, Part 2: The Problem with Elitism
What We Believe, Part 3: Wealth Creation
What We Believe, Part 4: Natural Law
What We Believe, Part 5: Gun Rights
What We Believe, Part 6: Immigration
Random Round-Up 11-12

President Obama Job Approval
Justice, Denied
Secret Walmart Survey Shows Inflation Already Here

Cool It: The Anti-Scarefest Documentary of the Year. Bjorn Lomborg, the self-described "skeptical environmentalist," is so likable and empowered by common sense in this new film that he could be the Ronald Reagan of climate science.
Job-Killing Environmentalists. How the EPA cripples the American economy
Darrell Issa Investigates

The Truth About Entitlements
Interracial Marriage and Mormon Polygamy: ADF Debates the Definition of Marriage at the University of Virginia Law School
SEIU’s Shady Political Cash

Obamacare Hits the Most Vulnerable The most important element of medical progress is scientific innovation
My New Favorite Christie Line

Asking NIH to Get By On 95.7% of Its Current Budget? The Sky Is Falling!
Dems extol facts and science but act on ideology
Palin’s favorable rating highest in almost a year

Korea: Too Green for Democrats Obama discovers the downside of environmental regulation.
Interior inspector general: White House skewed drilling-ban report AND White House ‘Moratorium’ Smear Continues. Nixon and Orwell Smile
NYT Arrogance: Our Readers Are Stupid
Why do the Dems win all the close races nowadays? It's uncanny!
"Am I crazy to think that close elections—the ones that are separated by a mere hundreds of votes, that go into overtime and threatened recounts well past Election Eve—almost always are won by the Democrat these days?"

I feel the same way - Accepting apologies on line 1
Video - Soros’s Five-Step Plan to Bring Down America
America’s Rodney Dangerfield Moment. Obama’s decline, Washington’s dysfunctional politics, and decades of bad advice are undermining U.S. sway abroad.

Commission Offers Controversial Solutions to Axe Deficit -- Members Balk
The 30 Million
Politicizing the Pentagon

What the Deficit Commission Draft Ignores
Gerrymandering 101
The Top Ten Most Gerrymandered Congressional Districts in the United States
Ferreting Out Real Travel Expense Fraud at the Department of Justice. Secret inspector general reports detail tens of thousands of dollars in fraud by DOJ career employees — a much bigger scandal than Chris Christie staying at the Four Seasons

The Vast Child-Fattening Conspiracy
The White House Grapples with a New Reality
Massive Voting Fraud Reported in Massachusetts. Community organizing group Neighbor to Neighbor was seen violating laws at numerous polling sites, with the apparent blessing of the poll-watchers
The 20 Cities With The Most Underwater Homes

Mr. Issa, Take Note of Google and Obama Coziness
It's finally official: We're doomed
Government Salaries Soar Under Obama

Largest Law Firms Still Shrinking, Shedding 1,400 Lawyers This Year
Obama’s Fiscal Commission Unveils Real Tax Increases and Fake Spending Cuts
Good thing we elected Deval or otherwise layoffs would come, oh wait

Obama's Gifts to the GOP
Labor Force Participation Rate: What will happen?
Axelrod & other amateurs

News That's Ignored or Buried: 'ACORN Should Return Federal Aid, Auditors Say'
The Blue State Budget Crisis
Video - Dr. Drew Predicts ObamaCare Disaster: ‘You’ll See a Massive Flight of Physicians from the Field and Hospital Closures’
Pelosi's Troop Defections Even longtime liberals are exasperated by Ms. Pelosi's stubbornness in clinging to the remnants of her former power.
Unconstitutional to Require Registration and Disclosure for Any Committee Spending Over $200 to Support/Oppose a Ballot Measure

Well, some of us knew that before the 08 election - `most pro-abortion president'
Eliminating Earmarks is a Phony Issue
Boy Told to Take American Flag Off His Bike
Thursday, November 11, 2010
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