Friday, March 25, 2011
Random Round-Up 03-25 Part 1 of 2
President Obama Job Approval
Is President Obama the weakest Commander-in-Chief in US history?
Why ObamaCare Remains Unpopular
The Speech Obama Hasn't Given What are we doing in Libya? Americans deserve an explanation.
Big Dollar Effort to Defend ObamaCare Comes Up Short
Jamie Gorelick Who ‘Helped to Bring us 9/11 AND Housing Collapse’ Is On Short List to Lead FBI
The terror continues
Groups say AT&T merger is job killer
Obama's Achilles' Heel?
Repeal Is the Ultimate Democratic Waiver
Claire McCaskill's "Damn Plane" Now For Sale on Craigslist
U.S. Economy: Goods Orders Unexpectedly Fall, Claims Drop
Union v House Republican Showdown Scheduled for Next Week
Energy Fantasyland
Simple Governance
Off to Mecca She Goes. With Eric Holder’s blessing
Optimism won't fix America's fiscal problems.
Racist Van Jones Rally Cheered 9/11 Attacks AND Van Jones IS a ‘Cop Killer-Supporting, Racist, Demagogic Freak’
When the Anticooperative Effect of Law Can Lead to Many Thousands Dead
A Grim Prognosis
Factory Orders Drop…Unexpectedly, Dashing Hopes For Rebound
Unsustainable budget threatens nation
UAW Plans Suicide Bombing of Economy
Dear Reuters, You Must Be Kidding
Headed for the Grand Canyon of budget shortfalls
Read more:
Google, Wisconsin, and Distributional Coalitions
Year One of the Obamacare Era. look back, and a look forward
Anti-Union Push Picks Up Steam On Capitol Hill
The Power of a Cow
Biden Rails On
Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers
The worst homeland-security menace
MORE Acorn: Leftists Plot Squatting to Take Over Houses
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'
On Public Education
Behind the scenes with John Kitzhaber and Cylvia Hayes at the White House
If Obama really was born in Kenya, right now we’d be talking about President Hillary Clinton
Corporate Welfare
Government Motors: The Coming General Motors Failure Will Be At Taxpayer’s Expense
You Wanna Know Why Detroit Is A Corpse?
The Professor’s War. erica is led by a man determined that it should not lead.
Piping Up: Do Waivers Make Way For A Single-Payer Health Care System?
Andrew Klavan: PBS Exposed! Hidden Camera Rocks Sesame Street
DA Chambers offers bonuses for prosecutors who hit conviction targets
Obama Disengages In defense of the nondefense of the Defense of Marriage Act.
Courts an Instrument of Leftist Thuggery
Worsening Our Fiscal Nightmare. need honest, fact-based budgeting.
The US: Massive energy resources and an incoherent energy policy
Investigate CARBifornia
Random Round-Up 03-25 Part 2 of 2
Jamie Gump For FBI Director?
Huge surge in Hispanic population in US
Obama fails to grasp the gravity of going to war
Obama makes another surprise phone call on health care
Economists Aren't As Clever As They Think They Are
“I Don’t Care, Obama Is Awesome”
Just when you think they finally get it
General Electric’s Jeffrey Immelt: “Looter” or “Producer”?
G.E.’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether
Health Care Reform, a Year Later
The UAW’s Mid-East Model? UAW’s King Recruits Global Activists to Assault Foreign Automakers
Economic Illiteracy Has a Name: Keynesianism
Three states considering taxing electric cars to compensate for lost gas taxes
Choose Yourself
Issa wants details on FCC White House visits
"I need NOW’s defense, like a fish needs a bicycle." Sarah Palin's joke writers are better than Bill Maher's.
The ‘We’re Not In Charge’ Kabuki
A glimpse of a future with Obamacare
CBO: Taxing mileage a 'practical option' for revenue enhancement
The Black Middle Class Exodus from Detroit
Harsanyi: When can we call it terror?
The Weiner Waiver Wormhole
Wisconsin's anti-union bill headed to state high court
Palin on the Media: ‘The Truth is Always Worth Fighting For’
In Malawi, the toll of U.S. budget-cutting
Democrat Senator: Republicans "Don't Deserve" Constitutional Freedoms
Useful Idiots and the Last Refuge of Reactionary Environmentalism
Obama’s Anti-Energy Policy Is Destroying American Jobs
Antiwar Senator, War-Powers President Like all of his predecessors, this president has realized why the Constitution vested certain powers in the executive branch: Only it can act with dispatch.
GOP Senators Agree to Push Balanced-Budget Amendment
More Make-Believe Right-Wing Extremism from DHS
The Debt Dilemma
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Daily Round-Up 03-23
Former SEIU Official Details Plan to Crash Stock Market, Redistribute Wealth
DOJ Memo Confirms Terrorists Have Crossed the Border. PJM reveals a court filing showing that federal prosecutors have admitted a terror threat involving an Al-Shabaab human smuggler who claimed asylum.
Armstrong Williams - Race Relations Progress in America
Looking at today’s society, systemic racism within the American populace is largely dead. What racism remains is often fomented by government policies that, while well intentioned, have created resentment and threaten those it is means to help with the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. In the end, this can only prove destructive.
The Survival of Culture
Nine Out of Ten Isn't Bad
Allen West Channels Harry Reid
Donald Trump To Obama: Show The Birth Certificate
Judicial Watch Goes to Court to Protect AZ Illegal Immigration Law
2012 GOP hopefuls meet with popular NJ gov
General Bad Behavior 03-23
DOJ Memo Confirms Terrorists Have Crossed the Border. PJM reveals a court filing showing that federal prosecutors have admitted a terror threat involving an Al-Shabaab human smuggler who claimed asylum.
Gaffney Doesn't Buy Judge's Alibi in Shariah Case
The Cheek of Araby
Iran Orders Attacks on Saudi Interests Worldwide. Furious over Bahrain, Iranian leaders are openly recruiting suicide bombers to strike at the kingdom
“13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms.” From the Halls of Montezuma, Update
Speaking of illegal immigration - Hispanics Now Majority In Texas Public Schools
We hate you. Now give us your kids so that we can turn them against you.
A neighbor who's family is in Egypt tells us his sister is in daily fear of being attacked for being Coptic. This really must stop. Egypt’s Islamist Equation Coptics have been in Egypt for 2,000 years and have every right to live there in peace.
Corporate Welfare
New Jersey court reverses Governor Christie’s budget cuts to public school aid
Failing Upward in Criminal Justice. The prosecutor who wrongly put a paraplegic in prison wants to be a judge.
Documents Reveal TSA Research Proposal To Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers
Shariah Law in America: The Islamists' Plan To Destroy Us From Within
Are You Kidding Me?!?
A ‘Unique’ Form of ‘Terrorism’
DOJ Memo Confirms Terrorists Have Crossed the Border. PJM reveals a court filing showing that federal prosecutors have admitted a terror threat involving an Al-Shabaab human smuggler who claimed asylum.
Gaffney Doesn't Buy Judge's Alibi in Shariah Case
The Cheek of Araby
Iran Orders Attacks on Saudi Interests Worldwide. Furious over Bahrain, Iranian leaders are openly recruiting suicide bombers to strike at the kingdom
“13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms.” From the Halls of Montezuma, Update
Speaking of illegal immigration - Hispanics Now Majority In Texas Public Schools
We hate you. Now give us your kids so that we can turn them against you.
A neighbor who's family is in Egypt tells us his sister is in daily fear of being attacked for being Coptic. This really must stop. Egypt’s Islamist Equation Coptics have been in Egypt for 2,000 years and have every right to live there in peace.
Corporate Welfare
New Jersey court reverses Governor Christie’s budget cuts to public school aid
Failing Upward in Criminal Justice. The prosecutor who wrongly put a paraplegic in prison wants to be a judge.
Documents Reveal TSA Research Proposal To Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers
Shariah Law in America: The Islamists' Plan To Destroy Us From Within
Are You Kidding Me?!?
A ‘Unique’ Form of ‘Terrorism’
Bad Politician Bad 03-23
President Obama Job Approval
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Latest Polls - Elections
Has Obama Taken the Imperial Presidency to a Greater Height than Bush?
Remember when bombing Muslim countries was a BAD thing?
If Obama was just going to be Bush, anyway…
Fact: Bush Had 2 Times More Coalition Partners in Iraq Than Obama Has in Libya
Understanding Obama: His One-World View and Foreign Policy. Did Obama really dither indecisively over the Middle East crises, or were his delays all part of the plan?
Jon Stewart Skewers Obama on Libya
President Reticent
Let Us Count the Ways . . .
Obama’s quick trip from tyrant to weakling
The First Casualty of War
Watching the Libyan conflict unfold is a study in contrasts. Consider the differences between the invasion of Iraq under President Bush and the attack on Libya under President Obama. The differences between the two presidents and the response to their actions has been rather stark.The White House Guess List: How Obama Pulled a Fast One on the American People – in the Name of ‘Transparency’
Trump may not become President, but Romney, Huckabee, Gingrich and other GOPers can learn from him
Watchdog groups pressure ethics panel to move forward with Waters probe
Video: McCaskill Holds High Dollar NYC Fundraiser, Stonewalls on Tax Scandal AND McCaskill's final airplane bill could include $80,000 in interest AND Claire McCaskill’s Tax Problems Go Far Beyond ‘AirClaire’
Thomas Sowell - Obama Adminstration Is Following the 'Detroit Pattern'
PHOTO QUIZ: Who Looks More Comfortable With Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Obama Or Palin?
Obama’s funny numbers
The Sumi Decision: A Closer Look
Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Reveals Inadequacy At Debate AND Judge Sumi’s Husband Donated to Three of Badger 14 AND Does Wisconsin’s Judge Sumi have a conflict of interest? AND JoAnne Kloppenburg Accepted Donation From Judge Sumi’s Husband AND Scott Walker’s Day(s) in Court
Impeaching Obama
Where's Barack?
Takes one to know one? - Barney Frank Calls Republicans Morally Stupid Bigots
Voters Punish Local Officials for Escalating Property Taxes
The Bullies’ Many Pulpits
BIDEN FLASHBACK: Launching an Attack Without Congressional Approval is an Impeachable Offense
One World Government Obama
Reading The Palin Tea Leaves Is Likely A Futile Endeavor
In Economic Woes 03-23
Lower taxes and a strong dollar could spur growth once again.
Americans losing confidence in government debt
Collectivism and the GAO Report. Collectivism is accomplished behind the politician’s curtain, in the appendixes of contracts nobody reads, comprised of legalese nobody understands.
Government to Blame for Rising Gasoline and Food Prices
$461 million project will speed train trip to Raleigh by 13 minutes
Obama’s funny numbers
America’s secret entitlement program
Tax Foundation: No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S. Does that make our taxation rates more "socialist" than other countries or simply stupider? (Or both?)
And Now House Prices Will Drop Another 20%
Inflation Threatens Economic Recovery. So does this administration.
Obama, General Electric, and Corporate Welfare
US Approaching Insolvency, Fix To Be 'Painful'
Uncle Sam shelling out big bucks for government jobs, GOP says time to cut
Carl's Jr. chewed up by California
The War on Saving
President Obama’s Crony Capitalism
Pension Funding Rules: How Far can They Stretch?
The Case Against Raising the Social Security Tax
Socialism (is) for dummies
Without serious welfare reform, America's debt will worsen and poor will suffer most
From The Detroit News:’s-time-to-curb-welfare-growth#ixzz1HSC3rhPA
Democrats' Fiscal Watchdog West Virginia's Joe Manchin goes nuclear on his own party's profligacy.
New Home Sales Dive to Record Low
Support for Reagan-Era Tax Bill Grows in Washington
Stimulus Disconnect: White House (Again) Calls it a Success, yet There are 7 Million Fewer Jobs for Americans
Why Housing Is Going Through a Double Dip
Dems Dither on Entitlements
Texas Federal Reserve Chair: At this rate "we will become insolvent, the question is when"
USDA funds more fruits and veggies for school kids
America's Accelerating Downward Spiral
Government Treats the Taxpayers Like a Piggy Bank
Economists Warn That Fears of Higher Inflation Spreading
Treasury shoots down Cantor's push for a corporate tax holiday
Insolvency Looms as States Drain U.S. Disability Fund
The 99ers: Addicted To Unemployment
Portugal braces for govt collapse over debt vote. Portugal braces for minority government's collapse as lawmakers ready for key debt vote
Obamacare 03-23
Jindal: No Obamacare Exchange for Louisiana
Rep. Burgess: Obamacare Designed to Fail, Force Socialized Medicine
Majority of Americans Oppose Obamacare
From his lips to God's ears - Price Predicts Court Will Kill Obamacare AND Another Dem lawmaker says Supreme Court may nix individual mandate
America Waking Up to Perils of Obamacare
Obamacare One Year Later: Why America Needs Full Repeal Now
High-Profile Conservative Group Files Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Over Health Care Waivers
A year later, healthcare fight rages
Allen: Obamacare an Unconstitutional "Monstrosity"
ObamaCare and Carey's Heart My daughter probably wouldn't have survived in a system where bureaucrats stifle innovation and ration care. AND Carey’s Heart
Ron Johnson on Obamacare's Anniversary
ObamaCare: The Road to Rationing
How Obamacare repeal really happens
Boehner Vows to Euthanize Obamacare; Dem and White House Life Support Unplugged
Obamacare: One Year Later, Even Less Popular
Obamacare: So many promises, so little truth
Health Care Law Imposes Medicaid and Spending Burden on States
Why Mitt Will Never Be President, Exhibit A
What Does the FDA Avastin Decision Mean for Patients?
Starbucks CEO rethinks health law
President Obama’s Health Plan at Year One -- What’s to Celebrate?
America loses under health spending law
Junk Science 03-23
I think my head just exploded - Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power. Wow, from Moonbat this is astonishing (in a good way).
Too Much Green For Green
Thinking Local
EPA’s Greenhouse Power Grab: Baucus’s Revenge, Democracy’s Peril. Adopting the Baucus amendment would put Congress's legislative stamp of approval on EPA's end-run around the legislative process.
Krauthammer’s Take
Drilling Ken Salazar
Bastard won't drill here but... Obama: Drill, Brazil, Drill!
The Evil Empire Strikes Back: Google ‘Flags’ Website Skeptical of Global Warming
Media Bias 03-23
NYT Conservative Book Ban Backfiring, Huckabee Best-Seller Reinstated
David Weigel smugly mouths a most despicable theory of presidential power.
A degenerate lack of interest.
Looking at the Beeb
Our reader further writes, “The people who claim to be feminist and pro-gay” — i.e., the crew at the BBC — “oppose the one country in the Middle East that does not subjugate women and persecute gays. What does that tell you?” PlentyCITIZEN JOURNALIST CONFRONTS McCASKILL – Air Claire Takes Flight (Video)
USA Today Rewrites Strategy to Cope with Internet
Media Matters boot camp readies liberal policy wonks for the camera’s close-up
MSM Ignores Palin’s Successful Israel Trip, When They’re Not Digging Her for It
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Editor On WI Union Violence: ‘You Reap What You Sow’
Union vs. Union? LA police union wants San Diego Union-Tribune editorial writers fired
Andrew Sullivan, Predictable as Clockwork
Beware Social Media's Dark Side, Scholars Warn Companies
But why would you want to get your news from them in the first place? That was quick: Four lines of code is all it takes for The New York Times’ paywall to come tumbling down
Dear Media Matters: Get A Clue
Big Union/Leftie Groups 03-23
Organized Left Plan Massive Protests for April 4th
Putting the Left’s Ethics Smears in Perspective—Part 3
Former SEIU Official Details Plan to Crash Stock Market, Redistribute Wealth
“We Are at War” – NEA’s Plan of Attack
Union vs. Union? LA police union wants San Diego Union-Tribune editorial writers fired
When Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown says that “card check”–organized labor’s proposal to let union organizers avoid secret-ballot elections– is dead, “card check” is dead
‘Organize Or Die’ in Florida
Exactly what "expertise" will we be losing? Public Employees Rush to Retire Pay Cuts, Fear of Losing Benefits Trigger Exodus; Governments Save Money, but Lose Expertise.
How the Left Got Libya Wrong
Consumer advocates: FCC should require more disclosure on political ads You know, I would LOVE to know where all the money for all those left-wing based attack ads come from.
Planned Parenthood/Abortion Scandal 03-23
Caught in the Planned Parenthood Trap
72-hour wait between consultation and abortion, just enacted in South Dakota. Instapundit says he considers this as reasonable a waiting period as that for buying a gun and far be it from me to argue with Mr. Reynolds. (Although the first preference would be deciding against an abortion right away.)
Limits protect the unborn
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Facebook Round-Up 03-22
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan, Crash The Stock Market, And Redistribute Wealth In America
Krugman Completely Misrepresents Herbert Hoover as Well as British Economy
Are Republicans Winning the Budget Battle but Losing the Budget War
New IPCC lead author, one word: strange
Someone Is Setting ‘Hipster Traps’ in New York
As Japan Crisis Unfolds, Energy Secretary Steven Chu Fails Nuclear and Leadership Test
CEI Launches Labor Policy Congressional Scorecard. New Scorecard Rates Congressmen on Pro-Worker Issues
Monday, March 21, 2011
Afternoon Update 03-21
Who Runs the Democratic Party? I know, I Know!! Tax Cheats
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., Failed to Pay $287,000 in Property Taxes on Aircraft
Democratic Heavyweights Shun Pelosi’s Obamacare Event
Gas tax increase or budget gimmick?
Lugar’s Sugar Fix
Liberal Media Stunned: Analysis Shows Emails to Governor Walker Favored His Bill
WATCH: SEIU Protesters Take Over Bank Headquarters
Governor Caught Using State Jet for Campaign Events
Poll: Economy, deficit top US worries
The Struggle to Sell Obamacare
Obama Gets a ‘Failing Grade’ on Transparency
E-Verify Yourself
Existing-Home Sales Plunge, Setback for Housing Recovery
Autopilot Programs Will Squeeze Out Everything Else
Obama: Consistently Anti-American
Righthaven lawsuits backfire, reduce protections for newspapers
Do a Majority of Americans Support Gay Marriage?
How the Left Keeps Drones In Line: the Origin of Fox News Attacks
Daily Round-Up 03-21
Holder Must GO! - The Justice Department Fix Is In. The long-awaited internal report on the New Black Panther voter intimidation dismissal is done, and sensible Americans aren’t going to be happy.
Marco Rubio continues to impress
Honoring all our World War I heroes
Otter signs Idaho teachers union, merit pay bills
Ron Paul to highlight pet themes with US Mint program hearing
Reid: Rider on Planned Parenthood won't be included in budget deal
No Compromise on Defunding Planned Parenthood
Fighting Corruption/TEA Party News 03-21
SEIU Hit With RICO Lawsuit, Blames Hunton and Williams and…Koch Brothers
Tea Partiers don’t care about race
The Democratic Party Versus the Tea Party. The Democrats consider the Tea Party and its grassroots activists to be on another planet, and bitterly oppose everything they believe in ... like balancing the budget.
The Right’s Divide Is the party leadership wimping out? Or should the Tea Partiers calm down a bit? It's the party not the partiers.
Alert the Media: This Tea Party Ain’t Over Yet
Obamacare 03-21
Year 2 of Obama's health reform promises more political fights
Nothing short of repeal will save the states
Health Entitlement Spending 2010 - 2021
Health Law Waivers Draw Kudos, and Criticism Mostly critisicm.
Reforming the Reforms: Why the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Will Require Substantial Reform
Waivers: ObamaCare’s Worst Feature?
How to Speed Up the Drug Approval Process. America can’t afford to have a health care system where it is acceptable to let people suffer or die due to delay in receipt of drugs.
Attempting to defend the indefensible - Health reform backers ready defense
Obama's health care reform is unhealthy for hospitals
Failing to Protect Our Own in America's Nursing Homes
The Obamacare Legacy of Centralization and Bureaucracy
The Good News Is 03-21
Otter signs Idaho teachers union, merit pay bills
Tiger Mother, Meet Lion Dad!
Welfare reform plan aims to cap spending
Supreme Court Lets Fed Bailout Records Release Stand
Sarah Palin In Jerusalem
SEIU Hit With RICO Lawsuit, Blames Hunton and Williams and…Koch Brothers
Now Saudis take to the streets to demand the release of prisoners held without trial
Priebus: GOP’s Debt in Decline
Are Charter Schools the Education Solution?
Canadian gas technology goes global
Why Obama Went to Brazil There's a chance to build a new foreign policy alliance that disdains dictators like Hugo Chávez Yes, but is that likely?
What a God-inspired foreign policy looks like
Righthaven loses second fair use ruling over copyright lawsuits
Senators Hold Key To Stopping Obama Attack on For-Profit Schools
General Bad Behavior 03-21
Civil Rights for Me, But Not for Thee
China Takes Hard Line on Activists, Many Missing
Voluntary Nutritional Labeling on Alcohol Is the Best Recipe
Socialist Thought Has Crippled Black America
J'accuse The "Libya Lobby" and "Libya Firsters"
Is There an Arab Spring?
Critics contend Assistant Attorney General Loretta King guided more by racial politics than the law
Only Their Parents Can Save Black Children.
Saturday Night Card Game ("I didn't call you racist, I just pointed out you're white")
Feds, teachers to stalk your kids on Facebook now?
Little-Known Colleges Exploit Visa Loopholes to Make Millions Off Foreign Students
Board of Aldermen Candidate Alleges Wrongdoing, Calls for Investigation of Missouri State Trooper (Part 2)
Diversity or Safety? Justice Dept. Orders Lower Standards for Police Exam. The DOJ ordered the Dayton Police Dept. to lower the passing score for an entrance exam when not many minorities passed. As a cop, I know what happens next and the consequences could be deadly.
Wisconsin Judge Maryann Sumi and Her (SEIU, AFL-CIO) Political Operative Son
How Political Lies Spread
Bad Politician Bad 03-21
President Obama Job Approval
Top Dem Strategist: Soaring Prices Will Sink Obama in 2012
Obama’s ‘Openness’ a Transparent Lie. The media and Congress finally discover the truth.
The Great Barack & War Swindle AND What I like about Obama
Megalomania The comments are awesome.
"[I]f Bush should have been impeached, Obama should be impeached." Says Ralph Nader.
The Assault on the Law in Wisconsin
Critics contend Assistant Attorney General Loretta King guided more by racial politics than the law
Ummmm.... "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?" Farrakhan Blasts Obama For Calling For Qaddafi to Step Down (Video)
A staggering absence of leadership
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Enters Third War
Obama Rex
Left wheel of Obama bandwagon falls off
Civil Rights for Me, But Not for Thee
Supreme Court Lets Fed Bailout Records Release Stand
National Sunshine Week: New Report Shows How to Bring More Open Government to California
Some Obama Milestones
Socialist Thought Has Crippled Black America
Andrew Sullivan: 'I Don't Know Why Anybody Voted for Obama in the Primaries - It's a Clintonian Mess' AND So, How Did Rube Andrew Sullivan Really Do?
Good Lord he is such a tool - At campaign event Biden mentions rape in criticizing Republicans And then... "President Obama has tapped Biden to be his lead negotiator with congressional Republicans on the budget."
Nine states expected to be central to battle for Senate, presidency
America Through the Looking Glass
Diversity or Safety? Justice Dept. Orders Lower Standards for Police Exam. The DOJ ordered the Dayton Police Dept. to lower the passing score for an entrance exam when not many minorities passed. As a cop, I know what happens next and the consequences could be deadly.
How Political Lies Spread
Obama the Appeaser
Shailagh Murray latest journalist to join Obama administration
House, Senate Dems break from Obama's tax policy for wealthy
With Obama in Brazil and Biden fundraising, U.S. voters give them record low approval on the economy
Obama vs. Obama on War Justification
Wisconsin Judge Maryann Sumi and Her (SEIU, AFL-CIO) Political Operative Son
The Big Dither. Obama was right to back a no-fly zone over Libya. But he should have done it weeks ago.
Like that's a bad thing - Dem senator breaks with his party and Obama, again
U.S. ambassador to Mexico resigns after WikiLeaks revelations
Barney Frank: Obama might not have stomach for fight over Elizabeth Warren
If the Founding Fathers could see Obama now The President's reluctance to act over Libya signals a new worrying direction for the United States, says Janet Daley.
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