Trump inaugurates a new era
46 minutes ago
Politics And One Mother With A Keyboard. Because in front of every informed voter is a frightened politician.
Looking at today’s society, systemic racism within the American populace is largely dead. What racism remains is often fomented by government policies that, while well intentioned, have created resentment and threaten those it is means to help with the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. In the end, this can only prove destructive.
Watching the Libyan conflict unfold is a study in contrasts. Consider the differences between the invasion of Iraq under President Bush and the attack on Libya under President Obama. The differences between the two presidents and the response to their actions has been rather stark.The White House Guess List: How Obama Pulled a Fast One on the American People – in the Name of ‘Transparency’
Our reader further writes, “The people who claim to be feminist and pro-gay” — i.e., the crew at the BBC — “oppose the one country in the Middle East that does not subjugate women and persecute gays. What does that tell you?” PlentyCITIZEN JOURNALIST CONFRONTS McCASKILL – Air Claire Takes Flight (Video)