My husband's article in The Washington Times - EPA's ginormous power grab
And his article in Investor's Business Daily - God Bless The People Of Coal Country
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
Health Care's History of Fiscal Folly. Expanding health coverage busted state budgets. Will it bust the federal budget too?
What's Barbara Boxer Scared Of? I hope it's Mickey Kaus.
National Backlash Against Public Pensions
Union Thuggery and Theatrics: When is Enough Enough Already?
As National Bargaining for 100,000 Union Members at Kaiser Permanente Begins... SEIU-UHW Members Tell Kaiser: Keep Your Hands Off Our Healthcare Benefits
Want to Understand Lack of Public School Teacher ‘Accountability?’ Look to How Their Union’s Union Operates
PJTV Video - A Crisis Of Consent: Rep. Thaddeus McCotter On A Government Gone Wrong
Ultra-Rich Leftists Want to Atone for their Guilt by Paying Higher Taxes…And They Want to Impose their Neurotic Views on the Rest of Us
Henry Waxman is confused and afraid
When Liberals Attack: Leftist Union Protester Attacks Tea Partier at Fort Lauderdale Townhall Meeting
HCR: Pelosi tells the simple-minded American people not to worry our pretty little heads about it
Alderman Edward Burke: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago-Part 1
Obama’s Increased Use of Death From the Skies, Where’s the Anti-War Left?