Obama OK's Targeted Assassination of Awlaki, a U.S. Citizen AND
Assassinating Awlaki Wait. Foreign terrorists have the right to trial in American courts but an American terrorist can be assassinated? I think this sort of thinking explains why Obama never allowed his school transcripts to be released.
He is a corrupt scumbag who needs to go -
Critics Blast Holder for Stalling Voting Rights ProbeRealClearPolitics Poll AveragesBWAHAHAHA -
Congressional Job ApprovalBetter Pay Attention Dems -
Direction of CountryElection 2010 PollsTop House Dem: Latinos view Obama with 'suspicion'Why the Democratic Party Clings to RacismAs I've said repeatedly, I wanted Ken Blackwell for RNC Chairman badly enough I called RNC headquarters to put my two cents in, but did they listen to me? Noooo.
Fear and loathing in the RNCBut don't call it bribery -
Specter claims Reid deal for Judiciary chairPlease Dear Lord, let him unseat her!
Can This Blogger Unseat Barbara Boxer? A blogger triumphing over that sorry sack of human waster would be lovely. She was once rude to my husband you know. AND
Boxer's luck runs out for this year's Senate runSpeaking of politicians who should be voted out of office -
'Riot Is the Voice of the Unheard' Tea-party foe Maxine Waters once made excuses for real political violence. Hypocrite and moron, it's a lovely combination.
Rangel to get another primary challengerWatchdog eyes abuse of congressional travel expenses PJTV Video (Trifecta) -
17: The Number of Minutes it Took Obama to Answer Whether or Not We're Taxed Too MuchFrankly anyone with real world work experience would be better than any of these jokers -
Republican candidates moving from the boardroom to the campaign trail in '10Leahy Refuses to Delay Hearing for Controversial Judicial Nominee.
Democrats refused Wednesday to delay the confirmation hearing for one of President Obama's most controversial judicial nominees a day after Republicans slammed the candidate for failing to initially disclose more than 100 of his speeches, publications and other background materials. This is yet another clear indication that the democrats are both terrified and well-aware that they will most likely be voted out of office in November and must cram as much as they can before they lose their jobs. If they concentrated on representing their constituents rather than representing their own personal careers, their careers might last longer.
The “Social Justice” Fallacy? Wolves in Sheep’s ClothingHannity's Right: Obama Is a Socialist Exploiting the crisisSpeaking of exploiting a crisis, this is rotten -
Mining disaster for political advantageDem Strategists Have It WrongNice.
In Pennsylvania, Obama underwater, Toomey leadsA school-choice advocate adds some needed interest to the Democratic primaryWake-Up folks -
How Technology Changed American Politics in the Internet Age
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