AND for better pumpkins to look at here's 20 Movie Villain Pumpkin Carvings
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Just A Few More

Night of the Living Government ... DC Zombies Will Tax You To Death!!
GOP on health care: In 568 words, what's wrong with 1,990 pages I like the ideas contained in those 568 words a whole lot better than anything in Obamacare's 1,990 pages.
Dede Dumps Herself *UPDATES BELOW An excellent round-up and defense of the Dump Dede/Support Hoffman movement in NY23
‘Truth to Power’ The truth is the Obama administration is the power.
Jerry Brown Must Fire Flack Who Secretly Taped Reporters. AND original CalBuzz story here.
Right-wing women rock. Looking at the shoes tells a lot about a female's political persuasion.
No need for transparency. Senator Harry Reid’s Vapor Bill
The Pelosi Plan ... and the Swine Flu Democrats.
Happy Halloween!
Our son is so ready, he's wearing last years costume to breakfast.
(Mean Mommy (me) won't let him were is new Transformer Bumblebee costume until this evening.)
Have a wonderful and safe time trick-or-treating and I'll post pictures of my 10 (that's right, ten) jack o'lanterns tomorrow.
Also - Be Very Afraid: 9 Oddest Phobias
Random Round-Up 10-31 Part Two

There was more stuff out there than I thought.
The Detroit 'Ummah' and Radical Islam in America
Because we need more czars in America - Pelosi bill creates Health Care Super Czar
Inquiry Launched Into Group That Sought to Disclose Voting Records
Obama DOJ shovels out more grist for foreign prosecutions of Bush officials
Schools Are Where Stimulus Saved Jobs, New Data Show AND Ms. Rhee on trial. The D.C. Council seems to worry about everyone but students
Job Creation, Transparency, and Mistakes
Capture and escape. What a kidnapped reporter reveals about the Taliban.
Investigators Dig for More Bodies at Ohio Sex Offender's Home After Possible Remains Found. The scary thing is this Sex Offender is still on the loose!
Malpractice in the Health-Care Bill
Cap 'n Trade Update Part I
Cap-n-Trade Update Part II
Cap-n-Trade Update: Part III
An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi and Robert Gibbs
Random Round-Up 10-31 Part One

HOORAY!!BREAKING: Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign AND Hoffman Speaks On Dede Dropout, Siena Poll
In other election news - Man who claimed to be with Corzine's re-election campaign arrested on drug charges
And The CNN Winners Are… (these are hilarious!)

Dr. Ron Paul calls Obama's H1N1 swine flu program a 'total failure' But the running of all Americans' healthcare via that same government, that will work out just fine.
A 1,990-Page Medical Monstrosity AND Masterfleece Theater
Path clears for House to OK compromise health bill
The Pelosi-Reid train wreck
Eye opening videos about how Democrats view reform
Pelosi Health Care Bill Blows a Kiss to Trial Lawyers
Republicans Are Offering Better Solutions to Lower Health Care Costs
High-stakes healthcare
Government Still Trying to Take Over Health Care
Memo: It's officially safe to criticize Barack Obama.
Flu Shot Shortage Shows Government Incompetence

Dozens of House members scrutinized, report shows
Newly disclosed emails link White House directly to NEA politicalization scandal AND Surprise! 'Kumar' in the Middle of NEA Scandal
ACORN Video Creates New Conservative Star AND AG opens probe into ACORN video flap
Too Small to Lead AND Breaking Promises
He Came, He Saw, He Kowtowed
To surge, or not to surge
Getting Radical
Obama Administration Invokes State Secrets Privilege…Again
A Tip On Using the White House Visitor Logs, Just Posted AND Obama names 110 White House visitors - Most guests still hidden
Iowahawk Endorses
Councilwoman Karin Uhlich apologizes to Tea Partiers for sexual slander. Good.
Falling fertility. This is not necessarily a bad thing when fertility falls due to rising income rather than the eugenic-like proposals environmentalists suggest. (Bonus, rising income = falling fertility wipes those enviro proposals off the board. Too bad the jokers at the Economist still feel compelled to bang that drum.) AND Exaggerated claims undermine drive to cut emissions, scientists warn.

Boeing Heads South For Better Business Climate: Washington State Politicians Are Surprised?
he Great Depression And The Great Recession
What Do You Mean the Federal First-Time Home-Buyer Tax Credit Attracts Fraud?
Seriously, Stop Worrying About Hyperinflation
Pork Report October 30, 2009: A Caboose To Nowhere Edition
TIGTA: IRS Is Not Properly Monitoring $34b of Contracts
Politicians Fiddle While America’s Corporate Tax System Burns
Taxing the Middle Class with Soda Taxes
The Economy is Growing. Right. And I Don’t Have a French Accent.
Shariah and "Marriage"
Why This Liberal Democrat Wants Corzine to Lose
I'm a wimp and don't watch scary movies (weirdly I can handle pscho-dramas like Henry, Portrait of a Seriel Killer) but my husband like 'em so here - The 100 Top Horror Movies of All Time from
Hollywood Comrades. Why the Soviets were such lovable movie villains.
Europe’s Selective Outrage about Anti-Semitism
More Conservatives, But No Republicans
Olympics Committee or Athletic Nanny State?
Friday, October 30, 2009
In Economic Woes 10-30

Pork Report October 29,2009: National Science Foundation Edition
Pork Report October 28, 2009: Taxpayer Subsidies All Around Edition
Actually, Case-Shiller Shows That The Housing Crash Has Already Resumed

"Distress Index" Says Things Still Terrible Despite GDP Bump
White House: Data Likely to Credit Stimulus for 650,000 Jobs. That's IT?!? That's the government taking a billion tax dollars and only creating one louse job. ARGHHH!
Some more idiotic things All Financed By The American Taxpayer
Death Cometh for the Greenback
George Soros launches a $50 million effort to purge economics of its free-market. What a terrible thing to do.
The GDP Mirage. By overlooking cuts in research and development, product design, and worker training, GDP is greatly overstating the economy's strength.
Celebrating and Capitalizing on Our Misery
All Falling Down . . .
That's gonna cost us. Government Takeover of Charities Next
Gasparino Skewers Government Policy As a Major Contributor to the Financial Crisis AND Fannie and Freddie’s Starring Role in the Housing Debacle
Reinflating the Housing Bubble: Making the Same Mistake Again
Here's to hoping. Growth Figures Demonstrate Economy’s Ultimate Resilience

Stimulus dollars going to accused contractors. More than $1.2 billion awarded to firms on watchdog's list.
From Coast to Ghost: Is the California Dream Dead?
Any Economic Recovery Will Likely Be Ephemeral
‘Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy AND Stimulus jobs overstated by thousands

Corruption Daily Round-Up 10-30

Democrats Ask New Jersey Secretary of State to Ignore Mismatched Signatures on Absentee-Ballot Requests. WHAT?!? AND Voter Fraud in New Jersey
Speaking of voter fraud. More Census: While Dems Block Citizenship Question, the Mexican Government Urges Mexicans To Participate.
A Two-fer - Obamacare issue AND corrupt-thinking. At key moment, Obama leaves health post unfilled.
Three Envelopes. Actually there's lots of stuff Obama is leaving unfulfilled.
ObamAmerica: Reign of the Czars AND The Pay Czar Is Unconstitutional. Kenneth Feinberg hasn't been confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Apparently there is one way to get into Obama's administration - The Chicago way. Top Obama fundraisers get posts.
Taxpayer-Funded Research Helps Congressmen Become More Popular. Yup, that's exactly how I want my tax dollars used.
7 on defense panel scrutinized. Separate probes focus on ties to lobbying firm founded by Hill aide AND Dozens in Congress under ethics inquiry AND Ethics panel starts probes of 2 Dems, gets hacked
Net Neutrality For Campaign Donors's Nanny of the Month for October 2009
The White House Stupidly Goes To War With Car Web Site What can I say? They're dumbasses.
Now if they only had a brain. The Straw Men of the Left
Jeb Bush: Obama trying to 'attack capitalism'
He's a class act that Holder. Attorney General Eric Holder Tries to Kill a TV ad for School Vouchers.
A Self-Sacrificing Soldier, a Self-Interested President
The Obama White House: Bundlers' Paradise
We're Governed by Callous Children
New Hampshire Spends Stimulus Money on Arts Programs
Gasparino Skewers Government Policy As a Major Contributor to the Financial Crisis
I loved this scene from Coupling (didn't care for the series itself overall though) when I first saw it on BBC America.
Government Takeover of Charities Next
Fair Justice.
Senator Alexander: Obama's Enemies List & How Not to Make Friends in Washington
Obama's Man at the NEA
We Are Living in an Ayn Rand Novel
Thomas Sowell - Dismantling America: Part II
President Obama has had only a minimal impact on race relations
Who's Pulling Obama's Strings? Is a new narrative starting to build? Is David Axelrod beginning to emerge as Geppetto to President Obama’s Pinocchio?

Time Inc. Pink Slips. It's pink-slip Time 6% of workforce to be gone by Thanksgiving
New CNN Slogans Cheap
CNN: We Report, You Turn On FoxNews To Find Out What Really HappenedAnd there's more.
CNN: Where Glenn Beck Used To Work
CNN: The Most Trusted Name In Sniggering Denigrations of Normal Americans
CNN: Because No News Is Good News
CNN: The President Likes Us; He Really, Really Likes Us
These Are the Times That Try Men’s Blogging Souls
Why Liberal Journalists are Joining the Obama Administration’s Attack on Fox News
About damn time. Democrat defends Fox News
Gray Lady Sings the Blues: NY Times Leads Newspapers in Death Spiral
Is Dissent ‘Legitimate’? Not According to Campaign Finance Laws
Why Did You Bypass These Juicy ACORN Nuggets?
TV's Increasing Female Body Count
Bertha Lewis and the Campaign to DeFox America
Alleged Corruption In Obama’s Working Families Party: ‘Inside The DFS Experience’
NUTBUSTERZ Launched To Expose Working Families Party/ACORN Scam
How about FOREVER with no federal funds? ACORN – 50 More Days Without Federal Funds This isn't going away and if you don't kill ACORN, your political career won't look so healthy in 2010.
Big Labor’s Selfish Healthcare Motivation Another two-fer, bad Obamacare decisions coupled with all the honesty Big Labor brings.
Why You Should Care About CAIR….

C-SPAN Video of my husband's Senate testimony. Senate Environment Cmte. Hearing on Climate Bill - Day 3 He comes in at 18:15. (I love him!) And by the way Boxer is spectacularly wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
My husband's Testimony at the Legislative Hearing on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act
Cap 'n Trade Update AND Cap-n-Trade Update Part II
AstroTurfing and Global Warming: The Testimony You’re Not Supposed to Hear
Senior House Democrat questions role of White House in EPA chemical testing

Terrific - Obama's State Department just forced a democracy to re-install a thief and thug. Outrgeous, wrong, and despicable. Honduran government caves into US pressure, agrees to Zelaya’s restitution. AND Deal Reached in Honduras to Restore Ousted President
Takes one to know one. Gore Vidal: Thirteen-year-old Roman Polanski rape victim was a 'hooker'
Here's Some Real Hate Speech for You
Dem Yankees: Taking the Obama-rometer to the Sidewalks of New York
Open Season on Jews: Two Men Shot At Prayer in Los Angeles
Another Nail in the Coffin of Russian Democracy
The Turks, the Supreme Leader, and the Iranian people
Democracy is Shrinking in DC

New York 23: When a Nation Calls I was inspired and slightly moved to tears by Mr. Hennessey's description of the power of the TEA Party movement. Thank you sir.
Tea Parties Strike Back Edition
Hoffman, Owens, Scozzafava Debate AND GayPatriot endorses Hoffman - Doug Hoffman for Congress AND Pataki endorses Hoffman AND more here.
Virginia GOP Poised for Big Comeback From your lips to God's ears please. AND Too small to lead
Governor’s Race Neck and Neck in High Tax New Jersey. Go Christie Go! AND Chris Christie: 'Man up and say I'm fat'
Pew Political IQ Poll: Republicans Consistently More Knowledgeable. Now tell me something I don't know.
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 10-30

First thing we do to contain costs, kill all the old people. It's alive! End-of-life counseling in health bill.
Obamacare: Startling New Revelations Scare Public

The Unhealthy 'Public Option'. Using government-run health insurance to fix the status quo is like using a brick to improve a window.
Pelosi's bill sucks as much as Baucus's does. CBO Puts House Health Bill Total Cost At $1.055 Trillion. At least they are consistent. You can read the full CBO report in .pdf format here. AND House health bill clocks in at 1,990 pages

Turn Your Head and Cough
Our entire economy is "at risk" with Obamacare. Health care businesses at risk in House overhaul.
SECOND OPINION: Rank Hypocrisy: WHO Plays Politics with U.S. Healthcare Rating

No Free Lunch: The True Cost of ObamaCare
A Two-fer - Obamacare issue AND corrupt-thinking. At key moment, Obama leaves health post unfilled.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I Do Not Like Here
I haven't seen the tape yet but apparently Ms. Boxer was rude to my husband.
No one is rude to my husband except ME.
I'm thinking many, many rude things about Boxer right now. None of which are suitable to print - even on the internet.
No one is rude to my husband except ME.
I'm thinking many, many rude things about Boxer right now. None of which are suitable to print - even on the internet.
Round-Up Delays
I must "de-litter" my daughter's room today.
And as my son has his weekly Occupational Therapy session for his SID, I may not get to posting the round-ups until later this afternoon.
Sorry. But a mom's got to do what a mom's got to do.
(That said, keep an eye on C-SPAN this afternoon. My husband will be testifying before a Senate Committee on how to help poor people.)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
In Economic Woes 10-28 Updated

There's your money in the form of taxes just being tossed down the drain. FEMA says it can't show return on $29 billion in spending AND Tsunami warning funds squandered in American Samoa
NO. NO. NO. GMAC Asks for Fresh Lifeline. Lender in Advanced Talks for Third Slug of Taxpayer Cash -- at Least $2.8 Billion More
Avoiding an American Lost Decade
Economic Freedom Fighters, Unite
Pork Report October 27, 2009: Paying Dead People Edition

Government Waste; Top 50 Examples
Geithner Backstairs Intrigue Awarded $13 Billion Directly to Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch (RIP), Société Générale and Deutsche Bank
New York Fed’s Secret Choice to Pay for Swaps Hits Taxpayers
N.Y. Fed pushed AIG on contracts. After federal bailout, insurance giant lost its leverage with banks
Don't Replay the '70s
Washington's Suicide Mission. The real problem is Washington's riverboat gamble on saving the economy with free money.
GOP Must Not Vote 'Present' on Our Future
Jersey Tax Revolt
A Tale of Two $250s

Money This is Victor Davis Hanson writing so pay attention.
E-Verify Works AND San Francisco Re-Approves Sanctuary City Law Of course they do.
Latest battle in book price wars
What Is the Current Price of a Hired Gun These Days?
Mandatory Savings?
Hearing on Executive Compensation Now
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 10-28 Updated

The Public Option: "Using Free Market Rhetoric to Expand Government Power"
Fraud Puts Insurance Profits in Perspective
Mich. Democrat: Pelosi 'not happy with me' Pelosi wants Obamacare so bad. AND Reid's Bait and Switch Tactics

Hard Counts: There’s a big ‘I’ in ‘Win’ as Reid shops for votes
Joe Lieberman: I'll block vote on Harry Reid's plan This makes me want to move back to Connecticut just to give Joe a big ole hug!
Bravest Congressman is Calling Obama's Bluff

It's the Time to Stop the Abomination of Obamacare
The Parlous Public Option
Defections have some Democrats casting about for Plan B WHAT ABOUT Republican Health Care Solutions
They Might Simply Stop Issues Warning to Democrats Opposed to 'Public Option'. Any Democrat who opposes the government option will lose support from the organization's 5 million members, according to an e-mail sent by the group to its supporters. Isn't that Soros' outfit? AND Co-Opted Competition
The Big Question: What could Democrats gain or lose by tackling the healthcare bill alone?
Democrats struggle to find unity on health plan

Welcome to the Health Care Free Lunch Cafe
Democrats struggle to find unity on health plan
Democrats Divided Over Gov't-Run Health Plans. Moderate Democratic senators who control the balance of power on health care hold their ground, balking at a government-run insurance option as Republicans vow to mount a filibuster
Mandatory Savings?

Lieberman Steps Up. Opposing Reid's public option gambit.
Corruption Daily Round-Up 10-28 Updated

Converting the Preachers. George Soros launches a $50 million effort to purge economics of its free-market zeal. This man is deeply disturbed. AND Issues Warning to Democrats Opposed to 'Public Option'. Any Democrat who opposes the government option will lose support from the organization's 5 million members, according to an e-mail sent by the group to its supporters. So now Soros' pawns are threatening Congress?
FEMA says it can't show return on $29 billion in spending
Tsunami warning funds squandered in American Samoa

Mich. Democrat: Pelosi 'not happy with me' Of course she isn't. You broke into her hidden volcano lair and fought back. How dare you.
With Video - Rep. Shea-Porter: "I Love Alan Grayson and His Moral Compass Is Wonderful to Behold." If that's a moral compass, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Geithner Backstairs Intrigue Awarded $13 Billion Directly to Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch (RIP), Société Générale and Deutsche Bank
Democratic Party Distributed White House Tickets to Donors. The Washington Times reported Wednesday that fundraisers who pledged to individually donate $30,400 or to bundle $300,000 in contributions toward the 2010 congressional elections were promised access to senior White House staff. The White House called the story a "stretch."
This is from the UK's Telegraph by Nile Gardiner (friend). I hope he is right. Barack Obama has failed to defeat conservatism in America
New York Fed’s Secret Choice to Pay for Swaps Hits Taxpayers
Four races test the strength of Obama's majority
Federal Government is Wrong to Keep ACORN in Combined Federal Campaign
SEIU/ACORN Stage Protests Against Banking Industry Meeting In Chicago
Mainstream Media Ignores Juicy ACORN Nuggets
How Dems outmaneuvered GOP on ACORN
Safeguarding the Voter Registration Process

From the Big Book of DUH - Study: More Gov't Funding Of The Press, Less Political Corruption Reporting
VIDEO! Another bad moment for White House in war on Fox
Hate, Hate, Everywhere
White House Bid to Marginalize Critics, Fox News Backfiring. The Oklahoma Republican senator wrote in a column that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's failed attempt last week to round up enough votes to pass a $247 billion plan to shield doctors from steep Medicare cuts shows the administration needs to get serious about the deficit -- and lay off its critics.
Obama Presidency: Bullying from the Pulpit
How the Media Has Failed America on Healthcare Reform–Part II
Outrage: HBO's Larry David Over the Religious Respect Line in Comedic Attempt
Rush Sacked in the Red Zone By MSM
Climate News Network A two-fer from our good friend Mr. Horner. CNN corruptly promoting junk science.
Bias Then and Now
How the FCC and Liberal Churches Are Scheming To Shut You Up

What Price Everything?
City takes aim at Kellogg's advertising
Smart Energy, not smart enough
Climate News Network A two-fer from our good friend Mr. Horner. CNN corruptly promoting junk science.

Those Freakonomics guys have shocked the high priests of science.
Biodegradable Bags for Life
The Modern-Day Race Hustlers. The left has abandoned the philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. for an odious ideology that promotes race envy.
AZ GOP Pols Squash First Amendment Rights.
What Happened to Liberalism?
Dude, you're a governor! Schwarzenegger Sends Hidden 'F--- You' to Critic. A Democratic assemblyman who heckled the governor during a recent event in San Francisco receives a not-so-subtle rebuke creatively hidden within a veto letter
All Independent Candidates Are Not Created Equal

A Lesson Learned in Kabul - being held captive as a woman in a Muslim nation.
Thus, even before I became a feminist in 1967, I had already learned that the (imperfect) West is still a far better place for a woman to live than is the most hospitable, beautiful, wealth-encrusted Muslim country. Friends thought I had married a Prince and gone to live in a fairytale. They did not want too much reality to intrude upon their fantasies.
Thus, at too young an age, I already understood that barbarism and hatred of the Other is indigenous to Islam; it is not caused by Western “evil.” Intra-tribal and religious-sect feuding is a permanent way of life in the wild, wild East.
I could never get anyone in the American civil rights, anti-war, feminist, or post-colonialist movements to understand this. They needed to blame the Big Bad West for the world’s problems. They also needed to identify the developing world as intrinsically innocent, pure, victimized.
PJM Book Club: Blogging Rules for Radicals
‘One Voice Against Socialism’ Inspires Movement
Gallup’s Conservatives and Libertarians
Self-Governance Works
E-Verify Works
Safeguarding the Voter Registration Process
Economic Freedom Fighters, Unite
Bring it. Liberal Group Takes On Hoffman
Giving democracy a dose of clarity
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Random Round-Up 10-27

The flotsam and jetsom I couldn't round-up earlier....
Go here to check out the Carbon Criminals!
Senate Dems short votes for health bill _ for now. Here's to shortness.
Obamanomics Is Not the 'Change' We Need. Obama's Robin Hood theory of economics will set us back at least 20 years for every year he serves in office
Senate Passes Blame By Vote Of 91-8
The United Nations Is Outraged Again, Or: Department of Mideast Static
This Day in American History...
Government Insurance Plan Will Dominate Market, Senate Republicans Warn. As liberal Democrats cheered the inclusion of a government health insurance plan in the Senate bill, Republicans warned that new taxes on insurers will lead to a rise in private plan premiums. As a result, they predicted the government plan will have an unfair price advantage in the marketplace, potentially drawing millions into it whether the customers want it or not.
Reporter In Helicopter Pretty Sure Landslide Down There Somewhere
Sliding down the Opinion Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 29% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11. The President’s Approval Index rating is -4 among women and -17 among men.
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 10-27

57% Say Health Care Plan Will Increase Costs, 53% Say It Will Reduce Quality of Care, 45% Favor Passage
They are willing to lie to you in order to control your vote. Dem health scare's 'phantom' menace.
Senate health care bill to include public option. Could Reid be trying to sabotage the whole reform effort, if so then good. Read further into the article to see how House Democrats are trying to change the name from public option as if a "better" name makes an awful idea any more palatable (and also reveals exactly how dumb they think we are). Perhaps this article makes sense of it all - Harry Reid, shopping for reelection insurance
Why Won't the Public Option Die?
This is why my 2004 Presidental vote was my write-in for Joe Lieberman and Zel Miller. Lieberman says he'll filibuster Reid plan. Bless you Senator Lieberman.
Senate moderates voice concern over public option
Michigan Democrat Leads Effort to Strip Abortion Exemption From Health Care Bill. Rep. Bart Stupak tells Fox News he's rounded up the support of 40 Democrats to support a procedural motion allowing him to insert language into the health care reform bill prohibiting federal funding from paying for abortions.
Health care issues: Penalties for no insurance

Pelosi: Public Option Needs a New Name.
Why Does the "Public Option" Have to Lower Costs?
The Opt-Out Cop Out. AND The Public Option 'Opt-Out' AND Opt-Out
How the Media Has Failed America on Healthcare Reform–Part I
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