I may be sad but I still have my sense of humor.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Slow Day Warning
My father died unexpectedly just almost three months ago. That is why I've been slow about posting. My mother-in-law is very, very ill and my husband is flying to the UK to see her tonight. That is why it will be a slow posting day today and possibly for a few more days. Just an explanation.
GM selling at a loss should tell you something
My husband's article from DailyCaller...
GM selling at a loss should tell you something
GM selling at a loss should tell you something
First, the government is what is known as a “motivated seller.” By offering such a low stock price, the administration is essentially admitting that it has no place in running an auto company. While GM’s financial position is much better than it was when it should have gone bankrupt, the company’s finances are not great. A quick crunch of any of the numbers in the GM prospectus shows the company is not the healthy organization the politicos would have you believe. They have done a poor job running the company, even if they did save it from going under by ignoring the law and throwing billions of dollars at it. The sale prospectus even admits “our (that is, the government’s) disclosure controls and procedures and our internal control over financial reporting are currently not effective.” Hardly a ringing endorsement!Read the whole thing.
Second, they’re not the only ones in the game. The unusual bankruptcy settlement for GM granted a significant portion of the company to the United Auto Workers. The union is in this game too, even though it has no investment to recoup. The UAW is selling around 18 million shares, so it stands to gain about $500 million for its pension fund — at taxpayers’ expense.
Finally, just as with RailTrack, there is considerable political risk involved. If the feds could nationalize GM once, they can do it again. The company admits in its prospectus that “The UST [U.S. Treasury] (or its designee) will continue to own a substantial interest in us following this offering, and its interests may differ from those of our other stockholders.” It suggests that government might interfere in “The selection, tenure and compensation of our management; our business strategy and product offerings; our relationship with our employees, unions and other constituencies; and our financing activities, including the issuance of debt and equity securities.” Furthermore, the government has asserted sovereign immunity, meaning that the IPO is not subject to anti-fraud laws.
Good Lord What A Mortgage Mess
This is as reasonable a demonstration of the mortgage mess we are in as any...

Man Makes Ridiculously Complicated Chart To Find Out Who Owns His Mortgage (CHART)

Man Makes Ridiculously Complicated Chart To Find Out Who Owns His Mortgage (CHART)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Daily Round-Up 11-18

Time for Holder to go AND Holder Should Resign Or Be Fired, and Obama Should Apologize
Exclusive Excerpts From New Black Panther Case Investigation Report (Full Report Due Tomorrow)

Sarah Palin's happiness is what really irks liberals
Report: US Has Large Stores of 'Rare Earth' Materials
America's Third War: Texas Strikes Back

The New York City Council Takes (Bad) Aim at Crisis Pregnancy Centers
The Campaign to Protect Our Illegal Alien Criminals
PJTV Video - Don't Touch My Junk: Napolitano Turns TSA into Department of T&A

Court to Issue Warrant for Assange
Terror-trial travesty
Dear TSA, No Means No AND TSA does not perform psychological evaluations on officers, should they?
Time for Holder to go

Labor to push for China currency bill during lame-duck session
Let's hope note - No union for Transportation Security workers
The New York City Council Takes (Bad) Aim at Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Muslims seek special treatment to elude TSA groping
Illinois Teachers’ Union Wines and Dines Into the Red

Republican establishment needs to stand with the Tea Party

What Sparked the Tea Party
Boehner, Tea Party May Clash Over Ethics Office
Arizona Boycott Over Immigration Finds Mixed Results
Bad Politician Bad 11-18

President Obama Job Approval
Citizens United Likens Pelosi Election to Fruitcake Regifting
Mirengoff on the Socialism Question
And the DREAM Shall Never Die
You've Got Them All Wrong, Mr. President. Obama's misguided view of the independent voter.
Author of DOJ report targeting NJ Governor Chris Christie has history of using position for political purposes, sources say
Oh that Jim Treacher - Be sure to sign the ‘thank you’ card for Nancy Pelosi
With GOP in control of House of Representatives, committees should begin giving public answers

Time for Holder to go And Commentary From InstaPundit -
And making an even bigger mockery of the whole thing is the Administration’s claim of “post-acquittal detention power.” So the whole thing was just a show trial anyway. Ah, remember the fierce moral urgency of change? Apparently, it was the fierce moral urgency of show trials. But that doesn’t get Holder off the hook. He botched a show trial, after all . . .President Bush never attempted "post-acquittal detention power" and yet I haven't heard any "BusHitler" assclowns complain that Obama is doing something far, far worse. Typically hypocritical if you ask me.
PJTV Video - Democrats to Obama: Don't Run in 2012
Carville, Greenberg: White House Doesn’t Get It
The George W. Bush Fixation Obama’s fixation on his predecessor could consume his presidency.
Obama’s Gifts to the GOP
Former U.S. attorney targeted in DOJ report seeks apology, correction
Rahm Residency Issue Grows
GOP governors already looking to 2012 election
Freudian slips may haunt Obama
Ethics chief counsel recommends censure for Rangel
Food Fight Breaks Out in Senate
Media Bias 11-18

Sharpton To Schultz: FCC Should Threaten Radio Stations Carrying Rush
The New York Times, Sarah Palin, and the ‘Gravitas Gap’
Sen. Rockefeller: FCC Should Take FOX News, MSNBC Off Airwaves
MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Pleads for Government-Forced Environmentalism
PJTV Video - What's the Matter With America? (Soros, Huffington, Krugman, Maher, & Olbermann Can't Be Wrong)
The New York Times Calls 70% of Oklahomans Bigots
In Economic Woes 11-18

California Suggests Suicide; Texas Asks: Can I Lend You a Knife?
Silence of the CEOs. Speaking out is now dangerous
Obama's Uncertain Economy No Good for Business
The 2011 Tax Tsunami
The trap of the Federal Reserve's dual mandate

Mitch Daniels’s Next Hurdle Cutting Indiana’s budget even further will be hard, but a newly Republican legislature will help.
Chicago City Pensions are Broke Expect other cities to follow.

McConnell Opposes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill
No Unemployment Extension
Fiscal issues trump social issues by … quite a lot
Big Mac alert!
Tax rates and the sordid soul of the left
Junk Science 11-18
Obamacare 11-18

Repealing Obamacare, state by state
Mitt’s bad medicine
American Health Care and American Productivity: An International Comparison
U.K. government's drug-rationing body can no longer refuse new medicines based on costs. The U.S. should follow suit.
Boehner: GOP will move 'quickly enough' to repeal healthcare law
Joining the ObamaCare Suit Newly elected state officials—and Chris Christie—should sign onto the Florida case..

Perspectives: A referendum on ObamaCare?
New Obama Administration Health Care Guru: Double Counting? What Double Counting?
How does America achieve affordable, accessible, quality health care?
Obama’s ‘Rationer in Chief’ Finally Sits in Judgement Before US Senate
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Random Round-Up 11-17

President Obama Job Approval
Political Hit-Job from Obama's DOJ AND Smoking e-mails?
The Obama administration is propagandizing like it was still 2008, but this time using tax dollars like campaign donations in a way that may not be legal.

Soros Disses Obama
Congressional watchdog group calls on Rangel to resign

Time to stand up and vote all the Rangels out
The secret silencing of a pain treatment activist

The Uncertainty Certainty
The Wages of Spin
TSA to investigate body scan resister Oceanside man took a stand against security, went viral
Why the BBC cannot be trusted on 'Climate Change': the full story
When the history of the greatest pseudoscience fraud in history – aka “Climate Change” – comes to be written, no media organisation, not even the Guardian or the New York Times, will deserve greater censure than the steaming cess pit of ecofascist bias that is the BBC. That’s because, of all the numerous MSM outlets which have been acting as the green movement’s useful idiots, the BBC is the only one which is taxpayer-funded and which is required by its charter to adopt an ideologically neutral position.I like City Journal so here is this - Intellect and Influence in NYC

Pelosi Wins Bid for Leader Despite 43 Defections
Rangel’s Ethics Violations
House Dems cry like little babies who just got spanked, appropriately enough
Sea Life Flourishes in the Gulf The Great Oil Spill Panic of 2010 will go down in history as mass hysteria on par with the Dutch tulip bubble.
The horrible truth starts to dawn on Europe's leaders

States on the brink
Rangel Should Have Worked for the UN
Economies of Scale Don't Apply to Government
Union Members: Where Do Your Dues Go?
GM Benefits from Tax Law Ruling
Who Stole Election Day? Too many voters are making decisions when horse-race coverage dominates the news, attention to issues is limited, and key debates haven't taken place.
Should your state establish an Obamacare health insurance exchange?
Veteran slams VA as ‘worst’ part of injury

He must have found the time by blowing off his job - Obama out with kids book
Walsh wins seat by 291 votes
China’s Economic Miracle Is Over

Obama reassures Dems on tax cuts
Pretty in Pink? Obama’s Dark Night of the Soul
GOP ideas can fix health care reform
ObamaCare to debut in Calif. - will it fly?
Actually, You Do Have a Messaging Problem, When Your Message Is Sheer Arrogance. Marshall McLuhan was right: when it comes to Barack Obama, the medium really is the message
Why Can't Doctors Tell Patients How Much Meds Cost?

DOJ’s Military Voting Mess Continues Post-Election, but Congress Now Paying Attention. If you serve our nation and your ballot came too late or wasn’t counted, let PJM know so we can get the message to Congress. Send your stories to story@pajamasmedia.com.
The big disconnect: D.C. elites think Obama will be reelected, but the public doubts it
Liberty-Loving Latinos Outshine Loud-Mouthed Leftist Latinos. Hispanics owe a debt of gratitude to African Americans for showing us what allegiance to the Democrat Party can bring.

What Is America’s Role in the World?
It's not a message problem

Guilty -- and still whining
Rep. Upton Vows to Fight for Tea Party Principles
Tort Reform (Tort Law Tally)
Roger Ailes Lets Rip
Obama DREAMs of Amnesty. Pushing toward amnesty may seem insane, but this president is a hard edged ideologue who is dipping into his community organizer bag of tricks. And he knows exactly what he's doing.

Why Democrats don't dump Nancy Pelosi
Will residency be the Rahmstopper? Emanuel twice purged from voter rolls

Monday, November 15, 2010
No Justice from the DoJ
Explosive New Justice Department Black Panther Emails
It is now obvious to me why the Obama administration continues to be so secretive regarding the DOJ’s New Black Panther Party decision. These documents show that not only was the New Black Panther Party decision shamelessly politicized by the Obama administration but also that Obama officials lied to cover up the scandal. These documents raise more questions about Attorney General Holder’s involvement as well.Lots of links to source documents. The proof is piling up that Holder, the DoJ, and Obama lied.
Troubled Company or Apocalypse Now?
The Cisco in the Coal Mine
Here’s why Cisco Systems’ bad financial news last week should (maybe) scare the hell out of you.There's more. Read the whole thing and be afraid.
First, in case you missed it, here are the details of the announcement. On Thursday, Cisco stunned both the tech world and the stock market when it cut its sales forecast for the second quarter in a row. Worse, chairman and CEO John Chambers said that the company’s current situation is the result of outside forces beyond the company’s control – in particular, declining orders from cable companies and government agencies.
The market responded quickly and strongly to such depressing news from one of the linchpins of the U.S. economy: the Dow fell nearly 74 points, or 0.7 percent to close at 11,283.10. It could have been a lot worse – at one point in the day trading was down as much as 126 points.
Needless to say, Cisco stock was bloodied as well: it fell $3.97 (more than 16 percent) to $20.52. That instantly erased nearly $24 billion in worth from one of the world’s most valuable companies.
Still, having been buffeted by hard economic times for the last two years, the Cisco announcement was quickly assimilated as just the latest piece of bad news in what seems like an endless run of such bleak corporate announcements. What seemed at the beginning of last summer as the long-awaited start of a turnaround in the U.S. economy, now is beginning to feel like the beginning of a long malaise and a dishearteningly shallow recovery. Even the careful optimism coming from other tech bellwethers like Intel and Google (notably the across-the-board raises and bonuses at the latter) hasn’t been enough to raise spirits in the tech world.
And so, despite the Cisco announcement, both the stock market and the tech world ended the week about where it began, with an attitude of More of the Same. . .and awaiting that one message that will point which way the economy is going to go: towards recovery or a double dip; inflation or deflation, optimism or despair.
Enviros Love Regulations But This Will Hurt
Trojan Horse Law: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
A misguided bill, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, may shut down farmer’s markets and “drive out of business local farmers and artisanal, small-scale producers of berries, herbs, cheese, and countless other wares, even when there is in fact nothing unsafe in their methods of production,” warns legal commentator Walter Olson at Overlawyered.Read the whole thing. I don't know whether to laugh or weep.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Random Round-Up 11-14

President Obama Job Approval
Nailed! ACORN Supervisor Convicted for Election Fraud
Rangel 'raided' PACs for 393G
Name That Party: Another Criminal Democrat Goes Unidentified by Old Media
Time to close the open bar in Washington
The Entitlement Crisis
Heath Shuler discusses run for minority leader with CNN
After Struggles, Obama Seeks Lift in Japan
ABC: So that Obama trip to Asia turned out to be a huge bust, huh?
The Liberal Crisis
PJTV Video - Tony Katz, Comically Speaking: Salt, Sugar and Fat, Oh My! Nanny State Sticks Its Nose in Your Food
Expert: past 10 days have been worst of President Obama's 'political life'
Chris Christie's Star Turn Raises National Prospects, Nearly $9 Million for GOP
I want, I want. I need, I need! Virginia Bill Asks For Tea Party License Plate

Stop Smearing Federalism. From consumer advocacy to gay marriage, liberals routinely embrace federalism. So why do they keep comparing it to slavery?
Experts weigh in: Can the economy be saved?
Missouri Dem warns McCaskill against 'disloyalty' to Obama
Will Stealth Spending Decide the 2012 GOP Presidential Primaries?
Get Ready for the Great MERS Whitewash Bill
Barton denies he is using opposition research to upend Upton challenge
Groups Funded by Soros Network Back Soros
Climbing Mount Publishable. The old scientific powers are starting to lose their grip
A bad news week for AGW proponents
PJTV Video - Red, White & Gadsden Yellow: Tea Party Election Influence with FreedomWorks' Matt Kibbe
Bernanke's relationship with GOP deteriorating over Fed decisions
Obama can't get G-20 nations to follow his lead
Means To An End To Big Spending
Left-Winger Tina Brown Heads Daily Beast/Newsweek Merger; A List of Her Liberal Rantings
Fixing errors online needs some correcting at news organizations

Obama Fudges His Afghan Deadline
America Declines To Lead
Embarrassment in Seoul The world won't follow slow-growth, weak-dollar America.
How's that stimulus workin' for ya? A look back.
In her new reality show, it’s obvious Sarah Palin can work the media
Why Wall Street should fear Sarah Palin
Public pension liabilities pose future threat
CNN Claims No Favorites, But MRC Data Shows Campaign Coverage Skewed Left
'New York Times’ Gushes Over Communist Community Center
Four Reasons to Worry About the Newsweek-Daily Beast Deal.
NY's God-awful GOP
Where Will the G.O.P. Go Digging?
One and done: To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012 AND The WaPo Shivs The One
Axelrod starts Obama's re-election work next year
Class dismissed: Why middle income jobs are not coming back
Bury the Estate Tax for Good

Peggy Noonan - Wrong, Wrong, And Wrong
Surprise, California! Budget Deficit 25 Percent Worse Than a Month Ago
Obama’s Trade Strategy Runs Into Stiff Resistance
Getting our Fiscal House in Order
Can pay, won't pay. America’s most profligate states do not owe as much, proportionately, as Greece. But their politics are just as problematic
American Narcissus. The vanity of Barack Obama
GOP Staking Claim to Obama's Coalition of Voters
Healthcare (October 2010)
Here’s a Woman Fighting Terrorism. With Microloans.
Native American Farmers Shake the Public Money Tree
Fiscal Crises and Imperial Collapse
California's Whooping Cough Epidemic Centered in Rich, White Counties. Only liberal greenies avoid vacinations. Dumbasses.
Obama=Bush? President Obama isn’t the new Carter, but he just might be the new (first) Bush
Study shows reusable bags contain high levels of lead content
Loads of Unions on exemption list - Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010
Long wait for food safety bill may be over
Fed Up: The Cost of Ben Bernanke’s Monetary Kamikaze Mission
Rand Paul: Fiscal commission report doesn't go far enough
Pot and kettle
Shuler on Pelosi: If 'she doesn't step aside, I will challenge her' for top post
Why Isn’t Mexico Rich?
No Camelot 2.0 The decline of liberal idealism.
Media Research Center: Bachmann and other conservative women treated unfairly by mainstream media
“The First Amendment, well how quaint!”
Two Wonks with One Plan About Too Much Debt
Democrats' campaign fortunes rise and fall with Obama's popularity
What the Deficit Commission Draft Ignores
The White House vs. science
The Decider returns to haunt Mr Nuance as George W. Bush eclipses Barack Obama
White House Push-Back on Asia Trip Failure Meme
San Francisco mayor vetoes happy meal ban

Investing in a frenzied market. Certain start-up markets may have gotten too hot, but that should be a reminder for investors to find opportunity where the crowd isn't.
An Open Letter to Republican Freshmen Members of Congress
No Country for Burly Men. How feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs
Barack Obama: the most anti-Israel president ever
We Told You So
Miller: Ballot Fight Rests on Alaska Vote Count
South Park - Obama All Over Again
Is Obama Trying to Turn the Border into the Next ‘Third Rail’? The border is a national security issue, but a defeated Obama is less likely to triangulate than he is to polarize.
Obama panel probes stimulus waste -- at Ritz Carlton
'We're Women. We Were Trained To Be Nice. We Weren't Direct Enough'
The Obamamometer The perfect candidate breaks from script.
Education (September 2010)
This is the Moment
Business community opposes Paycheck Fairness Act
Man up, Media and Open Your Eyes!
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