Freedom is man’s power to exercise his own faculties as he chooses as long as he prohibits no other man from doing the same. Law exists to ensure that no man takes another man’s life - other than in self-defense - or deprives him of his liberty or property. If it is wrong for one man to plunder, then surely it is equally wrong for a group of 20 men to plunder. And if it’s wrong for 20 men to plunder, then it’s equally wrong for 100 million men to plunder - even if they have codified it into law.The above is an excellent quote from an excellent article. Read the whole thing.
Consider, then, the Obamacare individual mandate. It is perhaps the most egregious use of government force in our lifetime, if not our nation’s history. It makes a mockery of American freedom. You cannot be trusted to determine your own health insurance needs, your governing betters declare, so they will take that liberty from you, as well as a good measure of your property. As government-run health care continues its inexorable decay, many of you will ultimately pay with your lives.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Jobocalypse Now?
Hey loser, get a job or else. If Obamacare prevails, then what’s to prevent Obamajobs?
Jobocalypse Now?
Hey loser, get a job or else. If Obamacare prevails, then what’s to prevent Obamajobs?
Freedom is man’s power to exercise his own faculties as he chooses as long as he prohibits no other man from doing the same. Law exists to ensure that no man takes another man’s life - other than in self-defense - or deprives him of his liberty or property. If it is wrong for one man to plunder, then surely it is equally wrong for a group of 20 men to plunder. And if it’s wrong for 20 men to plunder, then it’s equally wrong for 100 million men to plunder - even if they have codified it into law.The above is an excellent quote from an excellent article. Read the whole thing.
Consider, then, the Obamacare individual mandate. It is perhaps the most egregious use of government force in our lifetime, if not our nation’s history. It makes a mockery of American freedom. You cannot be trusted to determine your own health insurance needs, your governing betters declare, so they will take that liberty from you, as well as a good measure of your property. As government-run health care continues its inexorable decay, many of you will ultimately pay with your lives.
Friday, September 16, 2011
New Obama Scandal Breaking
LightSquared: Another Solyndra? A pattern of providing White House support to favored companies — at taxpayer risk — is emerging.
In this case, the company owner happens to be a big Democratic Party donor. And in the pursuit of giving preference to a specific company, the White House undercut a legendary four-star general and potentially undermined U.S. national security. Adding fuel to the explosive story: at one time President Obama was a personal investor, with $50,000 of his own money.The fact that Obama has invested his own money into this company makes the scandal all the more revolting. This man has absolutely ZERO respect for the office of the Presidency. Zero, Zip, Nada.
The company? It’s called LightSquared. And you’re likely to hear more about it in the future. The scandal involves the White House overruling the Pentagon, endangering the American GPS commercial marketplace, and playing favorites to a single company — all to please a well-positioned Democratic donor and advance an Obama pet project.
A disturbing report yesterday by Eli Lake at the Daily Beast charges that the White House pressured U.S. Air Force General William Shelton, commander of the U.S. Space Command, to change his testimony about his opposition to a $14 billion LightSquared wireless internet project. The Space Command and Gen. Shelton warned that LightSquared could cripple the Pentagon’s Global Positioning System (GPS). Lake writes that the White House took sides in favor of LightSquared and against the Pentagon:
Shelton’s prepared testimony was leaked in advance to the company. And the White House asked the general to alter the testimony.
Other commercial industry figures agreed that the new wireless system could interfere with aviation safety, disrupt military and rescue operations, and interfere with high-tech farming equipment and consumer navigation devices.
I'd Like To See This "Jobs" Bill Passed!
Call your Congressional Representatives (Contact here and here) and demand they pass THIS American Jobs Act today!
Tea party congressman beats Obama to ‘American Jobs Act of 2011′; bill would eliminate corporate taxes
This Act may be cited as the ''American Jobs Act of 2011''.
(a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (b) of section 11 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows:
(b) "AMOUNT OF TAX.—The amount of the tax imposed by subsection (a) shall be zero percent of taxable income.''.
(b) REPEAL OF ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX FOR CORPORATIONS.—Subparagraph (B) of section 55(b)(1) of such Code is amended to read as follows:
(B) CORPORATIONS.—In the case of a corporation, the tentative minimum tax for the taxable year is zero.''.
(c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (1) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1445(e)
of such Code are each amended by striking ''35 percent'' and inserting ''0 percent''.
(2) Subparagraph (A) of section 7518(g)(6) of such Code is amended by striking ''34 percent'' and inserting ''0 percent''.
(3) Paragraph (2) of section 53511(f) of title 46, United States Code, is mended by striking ''34 percent'' and inserting ''0 percent''.
(d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by section shall apply to taxable years beginning after this December 31, 2011, except that the amendments made by subsection (c) shall take effect on such date.
Tea party congressman beats Obama to ‘American Jobs Act of 2011′; bill would eliminate corporate taxes
Louie Gohmert, a Republican representative from Texas, sat in the House chamber last Thursday night and listened while President Obama told members of Congress to pass his plan for job creation, which he called "The American Jobs Act." The weekend went by, but House Democrats didn't submit an official piece of legislation with Obama's proposals.Below is the shortened version of the bill from the above article. Go here for the full text.
Nearly a full week passed. Still no bill.
So Gohmert took matters into his own hands. He submitted his own bill and titled it, "The American Jobs Act of 2011."
This Act may be cited as the ''American Jobs Act of 2011''.
(a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (b) of section 11 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows:
(b) "AMOUNT OF TAX.—The amount of the tax imposed by subsection (a) shall be zero percent of taxable income.''.
(b) REPEAL OF ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX FOR CORPORATIONS.—Subparagraph (B) of section 55(b)(1) of such Code is amended to read as follows:
(B) CORPORATIONS.—In the case of a corporation, the tentative minimum tax for the taxable year is zero.''.
(c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— (1) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1445(e)
of such Code are each amended by striking ''35 percent'' and inserting ''0 percent''.
(2) Subparagraph (A) of section 7518(g)(6) of such Code is amended by striking ''34 percent'' and inserting ''0 percent''.
(3) Paragraph (2) of section 53511(f) of title 46, United States Code, is mended by striking ''34 percent'' and inserting ''0 percent''.
(d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by section shall apply to taxable years beginning after this December 31, 2011, except that the amendments made by subsection (c) shall take effect on such date.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Unions By The Numbers
This post by the great Jonah Goldberg from National Review Online's The Corner was so compelling, that I am posting it in full below (YIKES):
Unions By The Numbers By Jonah Goldberg
Via Labor Union Report:Financial Information
Annual Dues Paid to Unions: $8,217,838,676
Total Union Assets: $8,804,794,935
Total Spending
Representational Activities: $4,081,097,858
Political Activities: $579,624,489
External Contributions: $321,121,214
Overhead: $3,905,927,269
Unions that fail to pass Department of Labor audits: 92%
Union Officials
Total union officers and staff members: 173,503 people
Total compensation paid to union officials and officers: $1,141,540,980
Total compensation paid to union employees: $2,562,757,481
Major Unions with White Presidents: 94%
Major Unions with Male Presidents: 89%
Labor Law Violations
Unfair Labor Practices filed against unions in the last 10 years: 65,529
Duty of Fair Representation 32,235
Hiring Halls 2,236
Actions of Picketers 1,742
Union Security Related (including Beck) 1,636
Coercive Statements 1,376
Now Times That By 50
New Study: Romneycare Cost Massachusetts 18,000 Jobs Okay so if RomneyCare cost the Bay State 18,000 jobs, do we simply multiply that by 50 to figure out what ObamaCare will cost the nation (900,000)? Or do we figure the percentage of RomneyCare unemployed relative the population of Mass (6,547,629) and then apply that percentage to the whole nation (311,800,000) which would equal 857,165 unemployed people nationwide.
Now, I know this is so absurdly simply an extrapolation to be utterly useless but then again ask yourself can the country afford to lose any more jobs due to an unnecessary and asinine law?
Oh and if you want any more reasons to want Obamacare repealed check out this hell here: CLASS-less Behavior as it is yet another emerging scandal for Obama along with the Fast & Furious cover-up and the Solydra fiasco.
Now, I know this is so absurdly simply an extrapolation to be utterly useless but then again ask yourself can the country afford to lose any more jobs due to an unnecessary and asinine law?
Oh and if you want any more reasons to want Obamacare repealed check out this hell here: CLASS-less Behavior as it is yet another emerging scandal for Obama along with the Fast & Furious cover-up and the Solydra fiasco.
The Unanswerable Question
Well, the question is unanswerable for liberals of all stripes. That is, "How much of the money I earn should I be allowed to keep?"
To answer it honestly as Jan Schakowsky did in this transcript of an interview over at PowerLine (The Question Liberals Will Never Answer) is both dangerous and revealing.
That said and I think we can all agree on it, where Schakowsky fails is when she adds "What government is, is those things we decide to do together.” Which begs the question who is the "we" that "decides" what "we" are doing "together". Sorry for the scare quotes but from someone with Schakowsky's track record (and her husband's fraud), there is no "we" just her and the liberal agenda. Those who don't like it, as far as she is concerned, do not matter.
And it is this idea that makes the question "How much of our money do we get to keep?" so necessary to ask. It reminds both the questioner and the questioned that taxes do not magically appear in government coffers. Taxes are (in)voluntarily taken from one's paycheck or bank accounts and given to the government to protect our interests.
But as my husband's book "Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You", our government representatives are now only representing themselves. This must stop.
To answer it honestly as Jan Schakowsky did in this transcript of an interview over at PowerLine (The Question Liberals Will Never Answer) is both dangerous and revealing.
Host: So Jan Schakowsky, out of every dollar that I earn, how much do you think I deserve to keep?To paraphrase: Government and taxes are the price one pays for civilization (aka rule of law, property rights, etc.).
Schakowsky: What is really your question here? Do you think you should not contribute to firefighters?
Host: No, no, it’s a very simple question. Out of every dollar I earn, how much do you, Jan Schakowsky, think I deserve to keep?
Schakowsky: No, it’s not a simple question. No, it is not a simple question. I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it.
Host: Why?
Schakowsky: It’s not a question of deserving. What government is, is those things we decide to do together.”
“I think you need to pay your fair share for things we’ve decided are our national priorities,” Schakowsky added.
That said and I think we can all agree on it, where Schakowsky fails is when she adds "What government is, is those things we decide to do together.” Which begs the question who is the "we" that "decides" what "we" are doing "together". Sorry for the scare quotes but from someone with Schakowsky's track record (and her husband's fraud), there is no "we" just her and the liberal agenda. Those who don't like it, as far as she is concerned, do not matter.
And it is this idea that makes the question "How much of our money do we get to keep?" so necessary to ask. It reminds both the questioner and the questioned that taxes do not magically appear in government coffers. Taxes are (in)voluntarily taken from one's paycheck or bank accounts and given to the government to protect our interests.
But as my husband's book "Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You", our government representatives are now only representing themselves. This must stop.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"Slow News Day"
I'm too tired. Kid's sick and I've been busy with her rather than anything else. That and I still have 300 pictures to process.
It is good news about Nev. and NY special elections though. Isn't it?
It is good news about Nev. and NY special elections though. Isn't it?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Fast And Furious At Eric Holder
I want Issa to hit the DoJ and Eric Holder for the Gunwalker scandal fast and furiously and repeatedly. Holder is either stupid, a liar or both.
Issa: ‘Only way’ Eric Holder ‘didn’t know’ about Fast and Furious is if ‘he made sure he didn’t want to know’
Holder Defends Himself Against Gun Walker Investigation
Issa must be doing something right... Rep. Issa hit with ethics allegations
AND Predictable: Liberal 'Advocacy Group' Hits Issa With Ethics Complaint
Issa: ‘Only way’ Eric Holder ‘didn’t know’ about Fast and Furious is if ‘he made sure he didn’t want to know’
“We have a paper trail of so many people knowing that the only way the attorney general didn’t know is he made sure he didn’t want to know,” Issa said. “But if you don’t want to know something of this sort then you shouldn’t have the job he has. And ultimately one of the questions is, if he didn’t know, is he that inept that he is dangerous to have as the attorney general, and that is for the president to decide.”
Operation Fast and Furious was a botched gun walking operation where Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents facilitated the sale of weapons to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers. Straw purchasers are people who could buy guns in the United States legally, but did so with the intention of turning around and selling them to drug cartels.
“This thing was dumber than Iran-Contra, and as a Republican I hate to say that, but this was so dumb that there was no chance of it ever yielding the kind of solutions that they claimed it would,” Issa said on Ingraham’s show.
Holder Defends Himself Against Gun Walker Investigation
Issa must be doing something right... Rep. Issa hit with ethics allegations
An Issa spokesman on Monday said the allegations have absolutely no merit and are part of a smear campaign spearheaded by the White House.
AND Predictable: Liberal 'Advocacy Group' Hits Issa With Ethics Complaint
Nexus of Corruption
Revolving door of employment between Congress, lobbying firms, study shows
Actually the article above is very much like my husband's most recent book, "Stealing You Blind". You should buy it!
“For every person the American people have elected to sponsor legislation of public benefit, special interests have more than one former legislative advocate now working on the inside in Congress,” said Jock Friedly, founder of LegiStorm. “That represents a large network of people to influence decisions and to provide valuable intelligence.”
Actually the article above is very much like my husband's most recent book, "Stealing You Blind". You should buy it!

Sunday, September 11, 2011
We Got Your "Shovel-Ready Jobs" Right Here!
The Obama energy crisis as you've never before seen it
But other than pointing to staggering unemployment figures and gas prices that remain nearly double what they were when the president took office in 2009, it's difficult to convey the magnitude of the Obama energy crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of this crisis far exceed in terms of human and economic losses those occasioned by the Deepwater Horizon disaster that was used to justify the Permatorium in the first place.Read the whole thing but more importantly watch the video below. Basically, if Obama wants "shovel-ready jobs" the fastest and best more would be to simply lift the asinine moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and off our coasts.
More Scandal, More Media Blackout
Gunwalker Explodes: FBI Hid Weapon, Tax Dollars Subsidized Murder
The depth of the scandal dramatically widened yesterday.
The depth of the scandal dramatically widened yesterday.
Every American, regardless of political ideology, should be livid that the FBI gave at least $70,000 of “seed money” to murderous felons so that they could buy firearms. The FBI knew these weapons were destined for narco-terrorists, and that they would be used to target not just other murderous cartels but to terrorize innocents.
Shut Up He Explained

Roger Kimball over at Roger's Rules begs Obama to stop talking since everytime the man opens his mouth the market tanks.
Plus he posted this sad, sad chart.

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