In passing Obamacare on Christmas Eve, Democrats in both Houses have virtually guaranteed the demise of their political careers. Congratulations all around.
Senate OKs health care measure, reaching milestone
Senate Passes Health Insurance Overhaul
Senate passes historic healthcare reform legislation in 60-39 vote
Senate OKs health care measure, reaching milestone
BREAKING -- Senate passes health bill

Challenge to health bill's constitutionality fails, 39-60
Grassley: Vote on bill's constitutionality is likely meaningless
Obamacare sparking 10th Amendment rebellion, action in seven states
S.C. attorney general to probe constitutionality of Senate healthcare bill's Medicaid provision
Senators Cite New Budget Letter to Argue Health Care Bill Will Hike Deficit
Richard Epstein: The Reid Bill Is Blatantly Unconstitutional
Charming and so freedom-loving - WH requested Stupak 'not say anything' on abortion, congressman says

Passage By Pork Rather Than Good Public Policy
Schumer Says Every State Got Special Treatment in Health Bill
Midnight Votes, Backroom Deals, and a Death Panel
Obama seeks to close the deal on healthcare reform in new year
Say goodbye to your insurance. Harry Reid Turns Insurance Into a Public Utility. The health bill creates a massive cash crunch and then bankruptcies for many insurers.
For Their Next Trick . . . The latest example of violating principles of transparency and accountability in the single-minded pursuit of legislative victory.
ObamaCare: Freedom on Life Support
The Culture of Corruption

Senior Dem: Kill the Senate health reform bill and start over
A comparison of House, Senate health care bills
Protesters Gather for a Second Time Outside Claire McCaskill’s Office
Mayo on Medicare
When Legerdemain Is Used to Pass an Unpopular Bill

A Small but Telling Example of Government Waste
Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Democrats in Fantasyland on Health Care Reform
Obama to Make Late Push on Health Overhaul
Progressive group takes aim at president on healthcare