Gov. Walker Signs Union Reform Bill

Taxpayers Win in Wisconsin The monopoly power of government unions can be broken.
Yes E.D. Kain Wisconsin is the Republican Waterloo… they are playing the role of Wellington.
Iowa House passes collective bargaining bill

Debarred short seller with checkered past lobbied Education Department on for-profit colleges
The Other Loser In Wisconsin - Law Enforcement Credibility
Protesters Dragged Screaming From Wisconsin Capitol
Call The Wahmbulance!
Going John Galt? Number of U.S. Expatriates Doubled in 2010
Why do these people, many of whom are professionals, feel no fear in expressing such death wishes in the open?

The "mob scene" at the Wisconsin Capitol morning aimed at preventing the Assembly from voting.
Google’s Tarnished Chrome The search and advertising company once seemed to do no wrong. Now members of Congress aren’t so sure.
NEA Lesson Plan: Teach Kids To A) Vote for Democrats; B) Masturbate
National Geographic Teaching Children to Hate America
Man Builds Watch Tower to Protect Self From Illegal Immigrants That he has to is what is sad.
Michael Moore’s Hunger Strike

Meet a True Muslim Patriot
Sen. Ron Johnson denounces 'mob rule'
Wisconsin Pols Get Ready to Rumble With the passing of the budget bill in the state Senate last night, the battle lines for a year-long war in Wisconsin have just been set.
The Forgotten Story in Wisconsin
Republicans Threaten Senate Blockade if Reid Doesn't Deal With Debt, Spending

President Obama Job Approval
A Letter to America Americans deserve better than the European model that Barack Obama is trying to implement.
President of China? Obama's lament.
Obama silent as liberals make death threats
Obama’s Social Security Hoax The president will demagogue Social Security as his ticket to reelection.
Ready for Unionized Airport Security? As payback for union support, the Obama administration greases the wheels for the largest federal organizing effort in history
Illinois Governor Signs Amazon Internet Sales Tax Law AND Amazon Takes Action in Illinois as War on Sales Taxes Continues .
More New York Pols Accused of Corruption
Looking at the Senate spending votes
Obama To GOP: "Don't Try To Use The Budget To Promote A Political Or Ideological Agenda" Hello, pot? This is Kettle. You're black.
White House influencing net neutrality
Rep. Keith Ellison’s Bigotry The congressman told a teachable story this morning. One problem: It’s untrue.
Mexico lawmakers demand answers about guns smuggled under ATF's watch
Dems’ Dull Budget Scissors Nancy Pelosi demands more while President Obama refuses to lead.
Democrat staff engineered mob’s unlawful invasion of Wisconsin Capitol Building
Obama's New Ambassador to China: Not so "Squeaky Clean"
TSA Overstates Costs of Private Alternatives

Americans' Concern About Economy Rises to 12-Month High
Crude Cruelty
A double standard on energy prices
The battle over Internet sales tax. States on a tight budget are looking everywhere, including Internet sales, to squeeze out some extra money
Ten Don’ts for Our Government on Gas Prices
Planet Washington
Tax Increases Will Lead to More Spending, Not Lower Deficits
Dems’ Dull Budget Scissors Nancy Pelosi demands more while President Obama refuses to lead.
Pilot Programs: A Waste of Money
More people sought unemployment aid last week. More people applied for unemployment benefits last week, rising from a 3-year low

Time for War Against Democrats' Fiscal Sabotage
5 lies the economists are feeding us Reassurances from the Fed on down about low inflation and falling unemployment are ringing hollow as stagflation looms. They aren’t fooling us, but they might be kidding themselves
Taxes are the wrong focus for economic growth
‘The Most Predictable Economic Crisis in History’
The Dow's Plunge: Should You Be Worried?
California’s Demographic Dilemma: A Class And Culture Clash
IRS Can't Find 9% of its Guns and Other Investigative Equipment
The Minimum Wage and Job Loss from 2006 through 2010
Unknown Unknowns
February budget deficit highest ever for any month

Growing number of waivers a GOP rallying cry for healthcare repeal
HA! too little too late! Obama Calls For ‘Conversation’ About Medicare/Medicaid
Axelrod: Romneycare Was A "Template" For Obamacare
Why Ration Life-Saving Drugs?
Obama plays the Medi-scare card against Republicans
Bachmann and King: Last Chance to Kill ‘Deceptive’ $105 Billion ObamaCare Funding

All Aboard the Climate Gravy Train There was a time when climate scientists were not extremely well paid, but that is no longer the case.
Do drivers with "green cars" put on more miles?
Bill to stop EPA on climate passes House panel
We Need Less Talk and More Action on Gulf Coast Drilling
My Visit to An American Rare Earth Metals Mine The electronic future is buried under the ground in Missouri
Obama Defends Energy Policy: 'Politicians Pull Out the Same Old Political Playbook'
Your genes, your rights – FDA’s Jeffrey Shuren misleading testimony under oath
Obama's Green-Jobs Fantasy Don't buy the president's environmental snake oil

HUGE NPR News Round-Up here
For a Second Time, NPR Claims to Have ‘Rejected’ Phony Donation; Emails Appear to Say Otherwise
National Geographic Teaching Children to Hate America

What If Tea Partier Had Said It: Wis. GOP Given Detailed Death Threat for Union Vote
Good Christian Women Should Boo
Project Veritas: NPR Planned to Accept Donation from Muslim Brotherhood Front Group and Hide Origins From Government
GOP focuses on NPR's subsidies, not its politics

The left claims that the guilty party in a conflict is not the one who covets another’s goods but the one who defends his own.
Teacher tenure is poisonous: Cory Booker, mayor of Newark, says it's time to put performance first
Big Labor’s Next Onslaught: Abolish ‘Right to Work’ Laws Through the United Nations They can try but Americans really dislike other country's laws usurping our own.

VIDEO: Democrat staff engineered mob’s unlawful invasion of Wisconsin Capitol Building
Hitler and the Unions
Andrew Klavan: Behold! Your Public Sector Unions at Work.
NEA Lesson Plan: Teach Kids To A) Vote for Democrats; B) Masturbate
Dance of the Tenured Lemons
Union Protests in Indiana

A Double Shock to Liberal Professors
Liberals Love Violence. But Why?
Michael Moore’s Hunger Strike


What If Tea Partier Had Said It: Wis. GOP Given Detailed Death Threat for Union Vote
NPR Is Collateral Damage in Battle to Brand Tea Party