President Obama Job Approval
Fleecing the Cornhuskers Obamacare kicks Nebraskans in the wallet.
Sorry, But Our Zoning Regulations Forbid You From Celebrating Your Freedom
Daniel Rubin: An infuriating search at Philadelphia International Airport
Nearly Half of Participants in Obama Mortgage Aid Program Drop Out
The Stealth Obama Ocean Grab
Dem Congressman Bans Signs at Town Hall
The Battle for the Term "Feminist": Sarah Palin Wins This Round
Truth in Labelling
The Point of No Return The warnings of Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln have never been more relevant. Thomas Sowell
Foreclosures Grind On

YouCut slashes government waste
A Democrat's 'To Do' List for Obama
D.C. Democrats: Clueless, Condescending, and Costly The political class not only wastes trillions of our money, it adds insult to injury with each condescending statement.
Obama employs politics of fear in Social Security debate
The Democratic Panic Begins
Obama now blames poor job numbers on congressional inaction. Wait! His party runs Congress
A year after bankruptcy, GM plans stock sale
The Tea Party Rescues America
The Lockerbie Bomber and Scotland's Disgrace A political stunt freed a mass murderer and brought needless grief to many in the U.S.

Teacher Quality Matters
Getting it wrong on small business
High-tech carts will tell on Cleveland residents who don't recycle ... and they face $100 fine
Chicago Suburb Vents Over Public Pensions
Washington Is Railroading the American Taxpayer
Obamanomics: Touching lives $195,000 at a time
Obama Demagogues Private Enterprise. The president's misguided attacks on privatization
A Boy Named Sue
Why "CalPERS Manager" Is Every Stock Picker's Dream Job
A Historian's Take On President Obama
New York's GOP Never Learns The controversy over Chris Cox's candidacy could cost the GOP N.Y.'s first congressional district

How Long Until We Can’t Afford the U.S. Debt?
NYT and WaPo circle the wagons
California faces issuing IOUs again
And so the death panels begin
The Perils of Praise
FCC Report on Broadband Performance: A Scare Tactic
The Judiciary's Culturally Sanctioned Allergy to Christianity Flourishes
Juveniles in charge. Beavis and Butt-head on the Potomac
Federal Lobbying by Minnesota’s Local Governments Flies Under the Radar
Why does the Mint keep pumping out $1 coins when few are buying in?

Obama sharpens campaign rhetoric as approval ratings fall
The ‘Super User’ Problem and Other Top Secret America Enigmas. Generating so much information that no one person can digest it all, the post-9/11 intelligence business is an endless maze of bloated bureaucracy — one that does not necessarily keep America safer or more secure
US Homeowner Confidence Drops in Second Quarter
The troubling consequences of EPA regulations
Interest on the National Debt May Consume Half Your Income Taxes by 2020
President Obama's winning streak
Government-run, defined-benefit plans are collapsing, and employers have the solution.
Election 2010: Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate: Boozman (R) 65%, Lincoln (D) 27% You were warned that if you voted for Obamacare, you'd be out of a job come November.
The White House’s Joke Transparency
Appeals Court Rejects Speech Code
More tough economic times forecast by CBO
Fourteen Ways to Reduce Government Spending
Math Lessons for Locavores

Carbon capture technology: solid as gas
How To Lose A Guy In 75 Days
Only Cowards Stone People to Death: An Islamic Religious Ritual
General Motors IPO filing focuses on green technologies, serious risks
Waters dismisses evidence in ethics case as 'staff chatter'
Obamacare Locked In at Low Pre-Passage Numbers
While our economy is enormously complicated, it seems reasonably clear that the current slump has turned into the "worst downturn since the Great Depression" precisely because of the ill-advised policies of the Obama administration. Those policies contradict the lessons of history, and there is no reason why their failure should be unexpected.
China Wealthy? That's Rich!
Worried Democrats courting elderly voters as midterm elections near
Obama keeping public expressions of religion to a minimum
The Ruling Class Takes Care of Its Own. The excess pay and benefits are outrageous — and unaffordable.

That’s Gotta Hurt
Obama's Point of No Return
Politics, Not Science, Drove White House to Release Rosy Gulf Oil Report
Taxpayers could foot the bill for failing pensions, report finds
Pelosi Tells America to Shut Up on Ground Zero Mosque
A Fragment on Shall and May
Out of Touch
Linda Chavez’s misunderstanding of the Citizenship Clause
The Taxman Cometh, And Taketh. During the '90s, income tax rates held at 39.6%, as did the tax on dividends. Expect this relationship to hold in coming years.
Time Magazine’s Slander of America

The lost promise of Barack Obama
Listen to the CBO, Learn from the Greeks
UAW Sells Out Members, Holds On To Black Lake Resort
Post-McDonald Litigation Updates
Not With A Bang
Poll: Majority of N.J. voters approve of Gov. Chris Christie’s job performance
Ohio Paper: Obama's Got His Facts Wrong on Stimulus
Has ObamaCare’s Unpopularity Caused ‘Abject Panic at the White House’?

Re: Obama’s Unpopularity
Alberto Gonzales: Changing the 14th amendment won't solve our immigration crisis
And the Answer Is ….
Movement in Senate races largely favor Republican candidates
Facing Budget Shortfall, Texas Spends $250M on Illegal Immigrant Care
The Taxing Jobs Bill
The Top 10 Highest State Income Taxes: All Obama Blue States
Is the Economy Obama's Only Problem?
How the MSM Is Covering the Mosque Story