Deregulation Now!

Top al Qaeda leader Ilyas Kashmiri killed in US Predator strike
Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It
States Taking on Employers of Illegal Immigrants Goodness knows the feds aren't!
House to block Obama from making recess appointments, source says
More schools rethinking zero-tolerance discipline stand
Union Enthusiasm for Obama Re-Election Fades, AFL-CIO’s Chief Trumka Says
So Now All These People Will Apologize to Sarah Palin About Paul Revere, Right? Lest you forget, Palin has been right more than she's been wrong - Hubris, Nemesis, and Partying Like It’s 1773
The stupid Palin woman
Obama administration suddenly likes Palin wildlife management strategy « Hot Air

Four Dirty Secrets about Clean Energy Just four?
Pointing and laughing - Experts warn that UK wind farms may run out of... wind
The Light Bulb Police
To quote the great Glenn Reynolds "I'll believe its a crisis when they start acting like it is a crisis." What would Michelle say? President Obama wolfs down TWO chili dogs and fries... the day after his wife unveils new dietary guide
Michelle Obama Is Rearranging the Nation’s Dinner Plates
Administration blocks restart of massive oil pipeline, citing leaks
German E. coli outbreak is a killer hybrid
Company that transforms garbage into ethanol attracts big investors If successful, Lefties will end up hating this because it will make "consumerism" okay.