For the record, I heard a great line at the Prince William County TEA Party Protest on 4/15/10 about needing private companies to audit public spending - "No such think as a self-butchering pig." Brilliant.
President Obama Job Approval
Poll: Reid loses full ballot test
Thanks For What?
Obama May Not Be So 'Amused' in November
Jobs, jobs, jobs … uh, climate change?

Constitutional Crisis Looms in Britain
The Audacity Gap Continues.
Tax Day Patriots
About 25 protesters arrested after demonstration at Ohio State (SEIU)
Cash-strapped states turn to liquor

Repeal CRA, stop blackmailing banks
The New Currency Is Obedience
Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans
Left in a State of Rage
‘Left’ Behind: Tolerance and the Tea Party. Democrats were thrilled with the idea of going to tea parties to expose racism. I wonder how they feel about that after the left's disgraceful Tax Day display.
NBC Reporter To Black Man At Tea Party: "Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?"

Gee I wonder why? Probably because she is a whorish hack of a politician who was rude to my husband and because she can not rub two brain cells together. Calif. Sen. Boxer finds rocky re-election terrain
Smart Sound Bites for the Contract From America
Syria snubs Bam
Bill Clinton: Tim McVeigh Hated the Guv'mint Too
Krauthammer: "Snooty" Obama Sees Tea Party "Proletariat" as "Stupid" & "Paranoid"
The Tea Party That Obama Missed
TEA Party TV from PJTV - Score!
New Jersey's 'Failed Experiment' The new governor is on a mission to make his state competitive again in attracting people and capital
New Jersey's Not Looking That Blue Anymore, Huh?
Unexpected unemployment chart of the day
GE: 7,000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill
“The Federal Takeover of Higher Education Financing: Why Obama’s Boost Could Bust Taxpayers”
Obama's Economic Narrative Gap. The president has mostly shelved what one political scientist calls "the authority to repudiate."
Spending, Not Tax Cuts, Is the Real Driver of the Fiscal Mess
Kagan Rumors Expose Left-Wing Hypocrisy and Homophobia
Hedge fund manager in Goldman Sachs case is major Democratic donor
Rep. Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Repeal Obamacare's Individual Mandate
The Joy of Tax Serfdom
Health Care Reform's Bounce Lands With a Thud
Next time, read the bill
College is totally worth killing babies over
US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26
MSNBC space reporter: No NASA workers allowed at Obama’s speech yesterday
Words as Weapons. Have racial slurs lost some of their power?

Dimwitted fake Tea Partier Justin Lewis of law firm Gordon & Rees doesn't fool anyone
SEC accuses Goldman Sachs of defrauding investors
California jobless rate swells to 12.6 percent
More American Energy Will Produce Lower Prices, More American Jobs
‘The Philosophy of the School Room’
Pediatric Environmentalism. Kids should be learning science--not feel-good advocacy--in school.

The Coming Deficit War
National Day of Silencing Science
EPA headquarters contaminated with lead
American psychos