Civil-Rights Commission Report Reveals Racial Double Standard at DOJ
New Black Panther Party case: The facts are in
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Why I Support The War in Afghanistan
If they act like cavemen, then bomb them back to the stone age.
Stoned to death with her lover: Horrific video of execution of girl, 19, killed by Afghan Taliban for running away from arranged marriage
The video is at the bottom of the article but after scrolling down through images like this....

For clarity's sake, this is a photo of a 19 year old girl buried up to her waist in a burka waiting for men to throw stones at her until she is dead.
I can't imagine how someone could stomach watching the murder of a girl because she didn't want to enter into an arranged marriage. How liberals can defend such behavior is impossible to comprehend. This is murder and outrageous.
Stoned to death with her lover: Horrific video of execution of girl, 19, killed by Afghan Taliban for running away from arranged marriage
The video is at the bottom of the article but after scrolling down through images like this....

For clarity's sake, this is a photo of a 19 year old girl buried up to her waist in a burka waiting for men to throw stones at her until she is dead.
I can't imagine how someone could stomach watching the murder of a girl because she didn't want to enter into an arranged marriage. How liberals can defend such behavior is impossible to comprehend. This is murder and outrageous.
Left vs Right Protests

Minor explosion in Davos hotel, nobody hurt
DAVOS, Switzerland Jan 27 (Reuters) - Left-wing activists claimed responsibility for a minor explosion on Thursday at a hotel in Davos, close to where top executives and world leaders were meeting, but nobody was hurt.
Random Round-Up 01-27

President Obama Job Approval
Gallup: Public's image of GOP positive again
Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi's Use of Air Force Aircraft in 2010
Initial Jobless Claims in U.S. Rose Last Week to 454,000

Now 700+ Obamacare Waivers Issued - I thought everyone wanted in on this deal? HA! AND Some healthcare waiver requests denied even as HHS approves 500 others
Chaffetz calls for FOIA to apply to Fannie, Freddie
Poll: Majority of Americans Wants U.S. Supreme Court to Reject Same-Sex “Marriage”

The President as Micromanager
Rep. Paul Ryan 1, ObamaCare 0
Typical Obama blaming everyone but himself - The President says the deficit is the GOP's problem now.

CBO Predicts U.S. Debt Crisis If Deficits Are Not Controlled
Damn it - Foreclosure activity up across most US metro areas
Medicare’s Chief Actuary Undercuts Obama and Democrat Talking Points

America: A Tyranny of the Heavily Armed
“This bill will take Secretary Geithner’s disastrous scenario completely off the table.”
The Loud Passing of the Old Order

Social Security Fund to Be Empty by 2037
But they're Liberals, so it's okay? - "No people of color have been nominated for Oscars."
"... You have a very powerful industry run by liberal Democrats, very rich liberal Democrats, and they have their top ten best movies, nominated best movies, and not a single person of color nominated for anything, not even best supporting stooge...."
HHS grants 500 new healthcare waivers
Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert

Obama's 'Investment' Charade
Of course they do. Global Warming Alarmists Blaming Winter Storms on...Global Warming
Winning the future: With trains and windmills?

Financial Crisis Panel: Bank Meltdown Could've Been Avoided
First - Abercrombie Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii Celebrity Journalist: I Never Spoke to Hawaii Gov About Obama Birth Certificate
“Only this I can you tell you is 100 percent fact: that Neil never told me there was no birth certificate,” Evans told Fox News. “I never talked to him.”First you're good friends with the governor, then you've never talked to him? This isn't making Obama's situation any easier. And neither is this - 10 states now developing eligibility-proof demands. 107 Electoral College votes controlled by Arizona, Texas, Connecticut, others
Obama’s SOTU ‘Fundamentally Dishonest’
The Way Forward in Afghanistan AND Impressions of Afghanistan
Losing the Future: The Grim Realities of Obamacare and Social Security
In the War on For-Profit Education Reality is the First Casualty
CBO Director: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Risk 'Fiscal Crisis' in U.S

Border authorities arrest controversial Muslim cleric east of San Diego
States rebuff federal threat over union laws
More Misleading Research about the Mental-Health Consequences of Abortion
Virtual Fence Worked And Other Immigration News
Bogus Hackspeak Alert: Yes, 'One Size Fits All'
Border authorities arrest controversial Muslim cleric east of San Diego
Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert
Ariz. lawmakers to target automatic citizenship
Here's news, if you define "news" as something unexpected: You know that expensive "virtual" border fence the Obama administration recently cancelled? It actually worked, acording to Janice Kephart of the Center for Immigration Studies. There were big problems with the prototype, but they fixed them. No wonder it got cancelled! ... I had always assumed the "virtual fence" was a fancy-sounding Bush administration scam to let the government weasel out of building a real, nonvirtual fence (of the sort that works well enough in California, which is why illegal immigrants and smugglers now cross in Arizona). But maybe both sorts of fences can work ...
Border authorities arrest controversial Muslim cleric east of San Diego
Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert
Ariz. lawmakers to target automatic citizenship
Snow Day Hell
The kids are home from school and I've just fed half the cul-de-sac's children lunch because apparently this is the play house.
Posting will be limited today.
Posting will be limited today.
Boomers To Kill Social Security
Social Security fund will be drained by 2037
Thanks a lot Boomers. Both my parents are/were boomers and I love them but being right behind them has been a drag.
CBO: Social Security to begin running permanent deficits this year, not 2016
Losing the Future: The Grim Realities of Obamacare and Social Security
Social Security Fund to Be Empty by 2037
Social Security now seen to run permanent deficits
CBO: Social Security to Run $45 Billion Deficit in 2011
Thanks a lot Boomers. Both my parents are/were boomers and I love them but being right behind them has been a drag.
CBO: Social Security to begin running permanent deficits this year, not 2016
Losing the Future: The Grim Realities of Obamacare and Social Security
Social Security Fund to Be Empty by 2037
Social Security now seen to run permanent deficits
CBO: Social Security to Run $45 Billion Deficit in 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Media Bias 01-26

MSNBC's Sarah Palin Sickness
The Curious Case of the Martyrdom of Frances Fox Piven
CNN’s Roland Martin rips Americans as ‘part of problem’ for not wanting higher taxes
Oscars Snub Andrew Garfield, Mark Wahlberg, Christopher Nolan, More
Charles Johnson Impotently Tries to Threaten My Job

Olbermann: Just Another Cash-Hungry Capitalist
Avoiding Dr. Kermit Gosnell
Why Olbermann would have trouble returning to major sports broadcasting networks
Chris Matthews: ‘FDR Bailed Out Capitalism in the 30s’
Michele Bachman Gives Chris Matthews a History Lesson

Cenk Uygur Should Fix His Own “Jewish Problem” Before Telling Lies About Glenn Beck
Stephen Colbert Responds to ‘Big Hollywood,’ Trashes Palin … Again
Piers Morgan vs. Sean Hannity: Celeb Elitism Loses to Conservatism
Daily Round-Up 01-26

A Grateful Mother

Private Citizens Fight Voter Fraud. Upholding the law when government won't.
Republicans back at work cutting spending
Boehner, Lieberman Calling for Restart of D.C. School Voucher Program
Republican draws line on funding boost for ‘failed’ regulators
Michigan bill would allow concealed guns in more places
The End of the Era of Tax, Overspend, Then Borrow The Difference
Old rules won't determine GOP presidential candidate
The State of Confusion

2 Girl Scouts Robbed By Drive By Cookie Monster
It's an unbelievable insult to have played this tune at a White House State Dinner and the Obama Administration is too stupid to realize it. A State Insult with Chinese Characteristics
Our view on kids: When unwed births hit 41%, it's just not right
Whatever happened to "Don't be evil" Google? Google Comes Under Fire for 'Secret' Relationship with NSA
The Ethics of Publishing Cease-and-Desist Letters (It's the frivolous sending of these C&D letter that is the bad behavior)

Insurance Company Drops Vet Over 2-Cent Shortage
The Kevin Bacon of American Jihad. Whenever jihadist groups threaten free speech in America or Europe, you can bet an associate of Revolution Muslim is somehow involved.
Europe Braces for Even Nastier, Deadlier Austerity Protests in 2011

Obama uses ‘green’ emissions standards to push truckers into Teamsters union
Cash for Education Clunkers
Time to get real about public-sector pensions
Are You a Victim of State Pensions?

CAIR Joins NAACP To Target Tea Party Movement
Tea Party Rising. It’s early, but the movement has already staged serious victories in the battle for 2012
Bill Cosby for School Choice!
Private Citizens Fight Voter Fraud. Upholding the law when government won't.
Wireless Provider Follows Verizon in Suing FCC to Undo Net Neutrality
Michigan bill would allow concealed guns in more places
In Economic Woes 01-26

CREDIT BUBBLE BULLETIN - Unsettling echoes of '08
Outside D.C., a grim housing market
The Troubled Fannie & Freddie Omission
U.S. Manufacturing: Output vs. Jobs Since 1975
Ken Blackwell - Economic Freedom Means a Balanced Budget Mr. Blackwell was my choice for RNC Chair over Steele. [sigh]
Record High: 2011 Deficit Swells to $1.5 Trillion
World economic rules have changed, Obama warns

Small Business to Obama: Where’s the Beef
Federal Deficit to Hit $1.5 Trillion in 2011, Budget Office Projects
Bleeding America Dry – The Next Big Bailout
The Great Misallocators What Barack Obama and General Electric have in common
Obama: ‘Countless New Jobs’
GOP Urge Obama to Join in Cutting Spending

FACT CHECK: Obama and his imbalanced ledger
Regulations and Rhetoric
New-home sales in 2010 fall to lowest in 47 years
Is it Time to Switch From Individual Stocks to Mutual Funds?
Evidence for a Pullback Is Mounting
Cantor: ‘Entitlements Need to Be On the Table’
What’s Half a Trillion Dollars Among Friends?
What Crisis?
Republican draws line on funding boost for ‘failed’ regulators
Bankers Press Hill to Back Mortgage Protection No. No, no, no.
Muni bonds: Now what? A checklist for investors

Price Drop Points to Likely Double Dip in Housing Market
Are You a Victim of State Pensions?
Where Did the Stimulus Go?
We Need to Reverse Course Now
Taxpayers Lose Most When Munis Fluctuate

When Numbers Get Unserious: Are Substantial Budget Cuts Automatically 'Untenable'
Uncle Sam’s Dangerous Deterioration
Business Sees the Devil in the Policy Details
Obama vows to lower corporate tax rate
President Obama Inadvertently Makes the Case for Eliminating the Death Tax

US has 'broken the back' of the recession: Obama
Obama Spending-Freeze Pledge Criticized as 'Deficit Preservation'
Burning other people’s money
Time to get real about public-sector pensions
Regulations and Rhetoric
Bad Politician Bad 01-26

President Obama Job Approval
Holder MUST GO - Obama’s DOJ doesn’t understand why it has to explain itself
President Obama’s Second-Chance Voucher
The West Wing, Season II
Obama unleashes ultimate inter-agency turf war in sprawling bureaucracy

The Biggest Lie in American Politics
Rep. Loretta Sanchez sparks outrage from fellow Democrats with proposal to boot Giffords from Armed Services Committee
Obama: ‘Countless New Jobs’

Obama's Education Rhetoric Rings Hollow
Sputnik Fail: After Defunding NASA, Obama Uses Soviet Space Program to Rally Americans in SOTU
Is The Right Wing Blogosphere Afraid Of Pigford?

State Department Swamped with Paperwork
With Friends like these - Friend says Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie told him there is no Obama birth certificate
Junk Science 01-26

Obama Refuses To Learn Government’s Clean Energy Failures
On energy policy, Obama talks down to Americans
Government Wants You to Turn Off Your Lights While They Keep Theirs On

Obama uses ‘green’ emissions standards to push truckers into Teamsters union
SOTU: President Channels Failed Michigan Governor
Obama calls for U.S. to follow Germany’s path . . . to blackouts
Obama sets 2035 clean electricity target
State of The Union Round-Up 01/26

Text of President Obama’s State of the Union address
GOP Response From Rep. Paul Ryan
Rep. Michele Bachmann of the Tea Party: 'We bought a bureaucracy that tells us which lightbulbs to buy'
Huffington Post's response - Hogwash, Mr. President
John Stossel - My State of the Union Address

Drunkblogging the State of the Union
AP ain’t buying it, Barry
A Million Points of Trite
The text of the State of the Union Address from a Democratic insider who has violated the White House embargo.
iPhone and oBama: Two Expensive New Models ( SOTU response!)
From the Most Surprising to the Most Ridiculous Moment -- A Review of Obama's State of the Union Speech
The Most Offensive Line in the State of the Union
'Hannity' Focus Group: Obama Speech Falls Flat
The Troubled Fannie & Freddie Omission
A grab for the high ground
What Obama didn’t mention in his speech
An Uninspired State of the Union
A good night sleep beat out the SOTU…UPDATE: so bad even MSNBC not trying to spin it

The laundry list from Obama's non-laundry-list State of the Union address
A State of the Union response or a 2012 match-up?
Obama: ‘Countless New Jobs’
State of the Union Blues
HIGHLIGHTS-President Obama's State of the Union speech
Obama State of the Union: spending, but restraint
Obama’s SOTU address: the President invents bi-angulation
Krauthammer underwhelmed by Obama vision in SOTU address: ‘Late Clintonian Minimalism’

Obama's State of the Union Focus: "Winning the Future"
Where was Obama the centrist in his State of the Union?
Obama's State of the Union
Obama vows to lower corporate tax rate
Obama gives a speech we can’t take seriously
Business Sees the Devil in the Policy Details
SOTU sells big government with American exceptionalism
State of the Union Comment Thread
US has 'broken the back' of the recession: Obama
Obamacare 01-26

The Insurance-Benefit Canard
NIH should not be a pharmaceutical company
Obama Supports Repealing 1099 Rule
The President’s ‘Policy via Selective Anecdote,’ and Other SOTU Comments

Debating the Constitutionality of the Individual Mandate
Medicare actuary more confident in Paul Ryan’s ‘Road Map’ cost controls than Obama’s health law
Wall Street Journal Sues to Open Medicare Records on Doctors
Wasn’t Obamacare Supposed to Stop Insurance Rate Hikes? Yeah, that's what they said...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Fighting Corruption 01-25

Ventura Strikes Back with Lawsuit Against TSA
Van Susteren Presses White House for Details on Border Agent's Slaying
GOP would amend Constitution to prohibit feds from owning stock
House Republicans send last-minute challenge to president hours before State of the Union
Body & Mind Taco Bell Sued Over Meat That's Just 35 Percent Beef
US Republican lawmakers taking aim at UN
Oversight panel bickers over subpoenas
Daily Round-Up 01-25


Nine Texas Democrats switch to the GOP
Why Texas Scandalizes Liberals
Shout it out sister! New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez: We 'are not under-taxed; the government has simply over-spent'
Bring it. Budget ax-man Rep. Paul Ryan is Senate Democrats' new villain

Still Waiting for Superman
Common Cause v. Scalia and Thomas The liberal lobby tries to quiet two conservative voices.
The Birth of the Blues (Liberals come from Puritans)
The Speaker’s Opportunity Box
Sperm Donor Kids Speak Out: Our Biological Dads Matter to Us
Immelt and Conflict of Interest
Advocate of Violence Frances Fox Piven and the New York Times's dishonest campaign for "civility.".
Time for the President to Take a Stand on Egypt
Fear of the Unknown & School Choice: Gerard Robinson on the biggest obstacle to reform

Just Call Me Liar Of The Year
Going Digital May Not Improve Healthcare
Second healthcare reform probe announced by panel
Why Retiring Baby Boomers Will find Medi-Cal a Bust on Long-Term Care
Poll: Unpopularity of reform jumps 9 points
Media Bias 01-25

So, mocking Barney while welcoming gay conservatives makes Breitbart anti-gay?
Progressives Seek To Deflect From Frances Fox Piven Remarks By Calling Glenn Beck Anti-Semitic
Is the Leftist Media ‘Fair and Balanced’ on Christian Persecution? Isn't the MSM supposed to be out to help the “underdog”?
The Worst of the Worst: A Look Back at Keith Olbermann's Most Outrageous Quotes

Actually kudos CNN - CNN Justifies Airing of Bachmann Response
Democrat Missouri Governor Attacked By Progressive, Media Buried Story
Glenn Beck, Frances Fox Piven, and How the New York Times Falsely Depicts the Controversy
Media Malpractice and the March For Life
Bad Politician Bad 01-25

President Obama Job Approval
State of the Union AND The Agenda Ahead
What The President Shouldn't Say Tonight In The State Of The Union
Obama Orders Study on Socialism
Government Electric and Tonight’s Speech
Damn! Breaking: Rahm back on ballot
Ryan’s Big Day (And How Dems Plan to Ruin It)
Inhofe frames SOTU on regulatory adventurism
Keeping the Heat on Sanford Bishop AND Black Farmers Still Battling USDA
Democrats eye redistricting
Immelt and Conflict of Interest
GE hire no course-change for O
Obama Nominates RIAA Lawyer for Solicitor General
Carol Browner to leave White House
Obama 'strongly opposes' end to federal funding of campaigns
In Economic Woes 01-25

Immelt and Conflict of Interest
The $14 Trillion Gorilla
Fannie, Freddie Stick Taxpayers with $160 Million in Legal Bills
Jobless Rise in 20 States as Workers Still Laid Off
Mr. ‘Investment’ AND I Wish the Government Would Stop Investing and Get Out of the Way
Where Did the Stimulus Go?
Seniors suffer from inflation
Happiness, Productivity, and the Obama Competitiveness Initiative
Inhofe frames SOTU on regulatory adventurism
Mortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers
I'd like to see it even lower - House passes measure setting budget at 2008 levels or lower
An Ugly Side Effect of New 1099 Law: More Tax Evasion
Obama’s Portfolio
Thirty Years of Deficit Disaster
IMF Urges US to Privatize Fannie, Freddie
Big Union/Leftie Groups 01-25

How Public Unions Took Taxpayers Hostage The first to seize on the political potential of government workers was New York's Mayor Robert F. Wagner. The Kennedy White House took notice of his success.
Immelt and Conflict of Interest
Grassroots tyranny in Arlington Virginia
Lawsuit Filed to Stop Gov’t Tuition Benefits for Illegal Aliens
"History tells us" something that history doesn't tell us, say sociologists stumbling to protect Frances Fox Piven.
'ACORN' is reborn in B'klyn
Junk Science 01-25

Hands Off My Dishes Environmentalists lower our quality of life by government fiat.
Official inquiries into the ‘Climategate’ scandal ‘unsatisfactory’ A committee of MPs has described two independent inquiries into the ‘climategate scandal’ as ‘unsatisfactory’ because they failed to answer important questions about allegedly missing emails.
Gingrich calls for replacing EPA
Van Jones: Environmentalism is Really All About Social Justice
Obama’s climate change czar leaving White House
Surprise: Pelosi's Dopey "Green the Capitol" Initiative Actually Increased Energy Consumption
Climategate inquiries criticised. The University of East Anglia’s Climategate inquiries were not sufficiently transparent and failed to properly investigate some key issues, the Commons Science and Technology Committee has concluded.
The BBC became a propaganda machine for climate change zealots, says Peter Sissons... and I was treated as a lunatic for daring to dissent
Federal Agency Headquarters Leave Lights On In DC
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