Our daughter loves the TV show iCarly so we had Spaghetti Tacos for the first time.
(Actually, they were pretty good albeit messy.)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Bad Politicians Bad 01-23
Barack Obama celebrates birth of Roe vs. Wade abortion decision, just turned 37 AND Choosing Life, Despite the Fear
Holder hasn't revealed Justice Dept lawyers who defended Gitmo detainees
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. ... Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That’s down four points since Tuesday morning and matches the lowest level of overall approval yet recorded for this President. Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters now disapprove. The number of Democrats who approve has fallen from 84% on Tuesday morning to 78% today.
Quotes of the day
Senator Jon Kyl’s Bad Bet
CEOs to Hill: Quit Calling Us for Campaign Cash
White House nightmare persists
Want to know what campaign finance reform is really about? Watch this video
Holder's Department of InJustice deserves to be investigated - Justice refuses to release documents in Panther case
Is Obama a nut?
There is no evidence President Obama has directly ordered the Department of Justice to break the law. However, the Justice Department may have broken the law, refusing to release Black Panther records requested by The Washington Times.
Did Calif. lawmakers' private lunch violate law?
Mob Rules! In Massachusetts. Apparently We, The Mob are armed with pitchforks. For those on the Left and according to Obama - “My administration, is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” But I think we all know who the pitchfork-welding mobsters really are...
Obama's Train Wreck of a Town Hall in Ohio
Incompetent Obama teeters on the edge
Any way the wind blows. The flexible political convictions of Michael Bennet
The Lady and the Arlen
They Still Don’t Get It
Post-election Thoughts
Once-endangered Republican leader boosted by Brown's triumph
Barack and the five stages of grief
In Economic Woes 01-23
Joblessness Across the U.S.: December Unemployment Rates by State
A Victory for Fiscal Sovereignty and a Long-Overdue Defeat for the IRS
As long as some firms are considered too big to fail, those firms will take outsized risks.
Welcome back, Glass-Steagall
Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors
Stocks Have Worst Week Since March
CEOs to Hill: Quit Calling Us for Campaign Cash
Obama targets New York
The Great Recession Continues. Americans haven't been fooled by the Dow's rise. What they see ahead are more taxes.
Pork Report, January 22, 2009: Bureaucrats Gone Wild Edition
Illinois enters a state of insolvency
Banks shut in Fla., Mo., NM, Ore., Wash.
Have I mentioned recently that Barbara Boxer is a vile person with the morals and ethics of a flesh-eating zombie? Also she smells funny and looks very tired. And once (just once) she was rude to my husband. I heard she's also incontinent. Boxer’s Hypocrisy on Bernanke
Government payroll across U.S. Presidencies
Frank recommends replacing Fannie and Freddie in overhaul
Casulaties of Corporatism, Obama-Style
Bernanke under pressure
Smooth sailing now; icebergs ahead
Bankers must not be pantomime villains
Stocks Turn Negative for Year; GE Gains
Bayh calls for freeze in discretionary spending
Goldman’s Escape Route Might Be the Private Road: David Reilly AND Cross of Goldman. Obama’s proposals to break up banks and limit their activities will contribute little to financial stability and make it more difficult for them to succeed
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 01-23
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Sixty-one percent (61%) of voters nationwide now say Congress should drop health care and focus on the economy. Seventy percent (70%) believe that the health care issue was at least somewhat important in Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts. Rasmussen Reports issued our final tracking poll for the proposed health care reform and found that 58% of voters remain opposed to the plan Congress was considering. That figure includes 50% who are Strongly Opposed.
Obama hunkers down as health care falters
Dems mull options for moving health care bill
Dems Reportedly Eyeing Companion Health Care Legislation to Win Approval
61% Say It’s Time for Congress To Drop Health Care
Defeating Obamacare: The Nail in the Coffin
Decision time looming for new Democratic healthcare strategy
Why would you want to? After ObamaCare. How to resuscitate health reform after Massachusetts.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi work to save health care reform
Corruption Daily Round-Up 01-23
Holder's Department of InJustice deserves to be investigated - Justice refuses to release documents in Panther case
The Pentagon’s Fort Hood investigation is a pathetic whitewash.
Is Obama a nut?
There is no evidence President Obama has directly ordered the Department of Justice to break the law. However, the Justice Department may have broken the law, refusing to release Black Panther records requested by The Washington Times.
Enough Is Enough
Filibuster reform bill headed for Senate floor, faces uphill battle
Should People Acting through Corporations be Denied Constitutional Rights Because Corporations are “State-Created Entities”?
At SEC, the system can be deaf to whistleblowing
THE NEW BLACKLIST: Oakland Mayor to Theatre Board Member — ‘Do you now or have you ever supported traditional marriage?’ AND S.F. Chronicle Columnist Says Tactics Against Traditional Marriage-Backer ‘Go Too Far’
PJTV Video (VodkaPundit) - Week In Blogs: Revenge of the Tea Party & May the Corset Be With You
The Islamization of the World AND Shameful Drivel at the Huffington Post
Scott Brown's Senate win tied to dissatisfaction with Obama, Washington and federal activism
The Context Of Middle-Class Frustration
Killing Muslims. America needs to publicize al Qaeda's main 'achievement'
EMILY’s List reexamines strategy and mission in wake of Democratic loss in Massachusetts How about not encouraging the murder of unborn babies?
Public Employee Unions Are Sinking California. Months after closing its last budget gap, the Golden State is $20 billion in the red.
Most Union Members Are Govt Workers, Not Private Sector
How the Enquirer Exposed the John Edwards Affair. The former senator might be your attorney general today if our reporters hadn't stuck with the story.
‘Excrement in Broadcasting’: DC NPR Commentator Rips Rush
GE/MSNBC political commentator pretty upset about political influence of corporations
The Propaganda of Omission
Censorship Inc. A division of the New York Times Co. wants free speech all to itself.
Who is helped, or hurt, by the Citizens United decision?
The Clinton Internet Doctrine. 'An attack on one nation's networks can be an attack on all.'
The Demise of Air America
How Green Are Your Nukes? Environmentalists spar over nuclear power
GOOD! Move Afoot in the Senate to Can EPA CO2 Regs
UN climate change expert: there could be more errors in report AND U.N. Climate Change Expert Cites More Errors in Report
Food Nazi Alert - The Empire State strikes snack
World Poverty Falls. I blame technological advances!
The Fiction Of Climate Science
How the Enquirer Exposed the John Edwards Affair. The former senator might be your attorney general today if our reporters hadn't stuck with the story.
A Resounding Defense of the First Amendment: ‘Congress Shall Make No Law’
There's No Iniquity In Income Inequality
For Conservatives, It’s Christmas in January: That Was the Week That Was
A Victory for Free Speech AND 24 States’ Laws Open to Attack After Campaign Finance Ruling
Spare the Spanking, Spoil the Report Card? What a new study and the Bible say about punishing children.
The Election of Scott Brown, the Newfound Power of Independents, and Why the Framers Would Be Smilings
It's Time to 'Roll Back' Liberalism
Take a page from EL AL’s safety manual
Glenn Beck's "Live Free or Die Documentary"
Polanski denied in absentia sentencing
Friday, January 22, 2010
March For Life
Marching for Life
Pro-Lifers Revel in the Election of Brown on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
From the March for Life
Remembering Roe: A Forgotten Warning from Ronald Reagan
Majority of Americans, and Nearly 6 in 10 Young Adults, View Abortion as Morally Wrong
More from the March for Life
Republican leaders praise March for Life demonstrators, criticize president
Today's March for Life
'Mugged by Ultrasound' [Ed Whelan]
On this anniversary of the Supreme Court’s atrocious decision in Roe v. Wade, I’d like to highlight this interesting Weekly Standard article, “Mugged by Ultrasound,” by David Daleiden and Jon A. Shields. The article discusses how “advances in ultrasound imaging and abortion procedures have forced [abortion] providers ever closer to the nub of their work,” causing emotional distress that has led to numerous defections to the pro-life cause. Some excerpts:When [abortionist Lisa Harris] herself was 18 weeks pregnant, [she] performed a D&E abortion on an 18-week-old fetus. Harris felt her own child kick precisely at the moment that she ripped a fetal leg off with her forceps:
“Instantly, tears were streaming from my eyes — without me — meaning my conscious brain — even being aware of what was going on. I felt as if my response had come entirely from my body, bypassing my usual cognitive processing completely. A message seemed to travel from my hand and my uterus to my tear ducts. It was an overwhelming feeling — a brutally visceral response — heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics. It was one of the more raw moments in my life.…” [Harris remains in the abortion business.]
One of the first doctors to change his allegiance was Paul Jarrett, who quit after only 23 abortions. His turning point came in 1974, when he performed an abortion on a fetus at 14 weeks’ gestation: “As I brought out the rib cage, I looked and saw a tiny, beating heart,” he would recall. “And when I found the head of the baby, I looked squarely in the face of another human being — a human being that I just killed.” . . .
Kathy Sparks is another convert formerly responsible for disposing of fetal remains, this time at an Illinois abortion clinic. Her account of the experience that led her to exit the abortion industry (taken from the Pro-Life Action League website in 2004) reads in part:
“The baby’s bones were far too developed to rip them up with [the doctor’s] curette, so he had to pull the baby out with forceps. He brought out three or four major pieces. . . . I took the baby to the clean up room, I set him down and I began weeping uncontrollably. . . . I cried and cried. This little face was perfectly formed.”
As Daleiden and Shields sum it up:This handful of stories is representative of many more. In fact, with the exception of communism, we can think of few other movements from which so many activists have defected to the opposition. Nonetheless, the vast majority of clinic workers remain committed to the pro-choice cause. Perhaps some of those who stay behind are haunted by their work. Most, however, find a way to cope with the dissonance
Bad Politicians Bad 01-22
Five Memes Destroyed by Scott Brown’s Victory
Oh my: Huckabee 45, Obama 44
Senate Dems Not Sure They Can Get Enough Votes to Reconfirm Bernanke
America's Mayors Grade The President
Unless you've been principled, they ain't gonna bite. Boehner Denies Plan to Court Tea Partiers as GOP, Dems Struggle to Keep Up
If Republicans run as strongly as Brown, only 103 House Dems are safe.
The Audacity of Huck?
Ohioans shouldn't miss the chance to give President Obama an earful -- Rep. John Boehner
PJTV Video - MASS UPHEAVAL: The Dem's Super Majority Is Gone and Michael Barone Says It's Only the Beginning
Obama To Mayors: I’m Going To Take Some Of Your Questions But First The Cameras Have To Go So You Can Tell Me The Truth
After the Massachusetts Upset, the Left Turns on Obama
Obama: The Anti-John Adams
The Democrats' Long Road Back from Massachusetts. After Republican Scott Brown's stunning upset, the best President Obama and his party can hope for may be a watered-down health bill with insurance reforms
Thomas Sowell! - Are Republicans "Due"?: Part IV
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18. ... Overall, 45% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove.
I dunno, I'm pretty angry - Can Obama Blunt the Anger?
Ya think? - Dodd: Dems might need a month off from reform
Feeling the Heat, Obama Pours Kool-Aid
White House caught in Democrats' crossfire
Obama: My Unpopularity Is Worth It Because I'm Doing This For You
Mass. Vote Shows Obama a Rerun of Carter
In Ohio, Obama vows to 'never stop fighting'
Obama's 180 Degrees Out of Phase With the People
Lawmakers Race to Limit Corporate Spending on Elections After Court Ruling
The Incredible Deflation of Barack Obama
Fine Tuning the Message
The Lesson of Scott Brown’s Win: Never Give an Inch
Has Obama Lost White America?
Here’s Senator Scott Brown’s wife in 1984
She appeared in this music video for Boston-based musician Digney Fignus. It’s saucy!
As you watch it, remember: Somehow this is supposed to make you like him and his family less.
Let's go on a vacation on the Taxpayer's Dime - Asheville Regional Airport Board’s Hawaiian Holiday: UPDATE
Taking the Ball and Going Home
Latest tea party target: Its own convention Don't Be Evil Guys.
W II. Obama's first term is looking a lot like Bush's second term.
Analysis: A new law to offset Citizens United?
Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome
The New Political Rumbling. Massachusetts may signal an end to old ways of fighting
Politics in the Age of Distrust
Are Republicans Listening to the Scott Brown Message?
Obama's options, in a post-Massachusetts nation
Senate 2010: More Shocks on the Way?
In Economic Woes 01-22
It's as if Obama wants his fiscal policies to get increasingly stupider and more damaging!
Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors
Revenge Isn’t An Economic Policy
Scary Times in Obama High
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Should Be Eliminated, Frank Says
Exploding Debt Threatens Economic Recovery
New Questions Surface About Bernanke’s Role In AIG Bailout
State Needs More Revenue? Why Not Tax a Tax?
The Feds Are Out of Money: Healthcare Is Their New Bank
Obamanomics: Crony Capitalism Disguised as Progressive Reforms
Geithner aired concern on bank limits: sources
The Volcker rule
Senate Dems Not Sure They Can Get Enough Votes to Reconfirm Bernanke
Obama, Senate Dems turn attention to jobs while health reform stalls
Stocks slide as Obama calls for tougher bank rules
Obama hammers Wall Street banks
Stocks Turn Negative for Year; GE Gains
Obama: ‘Break Out Your Pitchforks And Head For The Banks!’
Why Stop at Banks? 13 Other Great Taxes
Obama's Student Loan Grab Will Cost Jobs, Eliminate Competition And Grow Government
The Government's Endless Appetite for Spending
Obama to talk economy, new jobs in hard-hit battleground state
Amnesty legislation will kill jobs
Bloomberg: Obama Will Cost NYC Jobs
Unemployment Up in 43 States in December
Geithner’s Advance Cover
White House fights for Bernanke support in Senate
'Obama Team Pushes Quotas'
Beware the Goldman Sachs populist
Glass-Steagall lite. Barack Obama proposes limiting the activities of big banks
Geithner Nails It
Banks Need Clear Capital Rules. The new White House proposals on size and trading only add to the uncertainty.
Obama's financial reform falls short
Obamacare Daily Round-Up 01-22
Gallup - In U.S., Majority Favors Suspending Work on Healthcare Bill
Gallup Poll: Americans Want Congress to Shelve Obamacare
Fantastic PJTV Video by AlfonZo Rachel - Health Care Reform Will Not Be Televised
AP: Obama's Health Care Plan Lost Massachusetts For Dems
Louisiana Legislature Floating Bill Making Obamacare Illegal in State
But in CA - California Democrats Ignore Brown Win: Vote For Bankruptcy
Obama concedes health overhaul hit 'buzz saw'
The Day ObamaCare Died!
Dems Lose Control of Health Care Agenda
Obama health plan in doubt as Dems reject fast fix
Chump “Change”
Nutmeggers Sour on Obamacare
Massachusetts Voters Decided To Make A Stand, But Is It Enough To Save American Healthcare?
Do the Right Thing
Obama on health care: Flight or fight?
Getting It Done: The Year In Obama-Led Health Care Reform
Dodd: Dems might need a month off from reform
Corruption Daily Round-Up 01-22
On bombing suspect, tough questions for Eric Holder
'Duh' Another intelligence blunder.
Gay voter remorse as McCains step up where Obama fails
‘Head Start’: The $166 Billion Fed Ed Failure The State - whether via regulations or education - can NEVER replace parents. Period.
Blogging Heads Talk It Out
The New Catechism. Liberaldom has new articles of faith.
America’s U.N. Ambassador Has Been AWOL AND Where Has Susan Rice, our UN Ambassador, Been This Past Year?
ACORN Filmmakers Giles, O’Keefe Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court
The New Face of Organized Labor
AFL-CIO Poll Shows Union Households Boosted Brown
Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change Collapsing?
Change: Three Blue Dogs now support GOP measure to block EPA from regulating carbon dioxide
East Asian Pollution Driving Western North America Ozone
As Olympics Near, They’re Ordering Snow
Actually, Weather Is Climate
Pulitzer Committee Rules National Enquirer Not Eligible for Prize for John Edwards Story
LA Times: Sexism is OK – as long as it’s directed at a Republican
Video: Stewart slams Olby
Olbermann calls tea-partiers ‘poor, dumb, manipulated bastards’ [video]
Rush and the ADL
Why would you leave? - Obama To Mayors: I’m Going To Take Some Of Your Questions But First The Cameras Have To Go So You Can Tell Me The Truth
Ann Althouse - AirAmerica Crashes AND Air America to cease live broadcasts and file for bankruptcy
Another Day, Another Slander
Obama blasts Court decision on campaign finance Yet Wasn't He A Law Professor?
Citizens United vs. FEC – Supreme Court Protects First Amendment Rights
High Court rules for free speech
People Organized as Corporations are People Too
The Court’s Blow to Democracy
Free speech triumphs
Government can't squelch free speech
A Big Victory for Free Speech
Analysis: A new law to offset Citizens United?
Filibuster reform bill headed for Senate floor, faces uphill battle
Lawmakers Race to Limit Corporate Spending on Elections After Court Ruling
Candidates and Political Parties Are Losers in Campaign Finance Case
Can This Week Possibly Get Any Better?
CNBC host Larry Kudlow declines to rule out bid to unseat Schumer
New York Democratic Leader Says He Won’t Support Junior Just Because He’s Black
This Week in Liberalism AND 'I Love This Week'
Charles Krauthammer - The Meaning of Brown
REVIEW: ‘To Save a Life’ — Authentic, Touching Look at Teen Life and Faith (And Steven Crowder’s In It!)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gramsci in Action
(Originally posted on NRO by my husband)
Last year, CEI celebrated Earth Day with this here (and here). Watch video here.
This year, why not buy a copy of The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause Them It'll will gratifyingly annoy all the tree-huggers you know.
The Sierra Club is usually regarded as one of the more genteel of the environmental groups. That is probably about to change, as they have just hired a hardened anti-capitalist activist as their new executive director. Michael Brune, 38, is currently head of the Rainforest Action Network, a hardcore group that has taken bullying corporations to a new level. Carter Wood has the full story.
By the way, Brune's predecessor at the helm of the Sierra Club, Carl Pope, had a compensation package that totalled just over $241,000 in 2007. Never forget, Earth Day is pay day.
Last year, CEI celebrated Earth Day with this here (and here). Watch video here.
This year, why not buy a copy of The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause Them It'll will gratifyingly annoy all the tree-huggers you know.
Random Round-Up 01-21
Still. Not. Listening. - Hands Off Our Slush Fund! Thune Amendment Fails
Total Makeover: ACORN Edition
The Union Rules. What better to call the White House’s latest handout?
Questionable Policy on Interrogations
Democrat CYA
Now Barney Frank and the Dems are for the Nuclear Option
It's Reconciliation AND Paul Ryan on Reconciliation
Obama and Pelosi Ignoring Public’s Message, Boehner Says
Obama to 'let dust settle' on health care
PJTV Video (Medically Incorrect) - Democrats Are Playing Doctor? Get Me A Lawyer!
A Warning For The Next Scott Brown
Virginia governor to deliver GOP response to Obama
Putting 'limited' back in government. Democrats squander your money, your liberty
For California Democrats, GOP upset in Massachusetts is a cause for worry. Strategists say confidence has faded that Sen. Boxer, running for reelection, and Atty. Gen. Brown, perhaps running for governor, would coast to wins. Analysts say GOP could pick up legislative seats
Could Obey Be Coakley’d?
Madison’s Gift to America. A new study points to the Virginian’s emphasis on civic virtue.
The Two Promises Obama's Managed to Keep
Election 2010: Missouri Senate- Roy Blunt leads Robin Carnahan for first time in Rasmussen poll
Unsafe in Any State. The Massachusetts Senate shocker puts Democrats on notice nationwide.
‘Scam, Scam, Scam!’: European Parliament Member Rips Global Warming Hysteria
Illinois to receive $6 million for green jobs
FCC launches an internal task force to determine effect of current and future rules and regulations on consumers
The Future of Campaign-Finance Laws: Citizens United is Just the Latest Battle in a Long-Running War
Specter Tells Bachmann To Act Like A "Lady"
The Big-Spending, High-Taxing, Lousy-Services Paradigm. California taxpayers don't get much bang for their bucks.
BWAHAHAHA! Air America Ceases Live Programming, Will File for Bankruptcy AND FNC Keeps Rising, Air America Crashes.
President Obama’s Excellent New Banking Proposal AND More Like a Bogus Journey
4 Headwinds That Stocks Are Ignoring
The End of Wall Street As We Know It
The End of Moral Hazard?
Raising the Debt Limit. Again
Invasion of the European Economists. A generation of free-market exiles has made the U.S. campus its home.
Slime Molds are some of the coolest creatures on Earth. Seriously. Can Slime Molds Solve Traffic Jams?
Grading the Presidency
(By my husband and originally posted on NRO)
Grading the Presidency
Grading the Presidency
CEI has released its report card for the president's first year, and the best grade he gets is a C- for his management of OMB, with some half-way decent appointments. The overall grade is D-, with Fs for Energy, EPA, FTC, ICE/USCIS, Interior, Justice, PCAOB, and Transportation.
Wayne Crews explains further about the D grade for the Department of the Treasury over at The Daily Caller.
Political Corruption 01-21
Keep Track of What The Bastards Are Up To - Congressional Primary Calendar
We're All Browncoats Now - Brown’s Victory: The Declaration of Independents
OUCH! From Der Spiegel - The World Bids Farewell to Obama
Lobbyists Roam Freely - K Street Thrived In 2009: The Proof Is In The Numbers.
5 Things Obama Can't Blame On Bush
The New Progressivism: Same as the Old Progressivism?
The War Against Suburbia
Hit the reset button
Thomas Sowell - Are Republicans "Due"?: Part III
Opinion: A Case of Buyer's Remorse AND America Gets Buyer's Remorse
Three Reasons Why Obama and The Dems Are in Big, Big Trouble.
DCCC: Cato Institute is ‘right-wing extremist group’
Dems fret: 'Every state is in play'
VDH - Our Philosopher-King Obama
Liberals gin up their engines for kamikaze missions
Kucinich shreds Democrats for betraying the promise of change
The Window is Closing
Gary Peters - Liberal Voter
Kiss the Senate Goodbye, Senator AND Obama Will Travel to Nevada for Reid Next Month
Democrats on the precipice of failure
Who should be voted out of office in November?
Hubris is Ruining the Democrats
Poll Analysis: Dems To 52 Senate Seats If Elections Held Today
'Cashiers, Baggers, Deli, Bakery and Grocery Clerks'
Little guy sends message to Washington: Drop dead
Over a Dozen Georgia Lawmakers Failed to File State Tax Returns
The Fall of the House of Kennedy. The battle over who defines the work and institutions that make a nation thrive and grow.
Obama's "Kiss of Death" In Massachusetts
The Libertarian Vote in the Age of Obama
Fact-Check Virginia: Moran’s earmarks AND Earmarks for Donations in No. Va.
For This Libertarian, Obama's First Year Looks Grim
The Democrats’ Day After
Don't Hate Me Because I Work Too Hard
PJTV Video (Trifecta) - Obama Year One: Working Light Or Lightly Working?
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