Palin! Rogue Warriors: Palin's Power Is With the People AND
Palin’s Book: The Overview
Disgusting. Obama Ally Code Pink Justifies Fort Hood Terrorist Attack, Cashes in on Massacre in Veterans Day Fundraising Appeal
Obamacare - Defeat Obamacare in Detail AND
Wooing moderate Nelson could be a tough task for Senate Democrats AND
More in U.S. Say Health Coverage Is Not Gov’t. Responsibility AND
Behold, the swamp of Chicago health care and Obama's central role in cultivating it. Don your hip waders before proceeding AND
Is Health Care Reform Popular? The Democrats and the Polls Disagree AND
Health Care Reform Advocates: Take a Look at Public Schools AND
Study suggests costs rise under health care bill AND
CMS: House health bill will hike costs $289B AND
Anger at the American Medical Association AND
No Free Lunch: The True Cost of ObamaCare AND
Study suggests costs rise under health care bill AND
House Democrats Botched Health Care Bill, Republican Says
Gingrich: Contract with America round 2
Economics - California is overregulated, overtaxed, and just plain over AND
Jesus the Capitalist AND
Breathtaking -- And Not in a Good Way AND
"Stimulus" Fuzzy Math of the Day: Hope Doesn't Put Food On The Table AND
Regulators close 2 Florida banks, 1 in California; 123 US bank failures this year
Media Corruption - MSNBC Uses Fake, ‘Sexy’ Photos of Sarah Palin on Air; Will Network Correct and Apologize? AND
Speaking of Greedy Corporate Interests AND
Rogue's Eleven plus Overmanning (cont

ACORN - Obama’s ACORN Connection Can’t Survive Inspection AND
The Future of Wade Rathke and ACORN, Part II: Tea Parties and Protests AND
Is Justice Served Faster for Democrats? AND
A Convenient Time for Bob Bauer?
Newly appointed White House counsel Bob Bauer is "perfectly positioned to be tasked with erasing the tracks between Obama and ACORN," one Republican lawmaker charged Friday.AND
Rep. Steve King: Bauer was hired to 'erase tracks' between Obama, ACORN
Political Corruption - Senate Democrats want U.S. residency for kin of immigrant service members AND
Dodd's danger AND
Obama Is Losing Independent Voters. A number of recent polls show the president would be wise to shift right. AND
Anita Dunn is No Rogue AND
Few Dems in big races jump headlong into backing health bill
Junk Science - FDA: Caffeinated alcoholic drinks may be illegal AND
An Alarmist Modeler’s History of Climate Change AND
Glimps of our future? Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'
Everyone in Britain should have an annual carbon ration and be penalised if they use too much fuel, the head of the Environment Agency will say.
BWAHAHAHA - Polls suggest healthcare debate a boon to GOP candidates running for Senate
For Holder, much wrestling over decision AND Hot Air here.
China and Forced Abortions
Fighting Corruption - Tea Partiers Come to the Aid of California Farmers. The Farmer Relief and Freedom Relay is collecting aid for the Central California farmers rocked by environmental extremism and big government. AND
Lieberman Finds Stride in Senate as the Democrats' Maverick