Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Random Round-Up 11-24

President Obama Job Approval
Outrage or Farce: NBC News Names Ground Zero Mosque Developer ‘Person of the Year’ Of all the people in all the world, NBC chooses to honor the provocateur behind one of the most controversial projects in America. On Thanksgiving
Tom DeLay Convicted of Money Laundering
Kucinich Push for Committee Spot Foiled by Race Issues in His Own Office? A staffer who complained of race problems was placed on paid leave in May. The staffer is still getting a paycheck, and has not worked since then.
Sen. Mark Warner – More Power to Death Panels?
David Brock defends using undisclosed donors

Is Failure to Support Obama Administration's Foreign Policy Grounds to Deny Charity's Tax-Exempt Status?
The Beginning Of The Ponzi End: As Of Today, The Biggest Holder Of US Debt Is Ben Bernanke
No Surprise: Union Propped Up Illegal Immigrant to Smear Meg Whitman
Adam Savage: TSA saw my junk, missed 12" razor blades
Why They Don’t Need To ‘Touch Your Junk’ At Israeli Airports
Health Tyrants
Former Obama Advisor, Aide To NJ Dem, Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Health reform's competition-crushers
The TSA wants you to know they’re not thugs, which is why they’re confiscating your camera

The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN’s 2010 total at least 15
Down with the Democrats: Polls Point to Rampant Voter Dissatisfaction
GOP lawmakers under pressure to decline government health plan
The TSA, the Law and Democracy: The People's Security
Obama's 2010 Loss Was Foretold!
Government By Waiver: The Breakdown Of Public Administration
At this point, Obama makes my cat look competent - Noemie Emery: Obama makes Bush look competent
Imagine a Military Board With the Power of the Very Real ObamaCare Medicare Board
Unemployment Forecast Bad News For Obama
Story of Business: when costs compete with passion
Aiming High: How Can I Amass a Fortune by the Time I Retire?
Should Academics Be "Liberated" from Tenure?
Sarah Palin, Riot Grrrl
Fed lowers economic expectations for 2011
The 2010 Congressional Healthcare Stunt
The Republican Wave Isn’t Quite Finished Yet
Oh, BrownCare
If "progressive" Democrats have their way, repealing ObamaCare may be easier..
Harry Reid rewards Labor by pushing a public safety bargaining bill that would be ruinous to local communities
Democrats Try to Crack Mystery of the Missing Voters
McConnell Dream Act Speculation Much Ado About Nothing
By my husband's boss - Thankful for Regulatory Reform
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Random Round-Up 11-23

President Obama Job Approval
Zogby: Obama Plunges to 39% as Dems Abandon Him, Too
Lowest ever: Obama job approval sinks to 39%, as even Democrats' support melts away
From his lips to God's ears - Three strikes and you’re out, Mr. Holder
Empty promises on health care will haunt Obama
Repeal It!! House Dem dares GOP on healthcare repeal
Medical Loss Ratios: A “Novel” Way For the Government to Intervene in the Health Insurance Industry

The voter fraud hall of shame: Milwaukee voter fraud conviction makes ACORN’s 2010 total at least 15
Private Citizen Subjected to Smear Campaign by Government Officials
Oritz Concedes TX-27 to Farenthold; GOP Reaches Historic 241 Seats in House
Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State
Miller files vote-count lawsuit in Alaska court
Al Gore's Important Admission
Higher Taxes Won't Reduce the Deficit History shows that when Congress gets more revenue, the pols spend it..

Democrats Try to Crack Mystery of the Missing Voters
Woman who told Obama her financial fears has lost her job
Poll: Tea Party support grows; USA divided
Can the Dream Act pass the Senate in the lame duck session?
Lawmakers Warn $1.2 Billion Payout to Black Farmers Rife With Fraud
It’s Official – The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December
Assessing the Regulatory and Administrative Burdens on America’s Small Businesses
Pay Cuts Aren’t Enough: Time to Lay Off Federal Workers. Massive redundancies, dedicated conference room schedulers, and job security that might as well be tenure plague federal agencies.
Deflating the Growth Gap Balloon

Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals
America's Third War: Uncovering Border Tunnels
Fed slashes US growth forecasts
Air Leaking Out of the Green Bubble
WSJ: A Sucker's Play -- Each $1 in Higher Taxes Results in $1.17 of New Spending
Jefferson, Madison, and the Philosophical Foundations of America

The 25 Best Quotes About Liberals
I've got tons if you need a "donation" - Fat. What is it good for? Stem cells, as it turns out
Irish Debt Crisis Forces Collapse of Government
Close Tax Loopholes? Fine, but Use the Money to Lower Tax Rates

Fewer Jobs, More Immigrants
Oh really? TSA: Some gov't officials to skip airport security
My husband works with the author trying to establish an Anglosphere Institute - The Anglosphere Challenge: Why the English-Speaking Nations Will Lead the Way in the Twenty-First Century
Monday, November 22, 2010
Random Round-Up 11-22

President Obama Job Approval
Obama’s Approval Rating on Economy at All-Time Low
Not a moment too soon - Constitutional Amendment proposal to streamline legislative repeals to hit Congress soon
No sh*t, Sherlock - U.S. corn ethanol "was not a good policy"-Gore
Building the 9-11 Mosque with taxpayer money, HELL NO. Park51 Developers Apply for Federal Grant, from 9/11 Fund
Bombshell evidence may make Waters an ethics nightmare for Dems

FNC Highlights UVA Study That Shows Enforcing Immigration Laws Decreases Violent Crime
Radical Pajamas
Empowering the Jeopardized
From a fellow blogger via Instapundit - My Rebuttal to a Progressive who Admonished Me to Play Nice .... (An AWESOME Read!)
The SEC slams venture capital
How EPA Could Destroy 7.3 Million Jobs
Anticipated DREAM Votes
IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth”
TSA Uproar: That’s The Power of Drudge
Parents Revolt in Chicago: Will Big Education Listen?
President Obama plans truce with Chamber of Commerce
The Cost of the Debt Explosion
The Culture Gap is Real: Not much attention paid to ROTC debate
Airport Security Measures Spark Unusual Passenger Reaction
Democrats’ Tax Dilemma
Few Businesses Sprout, With Even Fewer Jobs
Why Letting Tax Cuts Expire Will Hurt Small Businesspeople…Like Me!
Obamacare Regulations Drop Today
Culver OKs state pay raises
Dire messages about global warming can backfire, new study shows
Truth in Advertising The case for Nancy Pelosi..
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Random Round-Up 11-21 Weekend Edition

President Obama Job Approval
Closing the Book on Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge
Exclusive Excerpts From New Black Panther Case Investigation Report
Consumer Risks Feared as Health Law Spurs Mergers
Public Acceptance of New TSA Procedures Has Been Exaggerated
Al Gore: Media Didn’t Do Enough on Global Warming
Our New Obamacare Masters Meet the Independent Payment Advisory Board.
Charlie Rangel Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem
COICA: Giving the government the power to shut down dissent
In Health Care, No Free Lunch
Dick Morris: School Choice is Remedy for State Budget Deficits
ACORN’s ‘Texas for Obama’ Labor Ally Could Provide Cover to Rebuild Discredited Organization
Senate Approves $4.6 Billion for Claims by Black Farmers, American Indians
Five myths about hunger in America
Kathleen Parker Falsely Claims Alexander Hamilton Was an Illegal Immigrant
Obama's Last-Ditch Push for Immigration Amnesty
Maxine Waters' November 29 ethics trial canceled
Strangling innovation with red tape
Yet Another Anti-Putin Journalist Brutally Beaten
I always love a good "asshats" reference.
Awesome! Chris Christie tells of apology from President of Teachers Union
Congress Should Investigate Pigford Before Funding It
Chris Christie's Advice to GOP Governors Brings Down the House
Democrats to America: "Fuck you pay me"
SEIU Protests Hospital for Defending Employees’ Freedom
Senate agrees to delay huge cut in Medicare payments to doctors
NY Dems Pull Voting Machines Out Of The Trunk In State Senate Race
Senate Fails to Vote on Food-Safety Bill
Obama's Democrats in disarray over expiring tax cuts
Holder’s Sham Trial
On the anniversary of Climategate the Watermelons show their true colours
Will Roe v. Wade Sink Obamacare? Mississippi Is Set to Find Out
Dems run a'Ground'
Technology: Hard-Coded Bias In Google Search Results?
Paul Ryan’s pro-market healthcare reform
Vote For Amy
A friend has put out a call for votes. Amy Johansson is a finalist in the National Geographic photo contest and her photo is Amazing. See below.
Please follow this link to vote (rank her as high as possible - if you like it, of course).

Please follow this link to vote (rank her as high as possible - if you like it, of course).

Unsafe Journey Photo and caption by Amy Helene Johansson
A woman is riding between the railway carriages of a local train heading north from Dhaka, the Bangladesh capitol. Her luggage is tucked under the carriage in front of her. It is the month of Ramadan, a fast which culminates in Eid-ul-Fitr, a three-day celebration. Tens of thousands of people leave the city to go to their home village and celebrate with their families. Trains are packed and many who fail to get tickets before they sell out or can’t afford buying them at the black market ride on the roof of the train or, like this woman, finds a quiet spot between the carriages
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