Sorry. I dropped the ball.
And the stick. Oops.
Peter Ridd On Dodgy Science
2 hours ago
Politics And One Mother With A Keyboard. Because in front of every informed voter is a frightened politician.
A VIDEO RESPONSE to Keith Olbermann. What big-media coverage doesn’t show, because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for Olbermann to apologize for working at such a lily-white organization. Racist.
UPDATE: Reader Fred May writes:I just viewed Keith Olbermann’s video about where are the black faces (minority) in the Tea Party crowd? I happened to be in San Antonio on spring break with my wife and kids last April 15th. We found ourselves at the Glenn Beck sponsored Tea Party at the Alamo in downtown San Antonio unexpectedly. What struck us was the number of black families holding the same kind of protest signs as their white counterparts, as well as Hispanics. The uniformity of their responses, the camaraderie and the general respect and acceptance of everyone there underscored the fact that across minority groups, citizens of all stripes were worried and pissed. Keith Olbermann needs to get a grip, come down from his frigging ivory tower and mix with us common folk. He might learn a thing or two. America is not nearly as segregated as he would like to believe. Also intelligent citizens from many backgrounds get it and don’t need his whining and hand ringing to tell us we are really racist and stupid. I saw it myself, people gathering together with a common cause, protesting the usurpation of the rights of a whole generation. It made me proud to be an American and not just a white American as Olbermann and others would have us believe. Sheesh!Talk of racism is an important tool for marginalizing ordinary Americans and making them feel insecure. You don’t really expect the likes of Olbermann to give that up voluntarily, do you?
And hey, Tea Partiers are more diverse than David Letterman’s staff . . . .
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Mike Donovan writes:Esteemed Prof – today’s reader comment by Fred May about the racial diversity present at the San Antonio TP event he attended is pretty much the exact situation i personally witnessed at 2 very large (several thousand people both times) events in Sacramento’s Capitol Park last year: Black WW2 vets in their VFW hats mingling with Hispanic and Asain families with kids and of course lots of white folks, coz thats the largest demographic in the country. What a shock.Yes, the racism claims are kinda iffy, to say the least. But they’re all they’ve got left.
I dare say…at least at the events I personally attended…the racial makeup was/is far more diverse than the near-exclusively white anti-war, Bush-is-a-Criminal hatefests common to every big city in America before the Age of Obama. You know, when dissent was the highest form of patriotism.
Olby and his ilk must not be allowed to get away with this abjectly untrue characterization of the diverse nature of people attending TP events. They haven’t gotten away with it yet though, because almost everyone in the country with a fair open mind either attended a TP or knows someone who did. And what they see on TV and in the papers doesn’t match what they saw and continue to see with their own eyes.
Keep up the great work.
I'm really glad I happened to catch this video, c/o Bruce Miller at The Blue Voice and Blue Texan at Firedoglake. With every passing day I'm more and more convinced that President Barack Obama has worsened race relations in this country. It's something I've written about quite a bit, while rebutting the airheaded nihilists of the radical left. But Keith Olbermann, never failing to astound, really outdoes himself. A man with great power at MSNBC -- and thus the television media -- he hasn't the faintest inclination to responsibility. Anyway, it's a lengthy segment at the video, but worth a look. It illustrates the racist patronism of today's Democratic-left. After attacking citizen patriots as "teabagging racists," Olbermann implores tea partiers to ask themselves, "Where are the black faces" among you.
It's hard to be more racially offensive than this, for Olbermann's whole schtick essentially discounts America's achievement of the civil rights dream, one that culminated in the election of the nation's first black president in 2008. But it's more than that: After decades of Democratic Party policies that have systematically supressed black Americans (keeping them "in their place" through welfare policies of dependency, inner-city housing policies of ethnic warehousing, and voting rights policies of racial recrimination and ghettoization), Olbermann has the temerity to suggest that blacks just can't think for themselves. That's not to discount how the Democratic-left attempts to inculcate the young with the false consciousness of racial grievance and victimology. It's that on top of that Olby is asserting that black patriots need the "massa in de big house" to show them how to live.
The frightening truth for the left is that blacks and other minorities are extremely well represented in the tea party movement (and in fact, MSNBC has a history of trying to hide this). And of course it's leftist condescension in the extreme to suggest opposition to Obama is automatically racist AND that there aren't enough black faces in the crowd.