Below are a few pictures I thought were fun. I especially like the hawk as Christmas Tree Topper.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Some Christmas Tree Cutting Pictures
We cut our own Christmas tree and make a day of it.
Below are a few pictures I thought were fun. I especially like the hawk as Christmas Tree Topper.

Below are a few pictures I thought were fun. I especially like the hawk as Christmas Tree Topper.
In Economic Woes 12-12

US House passes financial reform bill
Death, Taxes ... and More Taxes
The “using TARP funds for stimulus” gimmick

The New Breed of Deadbeats
Did the Stimulus Create Jobs? The government's own job creation data reveal the dangers of a second stimulus
OMB’s Orzag Was Against Deficits Before He Was For Them

Audiocast - Opposing Government Mandated Multilingualism on Private Business
Obama's Big Sellout. The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway
More, More, More. Watch what they spend, not what they say.
Study - Despite Rhetoric, Lawmakers Backing Higher “Death Tax” also Backed Bigger Deficits

New York's job-killing climate
Senate Health Care Reform Spells Trouble for Nebraska
Deglobalization. The surprisingly steep decline in world trade.
Obama blasts banks for opposing financial overhaul

Do The Exec Comp Restrictions in the TARP Prove That Exec Comp Matters?
First, the Good News...
Pork Report, December 10, 2009: Muskrat Love Edition
Pork Report, December 11, 2009: Puppet Show Edition

Junk Science/Environmentalism Corruption 12-12

Two by my husband - Disdain for the Scientific Method AND Al Gore’s Political Tin Ear
Steve McIntyre - IPCC and the “Trick”
What climategate really tells us
One Must Ignore 200 Years of Observations to Believe in AGW

Climategate’s Harry_Read_Me.txt: We All Really Should
Al Gore and the Wizards of Climategate
PJTV Video - Science & Climategate: Copenhagen's Shadow Conference
UN Security Stops Journalist’s Questions About ClimateGate
GOP: US should reject climate pact

Fables of the Reconstruction. (Or, How to Make Your Own Hockey Stick)
Art Horn - Climategate in the Classroom
A Warning on Warming
Dennis Miller: Swingin' Copenhagen
Watch out, Al Gore – I’m going to Copenhagen!
Media Blows Climate Change Story
Cap-n-Trade: Now 10% Fraud-Free!
The Politicization of the EPA — an Administration’s Radical Gamble
Global Warming as a Political Tool
Hiding The Decline At Google?
Earth's Atmosphere May Have An Alien Origin.
PJTV Video - Sen. James Inhofe: President Obama, Climate Scientists & the U.N. Are Attacking Our Sovereignty
When scientists lie
Rocket man
Let’s have an inquisition

Physics Group Splinters Over Global Warming Review
ClimateGate: Don’t Know Much About History. Or Climate.
Real Scientists Are Climate Skeptics
Buy Local, Act Evil. Can organic produce and natural shampoo turn you into a heartless jerk?

Fistgate Round-Up
Seriously, I couldn't care less what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms but teaching teenages "fisting" is vile and sub-human
If this is Obama's pick for "Safe School Czar", if Obama thinks this is a reasonable person to be associated with young boys and girls then Obama should prove it by letting Jennings and his ilk babysit his daughters. If he doesn't, then he should ask for Jennings' resignation.
Fistgate: Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s 2000 Conference Promoted ‘Fisting’ to 14 Year-Olds
Fistgate II: High School Students Given ‘Fisting Kits’ At Kevin Jennings’ 2001 GLSEN Conference
Fistgate III: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s ‘Black Book’ For Kids Included Tips on Fisting and Pi$$ing on Your Partner
Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens at GLSEN Events
Fistgate V: Youth Fisting Instructor Claims Kevin Jennings Knew About Class Content in Advance
Fistgate VI: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s Teen Conference Literature Pushed Anal S*x in Parks With Strangers
And these liberal jokers are trying to defend him! Media Matters Defends Kid Fisting Lectures and Children Sex Books as Non-Scandal It's like a race to see who could be the bigger scumbags.
Here's a great overview with video clips and lots of links - Do safe schools require an iron fisting?
Teaching Your Kids to Live the Porn Life. There are some lines that should not be crossed. Obama's "safe schools" czar needs to be fired.
If this is Obama's pick for "Safe School Czar", if Obama thinks this is a reasonable person to be associated with young boys and girls then Obama should prove it by letting Jennings and his ilk babysit his daughters. If he doesn't, then he should ask for Jennings' resignation.
Fistgate: Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s 2000 Conference Promoted ‘Fisting’ to 14 Year-Olds
Fistgate II: High School Students Given ‘Fisting Kits’ At Kevin Jennings’ 2001 GLSEN Conference
Fistgate III: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s ‘Black Book’ For Kids Included Tips on Fisting and Pi$$ing on Your Partner
Fistgate IV: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Passed Out Gay Bar Guides to Teens at GLSEN Events
Fistgate V: Youth Fisting Instructor Claims Kevin Jennings Knew About Class Content in Advance
Fistgate VI: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s Teen Conference Literature Pushed Anal S*x in Parks With Strangers
And these liberal jokers are trying to defend him! Media Matters Defends Kid Fisting Lectures and Children Sex Books as Non-Scandal It's like a race to see who could be the bigger scumbags.
Here's a great overview with video clips and lots of links - Do safe schools require an iron fisting?
Teaching Your Kids to Live the Porn Life. There are some lines that should not be crossed. Obama's "safe schools" czar needs to be fired.
Random Round-Up 12-12

DISGUSTING - A mark to make us ashamed: Britain wants to brand Jewish goods
...sometimes a story emerges that requires outright condemnation. On this occasion, the condemnation goes to the British Government. The government - our government, supposedly representing you and me in its interaction with people abroad - wants to label goods as coming from the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, so as to help consumers boycott them.

‘Welcome to Obamaville’ Sign Marks Colorado Homeless Tent City

False Populism, Real Profits for Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Only a Special Prosecutor is Going to Bring Justice to the Justice Department
Baucus Needs to Go
Order Drafted by White House Could Be Used to Send Gitmo Detainees to Illinois

Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard
**Exclusive** Leaked Justice Department Memo: Terrorists To Be Moved to Camp Gitmo Illinois
The Class War: Public Employees vs. the Rest of Us

Those Pesky Economists
Obama Appointee Sobers Up, Finally Shows For Work
Max Baucus’s Friends, Family, and F*!k Buddy Plan
Connecticut Senator Fights 'Dump Dodd' Sentiment
Can DHS Protect Itself Against Criminal Employees?
Obama's Weekly Friday Night Bad News Dump: Transfer Gitmo Detainees to Illinois

With documents - Delaware Official: ACORN Illegally Lobbying in State
‘Independent’ ACORN Apologist Applauds ‘Independent’ Investigation Conclusion
ACORN Document Dump: Citibank Jeopardizes Customers for ACORN
Activist Brooklyn Judge Delivers for ACORN, Re-funds Group
Leaked SEIU Card Check Cheat Sheet

CNN: 61% Oppose Senate Health Care Plan
Do Nothing, Majority Says. ObamaCare is now almost as unpopular as it is monstrous.

US health care tab to keep growing under overhaul
Humpty Dumpty Harry Reid
Tea Party Activists Not Thankful For Centrist Dems' Health Vote

Obama’s Individual Health Care Mandate is Unconstitutional
The $100,000 Obamacare Policy
For the Annals of Good Government
Harry Reid's main focus: Harry Reid
Sticker Shock for Dem 'Deal'
Crunching the Numbers...of Lives Saved
Media Blows Climate Change Story
Editor & Publisher’s Final Years A Cautionary Tale
The Conservative Answer to
Christmas Tree Cutting
Well, it's been a family-centric week. My in-laws safely arrived, albeit six hours before their luggage arrived but not suitcases and grandparents are happily reunited.
I have completed 99.9% of my Christmas Gift Shopping and only have wrapping, cookie baking, grocery shopping, and cooking to accomplish.
And today, we are going to our favorite tree farm to cut down our Christmas Tree with decorating happening tomorrow (along with some preliminary gift wrapping - teacher's gifts, etc.).
So, this is my cheerful way of explaining the lack of daily round-ups (I've been running around like a mad woman) and promising that I will have some round-ups collected and posted very soon.
I have completed 99.9% of my Christmas Gift Shopping and only have wrapping, cookie baking, grocery shopping, and cooking to accomplish.
And today, we are going to our favorite tree farm to cut down our Christmas Tree with decorating happening tomorrow (along with some preliminary gift wrapping - teacher's gifts, etc.).
So, this is my cheerful way of explaining the lack of daily round-ups (I've been running around like a mad woman) and promising that I will have some round-ups collected and posted very soon.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Political Corruption 12-09

DISGUSTING! This man has got to GO! - Fistgate III: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s ‘Black Book’ For Kids Included Tips on Fisting and Pi$$ing on Your Partner
A White House Power Grab that Congress and America Doesn’t See
Justice Depart. subpoenaed in New Black Panthers case. Holder's DoJ is rapidly developing the reputation of cesspit. Hopefully, this supoena will expose the inner workings of Holder's DoJ and justice will be served.
I (heart) Stephen Green - The Political Landscape: The Slobs Versus the Snobs
Voter Fraud? What Voter Fraud?
Obama's Whoppers
Obama to GOP: 'Stop trying to frighten the American people' Actually I think it's Obama and the "liberals" the American people are more afraid of these days.
This would make Miranda even stupider - Famous Miranda rights warning could get rewrite
The Real History of Civil Rights
Misusing knowledge to expand government power
Bob Creamer, Architect of ObamaCare, and His Pattern of Corruption
Obama Seeks to Evade Accountability in Supreme Court
Frankly, this smacks of an unattractive combination of laziness and arrogance - White House Nixes Receiving Lines. AND White House CoS Rahm Emanuel [expletive deleted] up again.
All his polls seem to be plummetting - Obama at new low in Quinnipiac survey AND Obama: Waah, Gallup is picking on meeeeeeee AND Obama's 47 Percent Approval Lowest of Any President at This Point AND this too - The Public-Opinion Option
Congress readies huge year-end spending bill
We certainly believe he does in our household - Does Obama have it in for Britain?
Harry Reid's Armenian Nightmare
Follow the Money
Democratic Pollsters Get $6 Million From Stimulus
Firm Run by Clinton Pollster Disputes Report It Received $5.97M in Stimulus Money
Junk Science/Environmentalism Corruption 12-09

The Truth Shall Set You Free - Copenhagen climate summit: global warming 'caused by sun's radiation'. Global warming is caused by radiation from the sun, according to a leading scientist speaking out at an alternative "sceptics' conference" in Copenhagen.
But there are always some who just can't handle the truth - Human role in climate change not in doubt-UN's Ban
From My Husband - Wigley Wriggles. Andrew Bolt has the story of how one climate scientist closed ranks.
Also from my husband - Holdren Cornered
Even though he once dropped food on my carpets, I like Rep. Sensenbrenner, especially for this - Sensenbrenner to Tell Copenhagen: No Climate Laws Until 'Scientific Fascism' Ends
The Tip of the Climategate Iceberg. The global-warming scandal is bigger than one email leak.
ClimateGate Denial
For example - Some of the “Homogenized” Temperature Data is False
Administration Warns of 'Command-and-Control' Regulation Over Emissions
I'm so shocked - Europol Reports Massive Fraud in the Carbon Credits Market

The Politicization of the EPA — an Administration’s Radical Gamble
An Inconvenient Democracy. The EPA aims to bully Congress and business with its carbon ruling.
Our Way or ... Well, Our Way
Goracle Calls Climategate "Out of Context" & Says Deniers Are Not Living In "Reality"
EPA's Greenhouse Gases Declaration -- Putting America On the Road to Ruin
Climategate and the Hamster Effect. Like rodents trapped in a cage with a snake, climate scientists and journalists scurry and dig, hoping to avoid the inevitable
From Angus McColloch
Sarah Palin's Take - Copenhagen's political science
Looks like Mr. Culberson found a theme - Hold Your Breath AND Hold Your Breath Texas
On Data Samples AND On Data Samples, Con'td AND Precaution
U.S. Halfway to Kyoto Goals... With No Government Regulation
Most. Pathetic. Rationalization. Ever. Going Cheney on Climate
Republicans Plan to Form Counter-Delegation at Climate Conference

Redistributing America's Wealth at Copenhagen
EPA Carbon Dioxide Decision Threatens Liberty and the Economy
EPA chief: Hey, timing of new CO2 regulations just a coincidence! My big fat ass it was a coincidence.
Gore, in Bunker Mode
VIDEO - THE CLIMATE CULT: Bruce Bawer's Exclusive Report from "Hopenhagen"
Climate Skeptics Need Mental Help?
Follow the Money
The Myth of Clean Coal: Analysis. Still works better than solar.
We've Been Had

From Forbes - Capping Emissions, Trading On The Future. The West's goals in Copenhagen are tantamount to suicide
Language dears.
Friedman Tackles Climategate
Surprise, Surprise, Many Scientists Disagree On Global Warming
Waiting To Exhale: Carbon Command and Control Will Leave You Breathless
Climategate: Gore falsifies the record
And now for a giggle - Defused Lethal Al Gore Poem Released by Government

In Economic Woes 12-09

The Real Fat Cat Party (Guess what, it is the democrats.)
Who didn't see this coming? Obama urges major new stimulus, jobs spending
Obamanomics: Decreased Productivity = More Jobs
Stimulus III Democrats want TARP to become a revolving line of political credit.

More Politics as Usual?
McCain, Coburn Target 100 Stimulus Projects
Most Americans Oppose Second Stimulus and Using Bailout Funds for States
A Transaction Tax Would Hurt All Investors. The unintended consequences of the 'Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act.'
Congress readies huge year-end spending bill
Greece Threatens Bankruptcy, And the Eurozone

The continuing war on business
Geithner: bailout program extended to October
Follow the Money
Obama’s TARP Solution: See, All Fixed!
Obama’s Four Flimsy Budget Cutting Ideas
Your Stimulus Dollars at Work: New Coburn and McCain Report
U.S. already $292 bln in the red this year - CBO
A sliver of hope - Senate Democrats threaten to clip Obama’s credit card
Small Business vs. the Great Ozbama

Obamacare Daily Round-Up 12-09

Sen. Boxer Compares Viagra to Abortion During Health Care Debate. I do not care for her as she was rude to my husband during a Senate hearing. Therefore, I believe Boxer is a political whore whose outstanding hackery is only outshined by her deep, broad, and dense idiocy. A complete waste of skin, Boxer needs to be removed from office by her constituents because she is a danger to the country and anyone standing near her suffers brain damage from the stupidity emanating from her person.
I didn't think it was possible but here is another politician who is almost as worthless as Boxer. Sen. Feinstein Says It’s ‘Morally Correct’ to Force Taxpayers to Fund Abortion (VIDEO) Talk about a douchbag.
The Public-Opinion Option
Senate blocks tough abortion limits in health bill

Health care issues: Keeping what you have
Watered-down 'public plan' emerges in Senate
From Michelle Malken - The Depths of Demcare Demagoguery
How Much Will You Pay for Health Care? You'll Pay Plenty
The Real Cost of a 'Botax,' by Plastic Surgeon Dr. Haideh Hirmand. A noted physician exposes the hidden toxicity of the Senate’s proposed 5% federal tax on cosmetic procedures
A Bad Year for the Experts A True Tale of Canadian Health Care
The GOP Health Plan
Obama to Spend $600M on Community Health
Senate may drop public option Do you believe that? I don't believe that.
Bob Creamer, Architect of ObamaCare, and His Pattern of Corruption
Women Will Not Fare Well Under ObamaCare
Go Joe Go! The Water Is Cold in Connecticut
Government-run health care by stealth
From Rep. Bart Stupak - What My Amendment Won’t Do
The Mystery of Harry Reid. How could such a thoroughly unappealing man have gotten so far in politics? AND Reid doubles down on slavery analogy AND he has useful idiots - Dems defend Reid's slavery remarks
Watch Senator Hatch speak on the topic, "Is the Personal Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Unconsitutional?"
Is Health Insurance Mandate Constitutional?
Don't trust 'em, it'll be back - Dems Agree to Drop Gov't Insurance Option
Corruption Daily Round-Up 12-09

DISGUSTING! This man has got to GO! - Fistgate III: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s ‘Black Book’ For Kids Included Tips on Fisting and Pi$$ing on Your Partner

The man was a fascist dirtball, this comes as no surprise to me. New Evidence of Saddam-Terrorism Links. Yes, Saddam Hussein’s regime was a supporter and active participant in radical Islamic terrorism.
AND - Restating the Obvious About Dictatorships
Ben Shapiro lobs a handgrenade - The Racism of the Black Community And when I think of Rev. Wright, I think Ben might have a point.
Astonishing! 101st Airborne Officer Serving 20-Year Sentence After Testimony of Expert Witness Ignored Help Army Ranger 1st Lt. Michael Behenna defend his innocence here.
Fast-food standards for meat top those for school lunches
And the limits Jack in the Box and other big retailers set for certain bacteria in their burgers are up to 10 times more stringent than what the USDA sets for school beef.
Who Wins Today's Godwin Award?
Evidence of Counseling Abuse at Planned Parenthood Continues To Surface in Undercover Student Video
Krauthammer's Take
Our Friends, the Pakistanis If this Investor's Business Daily editorial is the slightest bit right, then we are being played.
Eminent Domain Sucks - Big Blighters
Cooling Hugo Chavez
Kids to Meet Marx in School – Care of Hollywood and The History Channel

Bachmann: ACORN could regulate the financial sector
‘Independent’ Report Reveals: ACORN’s Problems Are Sooo 2008
DOJ Defends ACORN Funding Ban While Gutting It Holder's Department of Justice is a source of shame for America.
To reinforce the point that the defunding is only temporary attorney Peter Leary states that “[t]ellingly, three of the four full-year Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations Acts that have been enacted since the CR went into effect contain no provisions foreclosing plaintiffs from applying for or receiving federal grants.” The message is clear, Obama’s Justice Department will defend the actions of Congress to defund ACORN so long as they are only temporary and the free-flowing access to federal funds is restored soon.
This brief may be music to the ears of Representative Jerrold Nadler. If you recall he’s been fighting the ban and advising ACORN’s attorney on the issue. While DOJ has not gone so far as to agree with ACORN, it has eviscerated the intent and substance of the ban on funding.
It’s time for Congress to permanently defund this corrupt organization. Congress must protect the taxpayers and ensure that no more federal funds are not subject to waste, fraud or abuse by ACORN.
Justice Depart. subpoenaed in New Black Panthers case. Holder's DoJ is rapidly developing the reputation of cesspit. Hopefully, this supoena will expose the inner workings of Holder's DoJ and justice will be served.
Dems Vote to Allow Federal Funding for Corrupt ACORN
Obama's Tin Ear is showing - White House Serves Acorn Cookies at Holiday Party


It is pathetic that this - TIME's Top 10 Scandals of 2009 - puts ACORN at #9. What's horrifying is that Time decided that the other "top scandals" were all sad little infidelities and foreign politician's payscales. No wonder print media and network news are dying. ACORN and the CRU hack should have been one and two. Van Jones and the Gladney beating are far more scandalous than Octomom and Balloon Boy. I'm embarrassed for Time Magazine. Embarrassed.
Newsweek is tanking as well. Good Riddance. Is Newsweek A Brand “That Will Disappear In 2010″?
Go Andrew Go! Andrew Breitbart Strong Arms Media Matters Over Fistgate Scandal
How a New York Times Columnist Hurts Fellow Blacks
Tradition of Reporters Sleeping with Sources Still Alive and Well at the New York Times
ABC Fired Stossel?
Shameless Leftist Piggybacking on Palin’s Bestseller. Interesting bits in the comments section as well.
AP Global Warming Fauxtography?

Justice Depart. subpoenaed in New Black Panthers case. Holder's DoJ is rapidly developing the reputation of cesspit. Hopefully, this supoena will expose the inner workings of Holder's DoJ and justice will be served.
Missing Christ in Christmas. We actively celebrate Advent AND the 12 Days of Christmas so the holiday isn't just about one day of getting presents but of celebrating Christ's arrival into this world and what that means for us today.
Video: Jon Stewart joins the Tea Party I agree, it is a step in the right direction.
90-Year-Old Medal of Honor Winner Allowed To Raise Flag
Recount to start in tight Atlanta runoff for mayor
Americans Show Conservative Instincts, Not Ideology
A Tale of Two Forensic Scandals: Ontario vs. Mississippi
Joy on Four Wheels - The Christmas Truck: One Dream, 3,000 lights

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Junk Science/Environmentalism Corruption 12-08

From My Husband - An EPA power grab
Soon you'll have to pay to exhale. Historic EPA finding: Greenhouse gases harm humans
Reckless 'endangerment' for breathing
Krauthammer: EPA Move May Bring a ‘Revolution on the Administration’s Hands’

EPA's carbon dioxide emissions ruling could raise energy costs
The EPA and Obama’s Uncertainty Tax
An Inconvenient Democracy. The EPA aims to bully Congress and business with its carbon ruling.
Four Colossal Holes in the Theory of Man-Made Global Warming

Climategate: Obama’s Science Adviser Confirms the Scandal — Unintentionally
EPA declares air a danger to human health
EPA: CO2 Threatens the ‘Public Health and Welfare of the American People’
A Bad Year for the Experts
Go AlfonZo Go! Milli Vanilli, Blame It On The Pagans: The New Green Religion
Capping Emissions, Trading On The Future
The Warming Faithful Gather in Copenhagen
Torquemada in East Anglia

What Are Global Warming Supporters Trying to Hide?
Must... Stop... Reading... Blogs... on... ClimateGate
ClimateGate and the UN: New Red Scare over Green Lies
I (heart) Klaus!
Beyond the Sleazy Science, Rotten Economics
The Flathead Society
Copenhagen climate summit: UN optimistic about climate change deal
St. Obama Heads for Copenhagen Bearing Gifts

The Totalities of Copenhagen. Global warming and the psychology of true belief.
Hey Punks! Listen Up. Chuck Norris is speaking - Chestnuts Roasting on a Copenhagen Fire
Climategate and the First Rule of Holes
Copenhagen Climate Scam Conference
Some Historical Perspective
Defenseless Enviro-Thugs Go on Offense

Climategate: ‘The Copenhagen Diagnosis’ Fails Logic 101
There's Gas In Them There Hills - Re: Bismarck
China's not-so-ambitious 'carbon intensity' goal
NYT's Friedman on Climategate: Global Warming Action Necessary, No Matter Risk or Cost

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