Saturday, July 2, 2011
Daily Round-Up 07-02


New Poll: Majority of Millenials Embrace American Exceptionalism, Unlike Obama
Senate GOP mocks president with video of Obama on golf course
State to fight ruling against ban on race in college admissions
Jobs, Income Data Show Right-To-Work States Working
Michele Bachmann says a miscarriage helped define her anti-abortion stance
Marriage Wins Again in the Court of Public Opinion
Celebrate Freedom. . .By Sharing the Legacy and Ideas of Dr. Milton Friedman
Alaska Pushes Drilling Plan for Offshore, Area Near ANWR
Most residents think Jamaica ‘better off as a British colony,’ poll suggests

49 House members demand probe of Kagan involvement in ObamaCare

Debt Increased More Under Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary in U.S. History
As We Celebrate Our Liberty, An Iranian Pastor Faces Death

The War on Lemonade Stands! Nanny of the Month (June 2011)
RightHaven Lawyer Says Browser Ate His Homework
The New McCarthyism, Deep-Dish Chicago Style. “Let’s see if we can make the connection here: slavery, segregation, black codes, Jim Crow, what do they all have in common? Anybody getting scared?"

Gary Sinise: True American Patriot
It would be nice to see how they are deciding to spend our money - Top Senate Republicans call for more transparency in debt limit negotiations
Michele Bachmann says a miscarriage helped define her anti-abortion stance
Secession from SF He's not wrong.
Reason.tv: Q&A with Farmageddon's director Kristin Canty
Cain raises $2.4 million, Iowa staff resigns

President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
More evidence that Obama’s fundraising numbers are lagging (Updates)

At Least One American Family Will Be Taking A Nice Vacation This Summer
Despite Congressional Ban, Obama’s HUD Is Still Funneling Tax Dollars To ACORN
Obama Gives New Grant to ACORN; Did He Violate Federal Law?
Obama Raffle Video Not Legal, Election Law Experts Say
Obama Re-Visits Community Organizer Roots
Palin, the Flotilla, and the L.A. Times Khalidi/Obama Tape

Obama's labor union problem
Nothing funny about government limits on political speech
Barack Obama Continues To Vote “Present” On Same-Sex Marriage
Rep. Cummings’ Gunwalker Report Neglects To Mention … Gunwalker. Despicable: The report doesn't mention the estimated 150 dead in Mexico, plus two U.S. agents. Just gun control. And long-debunked statistics.
Corporate Jets and Tax Breaks

Obama Official Denies Calling Hezbollah a “Liberation Movement” — Says It Is a Terrorist Organization
The truth that hurts
Boehner Should Cave to Obama, Make More Tax Revenues Part of Debt Deal. By yielding to the president’s stated goal, Republicans can put their principles into practice to produce prosperity once again.
Repeal the War Power Usurpation
Obama's Carefully Burnished Economic Ignorance
Obama & Wall Street: Is the Love Affair Really Over?
Debt Increased More Under Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary in U.S. History

How Much Would It Cost To Buy Congress Back From Special Interests?
PJMedia Sues Department of Defense for Climate Conference Info. What happened to the transparency that candidate Obama promised?

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
The Jobless Summer Why only one in four teens is employed.
Construction falls in May, down 6.3% year-to-date
Older interns signal gloomy labor market
10 Disappearing Middle-Class Jobs
Yes, Obama still owns the tax break for corporate jets

Moving Beyond the Unwisdom Of "Too Big To Fail"
Romney on Obama's 'worse' economy
Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact: Greenspan
Did the Fed’s QE2 work?
Cut, Cap and Balance: A path to fiscal responsibility

Jobs, Income Data Show Right-To-Work States Working
Obama Released the SPR, and All He Got Was…Nothing
How Many Presidents Does it Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?
The CBO’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb

Manufacturing Jobs
The ‘Tax Expenditure’ Con Job
Taxing Clouds
'Temporary' 0.2% Federal Unemployment Surtax Expires Today After 35 Years
Hammertime: The Real ATM

49 House members demand probe of Kagan involvement in ObamaCare
Insurance Is Not Access
Personally, I consider this good news. Most States Won't Have Exchanges By Deadline Afterall, most states have some fairly severe economic woes, why invest in an exchange that may (should) be ruled unConstitutional in the next year?

Alaska Pushes Drilling Plan for Offshore, Area Near ANWR

Exposing the Demonizers of Shale Gas
The UN's Climate of Desperation
'Green' Industry Eating Up Additional $4.5 Billion Tax Dollars
The Failure of Al Gore Part Three: Singing the Climate Blues
PJMedia Sues Department of Defense for Climate Conference Info. What happened to the transparency that candidate Obama promised?

Palin, the Flotilla, and the L.A. Times Khalidi/Obama Tape
Google gets hammered by monsters it created. Search neutrality: Solving a problem that doesn’t exist
Ken Blackwell hits Chris hard! Chris Matthews: Blacks Need Same-Sex Marriage
Halperin’s MSNBC suspension latest example of White House press tampering
MSNBC feeling the pressure of not being sufficiently pro-Obama, or something
It’s the media who are crazy—Michele Bachmann is a real player.
The Liberal Media Gears Up to Attack Bachmann's Religion

Big pensions put California police and firemen on the wrong side of public opinion.
Union: Increase mileage reimbursement for government employees
Teachers Balk at Concessions, Want Businesses to Donate $94m to Save Jobs
Union curbs rescue a Wisconsin school district
Obama's labor union problem
Despite Congressional Ban, Obama’s HUD Is Still Funneling Tax Dollars To ACORN
Wisconsin Firefighters Union Reportedly Blocks Ex-Member's 9/11 Tribute Float

Kansas Shutting Down All Abortion Clinics
Ohio House Bans Abortion… in a heartbeat!
Michele Bachmann says a miscarriage helped define her anti-abortion stance

Obama Travels to Philly… Tea Party Breaks Out (Video)
State to fight ruling against ban on race in college admissions
Takin' A Quick Ride on The Cain Train.
Herman Cain throws a hunk of red meat to the tea party in Web ad And it's a yummy hunk of meat indeed. Take a look.
Overall, I'd say it is a little rough but the message is dead on.
Overall, I'd say it is a little rough but the message is dead on.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
No News Is Good News, Right?
So I'm nosing around looking for news to do a round-up and it just all seems to be the same-old, same-old.
Obama is corrupt.
Congress is corrupt.
A few hardy and decent souls are fighting back.
The economy is in the tank.
Liberals are blaming Bush for their own actions.
Blah, blah, blah.
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the upcoming holidays but I just don't feel like it.
All of it. What ever it is, I don't feel like it.
Obama is corrupt.
Congress is corrupt.
A few hardy and decent souls are fighting back.
The economy is in the tank.
Liberals are blaming Bush for their own actions.
Blah, blah, blah.
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the upcoming holidays but I just don't feel like it.
All of it. What ever it is, I don't feel like it.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Skipping A Day
I may actually post something this afternoon but right now I am too worried about a hospitalized family member to blog today.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Daily Round-Up 06-27


Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism If "multiculturalism" has lost the Netherlands, then it's lost.

Mexifornia, Quite Literally!
China’s “Conflict Handbags”
Hold Those Christmas Cards to Our Troops!
As the Freedom Flotilla Readies to Set Sail this Week…
"I Think You're Clueless" Sen. Rand Paul About TSA He was talking about their invasive search of a 6-year-old girl. At about 2:17 time mark. Awesome.
This doesn't help the TSA either - TSA Obergropinfuhrer of the Day
Fast and Furious Fiasco: Time to Abolish the ATF
NY Times Columnist: Kansas, Missouri ‘Middle Places’ Land of ‘Low Sloping Foreheads’ That's a great way to win readers, doofus.

Florida's Scott Unfazed by the Critics
With Michele Bachmann’s surge comes fresh scrutiny

President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Lapdog Obama heels when unions whistle
‘Gunwalker’ Scandal and the Case for Impeaching Holder While Holder didn’t pull any triggers, the Department of Justice was involved in Gunwalker from the beginning.
The Dangerous Effort to Delegitimate Supreme Court Justices
"Can 'fake' Democrats really pull an upset" in the Wisconsin recall primaries? As Ms. Althouse points out, it would be good fun if the recall primaries ended up with republicans running against republicans. A win-win for Wisconsonites upset at this whole ridiculous recall effort.
Our Untransparent President Again, a lot of Bush-Did-It-First finger-pointing in this article and yet, and yet Obama is continuing these hated policies instead of hopey-changing them. Therein lies the disillusion.
Yes - When Politicians Make Lots of Money in Financial Markets, Should We Assume Corruption?
Time for Carville's Razor?

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
The Unseen Effects of the Stimulus. Did the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act destroy jobs or create them?
Out: We’re losing jobs to ATMs. In: We’re creating jobs via robotics
Raise the Debt Limit, but Only with Conditions
A desperation move. Why West's oil 'fix' is bad news
Oh goody, we can all relax now. Debt deal now up to the leaders
The Payroll Tax Needs a Vacation
Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 1
The Local Government Pension Squeeze Annual retiree costs in Providence, R.I., now amount to an astounding 50% of city tax collections.
No Should American Taxpayers Finance another Big Fat Greek Bailout?

Universal Health Care With No Mandates
U.S. Plans Stealth Survey on Access to Doctors
Block-Granting Medicaid Is a Long-Overdue Way of Restoring Federalism and Promoting Good Fiscal Policy
For Dems, health law is chronic pain
The Individual Mandate Bullies Americans

The Incandescent Rapture
Al Gore’s Reproductive Footprint
Europe Stifles Drivers in Favor of Alternatives

Bachmann: Despite Apology, Wallace’s ‘Flake’ Question Still ‘Insulting’
Cut First!
The Right’s Blogger Provocateur. The most interesting bit of this NYT article on the great Andrew Breitbart is how they try to seem "neutral" about him while using disparaging adjectives like "notorious" and spending column inches quoting his hate mail. Lame. And then there is this #rsrh NYT uses Blumenthal crony to attack Breitbart.
NY Times Columnist: Kansas, Missouri ‘Middle Places’ Land of ‘Low Sloping Foreheads’ That's a great way to win readers, doofus.

NLRB and Boeing: A Long Summer Ahead
Labor bill battle reborn with NLRB's new union election rules proposal
Lapdog Obama heels when unions whistle
How Liberals Lost the Heart of America
The Local Government Pension Squeeze Annual retiree costs in Providence, R.I., now amount to an astounding 50% of city tax collections.

160 Million and Counting
Planned Parenthood Takes on the States. A majority of Americans tell pollsters they do not want taxpayer dollars to subsidize abortions

Can John Kasich and Tea Party activists save Ohio?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Daily Round-Up 06-26

Conrad Black: justice denied (again)

Women’s driving protest may signal changes in Saudi Arabia
There Are No Socialists At least not once rubber hits the road.
Six-figure pensions soar for California school administrators
Class-action sanity Wal-Mart wins — and workers do, too

In allegation of Supreme Court scuffle, Wisconsin politics hits new low
An alternate account of the Prosser-Bradley confrontation surfaces: Did she "charge him with fists raised"? This could end up being a win-win for Gov. Walker according to Ann Althouse
Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search
The Impact of Redistricting in 2012
The Sexual Assault of Bristol Palin?
The Reincarceration of Conrad Black
Chicago Police Superintendent Goes on Racial Rant, Slams NRA and Palin at Radical Church
Blaska's Blog rules who is partisan in the Supreme Court's Sumi smackdown
Van Jones Is Creating the Milli Vanilli of Tea Parties

Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romney lead in first Iowa GOP poll
Virginia AG to sue FCC over ‘net neutrality’
Ruth Ginsburg:Global Warming Sceptic
Bachmann Hits Romney, Defends Herself Against ‘Flake’ Charges

President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
DREAM Act Implemented Through Executive ICE Memo
What’s Up With All the Presidential Gaffes, Anyway?
President Obama Apologizes to Family of Fallen Soldier
Speechworld vs. Realworld The widening gulf between Obama’s rhetoric and reality
Who takes us to war?
Guilt by Association: The New Normal for Federal Agency Enforcement Standards?
Squawk treatment: Progressives voice their anger at Obama
America’s Labor Party Is there anything Obama won’t do for unions?
Obama’s focus on visiting clean-tech companies raises questions
Christie: Obama Must Take Lead on Debt Talks
Like Chauncey Gardiner, Obama is profoundly aloof
Six-figure pensions soar for California school administrators
New Docs Show Intervention by Controversial Federal Agency in Foreclosure Crisis Negotiation
The Great Corn Con
Ethanol's wasteful tax credit. The battle over the subsidy, which goes to deep-pocketed oil firms rather than farmers, shows how rigid party orthodoxy continues to trump common sense in Congress
How Much Credibility Does the GOP Have on Taxes?
Good Nancy Pelosi Feels Left Out on Debt Talks
W.H. releases DNC meet names

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Welcome to the world of jobless stagflation
How Big Gov't Strangles Job Creators
How free trade deals create U.S. jobs
$120 trillion: The shocking true size of our nation's debt
The Great Corn Con
Ethanol's wasteful tax credit. The battle over the subsidy, which goes to deep-pocketed oil firms rather than farmers, shows how rigid party orthodoxy continues to trump common sense in Congress
Forecasts for Growth Drop, Some Sharply
The return of stagflation. Obama’s Carter-era policies bring back Carter-era problems
The Bubbles, Busts, and Bailouts are Doomed to Repeat
New consumer bureau will be a bust - guaranteed
Six-figure pensions soar for California school administrators
Bummer of a Recovery. On economic growth, real GDP has risen 0.8% over the 13 quarters since the recession began, compared to an average increase of 9.9% in past recoveries.
Did the IEA Just Deliver a QE3 Quick Fix?
America’s Labor Party Is there anything Obama won’t do for unions?

Good intent, bad health policy
Ban the circumcision ban If cities such as San Francisco were allowed to determine which medical procedures were acceptable and which ones weren't, we'd be left with a ridiculous patchwork of rules. Like Obamacare, this is another example government hands on your body.

The Failure of Al Gore: Part One AND Gore, Gored
The Great Corn Con
Ethanol's wasteful tax credit. The battle over the subsidy, which goes to deep-pocketed oil firms rather than farmers, shows how rigid party orthodoxy continues to trump common sense in Congress
Liberal Republicans Push 100% Hike in Fuel Efficiency Standardsby
The Facts About Fracking The real risks of the shale gas revolution, and how to manage them.
Government: The Great Dietitian
Missouri Man ‘Not Happy’ with Revised USDA Offer

On NYTimes.com, Now You See It, Now You Don’t

Wow. Really Vile PETA - PETA Outdoes Itself
NLRB tilts field
Six-figure pensions soar for California school administrators
America’s Labor Party Is there anything Obama won’t do for unions?
A ‘Bono’-fide Double Standard
Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states

The Sex Test, Abortion, and the War Against Girls
Ind. move to cut Planned Parenthood funds blocked

Conservative arguments for gay equality
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