Peter Ridd On Dodgy Science
2 hours ago
Politics And One Mother With A Keyboard. Because in front of every informed voter is a frightened politician.
In attempting to find a new way to approach global warming policy that avoids the problems President Clinton found with Kyoto, President Barack Obama has instead found himself following the same path. It will likely lead to the same effective result: not enough action to satisfy his supporters on the issue, and enough to galvanize the opposition
The law is an ass - and this Judge is an asshole
Prepare to get very angry indeed. And remember the name John Reddihough - and pray that nobody burgles his home wielding a knife and ties him and his family up.
That awful ordeal was suffered by Munir Hussain, a muslim businessman. No wonder Islamic extremists find such fertile ground in the decadent West. He and his family were burgled, bound and attacked by Waled Salem, a career criminal - until Mr Hussain bravely escaped and meted out justice on Salem with a metal pole and cricket bat. Astonishingly while Salem was yet again spared prison, Mr Hussain was jailed. That's right: the homeowner was jailed while the burglar was spared prison - echoes of Tony Martin anyone? So much for an Englishman's home being his castle. Mr Hussain should have been given a medal, not a prison sentence.
So who is John Reddihough? He is the bewigged moron who sits in his ivory tower dispensing what he evidently sees as justice, despite lacking common sense. This judge does not have the wisdom of King Solomon, he has the wisdom of Stacey Solomon. This sentence needs to be overturned immediately before the law-abiding majority in this country lose faith in the very rule of law that Judge Reddihough professes to want to protect.
Homeowners' rights are simple: if you are on my property uninvited, you have no rights. And, as they say in the US, dead men tell no tales...
Our friends at CFACT had some fun with the rainbow warriors of Greenpeace yesterday while waiting for something to happen at Hopenchangen. In the hallowed halls of the negotiating chambers, meanwhile, it looks like America is the fall guy again. So unless President Obama flies in and rebukes his own staff for standing up for American interests, which I wouldn't rule out, there's little chance of a substantive agreement. Of course, there will be an "historic agreement," probably an agreement to discuss this all again next year, and the president will have a piece of paper in his hands when he returns, but it's highly unlikely to be even a roadmap to Kyoto II.
Oh, and it's interesting, is it not, that Senate staff have to go to greenie groups to find out what's going on. Never let it be said that NGOs don't have a privileged position with the U.N., even if poor old Friends of the Earth have found that most of their passes have been cancelled.
Filmmaker Phelim McAleer, who is asking the awkward questions in Copenhagen, was just assaulted live on screen on Neil Cavuto's show on Fox. He shrugged it off, saying he's seen worse in Belfast on a Saturday night.
Phelim is the maker of Not Evil, Just Wrong.
December 15th, 2009 on Capitol HillVisit website for registration form.
The fight is on in the U.S. Senate over the future of your health care and the proper role of government. Senator Reid only needs 3 more VOTES to make government-run health care a reality in America.
If that happens, brace yourself for:■Roughly $500 billion in tax INCREASESWe can’t let Washington come between you or your child and your doctor! YOU CAN HELP STOP HARRY REID. Join us in Washington DC on December 15 to tell Washington to keep their hands off our health care.
■Mandates forcing you into government insurance
■$464 billion in Medicare CUTS
■Higher Insurance Premiums
■A cost of $2.5 Trillion that just might break the Treasury.
What: Senate Emergency Rally
When: December 15th, at 1:30pm ET
Where: Upper Senate Park, on Constitution Ave. between New Jersey and Delaware St. NE
We are adding more speakers every day. Our confirmed speakers are:■Senator Tom CoburnFollowing the Rally we will help you find your Senators office so you can tell Congress what you think.
■Senator Jim DeMint
■Laura Ingraham
■Rick Scott, Chairman, Conservatives for Patients Rights
You don’t need to register unless you would like to ride a bus sponsored by our coalition members. However, it would help helpful if you let us know you’re coming so we know to expect you. This is truly a grassroots effort so many of our busses are asking for an affordable transportation contribution. We will provide lunch on the busses.
Stand up for health care freedom in a way your senators will never forget. This may be our last stand against the Democrats misguided health care agenda.
Can't make it Washington? Click here to make your voice heard in your district office.
Akaka would be an unconstitutional, race-based mistake. It shouldn't pass. And it really shouldn't be snuck in as Christmas gift to Daniel Akaka.
What is the link between Climategate and the financial crisis? Martin Hutchinson will clue you in at the Prudent Bear.
Who Said It? [Jonah Goldberg]
Quick bleg: Anyone know who said something to the effect of: Societies thrive when the lower classes try to emulate the upper classes and decay when the upper classes try to emulate the lower classes. I think it was some famous British historian, but for the life of me I can't remember who.
Update: Toynbee it is!