December 15th, 2009 on Capitol HillVisit website for registration form.
The fight is on in the U.S. Senate over the future of your health care and the proper role of government. Senator Reid only needs 3 more VOTES to make government-run health care a reality in America.
If that happens, brace yourself for:■Roughly $500 billion in tax INCREASESWe can’t let Washington come between you or your child and your doctor! YOU CAN HELP STOP HARRY REID. Join us in Washington DC on December 15 to tell Washington to keep their hands off our health care.
■Mandates forcing you into government insurance
■$464 billion in Medicare CUTS
■Higher Insurance Premiums
■A cost of $2.5 Trillion that just might break the Treasury.
What: Senate Emergency Rally
When: December 15th, at 1:30pm ET
Where: Upper Senate Park, on Constitution Ave. between New Jersey and Delaware St. NE
We are adding more speakers every day. Our confirmed speakers are:■Senator Tom CoburnFollowing the Rally we will help you find your Senators office so you can tell Congress what you think.
■Senator Jim DeMint
■Laura Ingraham
■Rick Scott, Chairman, Conservatives for Patients Rights
You don’t need to register unless you would like to ride a bus sponsored by our coalition members. However, it would help helpful if you let us know you’re coming so we know to expect you. This is truly a grassroots effort so many of our busses are asking for an affordable transportation contribution. We will provide lunch on the busses.
Stand up for health care freedom in a way your senators will never forget. This may be our last stand against the Democrats misguided health care agenda.
Can't make it Washington? Click here to make your voice heard in your district office.
Saturday Night Hootenanny
1 hour ago
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