President Obama Job Approval
Your Rights Online: US Gov't Orders 73,000 Private Websites Offline on Friday July 16, @02:23PM
Senator Grassley discovered massive waste in HHS vaccine program as administration stonewalls
The Ku Klux Klan, Terrorist Wing of the Democratic Party
PJTV Video - Pundits Gone Wild: The Megyn Kelly Smackdown, and the Larry King Tongue-Loesching

The Bitter Fruit of Obamacare
Lost in Taxation The IRS's vast new ObamaCare powers.
Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Says HHS
Feds to Monitor Obesity as White House Promotes Obama Cook to Senior Position
Warning: Media Coverage Will Vary Depending on President
Obamaland Pension Meltdown Update
Uh-Oh Keeping the Foreclosure Crisis in Front of Us
PJTV Video - The Intellectual Ghetto: Marginalization in the Media

The NAACP vs. the Tea Party
The Global Warming Guessing Game
Why Do Drug Companies Support Harry Reid?
Obama ‘Disses’ the Federal Courts
PJTV Video - Panthergate: Should the Inspector General Investigate the Department of Justice?
Trial mystery: How did Blagojevich get elected?
As far as I am concerned, Obama's "truthfulness" was always in doubt. Blago trial produces no bombshells but casts doubt on Obama’s truthfulness

A vote of no confidence
Obama: GOP blocking unemployed, small business aid
PJTV Video - Financial Regulation: How to Kill Jobs in 2,300 Pages or Less
Reason.tv: All Charges Dismissed! John Stagliano Reacts Outside the Courthouse
Seizing on Good Week, Obama Takes Another Vacation Despite GOP Criticisms
Obama Has Shot 41 Rounds of Golf as President
The New York Times does it again

Biggest turnout yet for CA Tea Party
PJTV Video (VodkaPundit - he's so dreamy) - THE WEEK IN BLOGS: Everybody Hates Keith, Plus Blondes Unite Against Obama ... and for Beer!
Ban on deep-water drilling adds insult to injury
Philly to Continue Sharing Arrest Records With Immigration Officials
The Flight of the Money: Where Has It Gone?
Unions (Not the Tea Party) Now AstroTurfing, MSM Silent
Is that really so hard? Wall Street Outsmarts Congress Again

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed
No, actually it’s because private markets do many things better than government
Franken’s Felony Vote News Blackout
The White House and the Black Panthers: How the Media’s Pro-Obama Bias Hurts America

Europe: What Future?
Obama's the "most" racial president

The Radicalism of the Anti-Arizona Suit, Cont
Business preps for ‘Supreme Court’ battle over consumer Czar
What Women Don't Want
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists

CBS's Giles Tells Tea Party's Loesch 'Shut Your Mouth', Asks King to Cut Her Mike
Former Hillary Clinton Finance Chairman Gets 12 Years for Ponzi Scheme, NYT Buries Story
Keith Olbermann, we salute you: We watch, because we’re paid to AND Tucker Carlson Calls Olbermann 'Sad,' 'Tormented,' 'Despised;' Olbermann Responds

One Last Depressing Point
Don't worry, this will cheer you up (or horrify you) Plastic Surgery's Epic Fails!