Tuesday, July 13, 2010


In California's current fiscal crisis, there is a serious risk that Jose will have to be laid off.
From an email my husband sent me.

UPDATE - I liked FuzzySlippers' comment so much I'm quoting it below:
heh, that's about right. It's also a good way to visually demonstrate the monstrosity of big government with it's bazillion layers of bureaucracy, waste, inefficiency . . . and it's always teachers and police who are laid off first to save the state or city money (that they then over-pay to people who watch porn all day long instead of doing their jobs).

1 comment:

  1. heh, that's about right. It's also a good way to visually demonstrate the monstrosity of big government with it's bazillion layers of bureaucracy, waste, inefficiency . . . and it's always teachers and police who are laid off first to save the state or city money (that they then over-pay to people who watch porn all day long instead of doing their jobs).
