Ummm, just saw the last Harry Potter movie this morning. Am pretty emotional right now, between Snape and the Epilogue - good golly.
Not as roughed up by the film though as I was by Toy Story 3 (that one rocked my world), I am bittersweet about this last-but-fantastic film.
I came late to the whole Harry Potter thing, only purchasing and reading the first 6 books about two weeks before the last seventh one came out. I read the first three books in less than 24 hours and the next three at the rate of one a day.
Now the last movie and I am bummed this amazing all-you-can-read buffet is over.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Random Round-Up 07-15

Just an update.
House votes to save traditional incandescent bulb for 2012
Police in Ga. shut down girls' lemonade stand
Andrew Klavan: Michele Bachmann Makes a Gaffe!!!
Call Obama’s bluff
Dem Congresswoman Brings Obama's Race Into Debt Ceiling Fight

Grassley and Issa Should Include Obama and Clinton in Operation Fast and Furious Probe
ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious'
More ‘Gunwalker’ Emails Suggest Gun-Control Conspiracy. Plus: Congressional investigators ask Eric Holder if there is any other evidence that Gunwalker was an anti-gun PR stunt.
Save Our Secret Ballot Workers support it. States support it. The courts support it. Why doesn't the Obama administration?
Global Weirding Coming At Us All

Hi, I’m Barack Obama, and I Just Make Stats Up Out of Nothing AND “80% want higher taxes,” he lied
Obama Administration STILL Bankrolling ACORN
Sounds like Obama will not call his own bluff
Two Years, Two Obamas
IJ Scores Major First Amendment Victory For St. Louis Property Owner Protesting Eminent Domain Abuse
Emanuel sends layoff notices to city workers in union showdown
The Obama Downgrade The real reason the U.S. could lose its AAA rating.

Two Pictures that Perfectly Capture the Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
US Consumer Sentiment Falls To Lowest Level in Two Years
Inflation making a comeback?
Defense Budget: The Other Shoe Hasn’t Dropped Yet
Manufacturing Gauge Slumps as Core Inflation Gains
Labor-Management Dynamic Shifts in Wisconsin Schools, Taxpayers Reap Rewards
Stephen Marche Publishes Hilarious Parody On Obama Cult Worship In Esquire Magazine
Cool - 'Big Bang Theory' actress Mayim Bialik a real-life scientist
Daily Round-Up 07-15

Pravda Syndrome: MSM Can’t Stop Lying About ‘Gunwalker’ No shame: The body count may be in the hundreds, and they still scratch the president's back.

An Idea: Demand the Commerce Department Goes in Return for a Deal AND Re: An Idea
Gallup - "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%
What Was All That Ruckus About, Again?
What Really *Is* the Institution of Marriage?
One cheap pill protects healthy people from HIV
Why Minnesota matters

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious'
Rep. Issa, Where Is the Pigford Investigation?
Illegal immigrant working inside nuke plant arrested
IRS Fails to Properly Notify 36% of Taxpayers Whose Personal Info is 'Inadvertently' Released
Righthaven Fined $5000 For Misleading the Court
Bill Clinton Strikes Again With the Race Card AND Black Activists "Deeply Disappointed" in President Clinton's "Disingenuous" Racial Attack on Ballot Security Measures
Black Men Survive Longer in Prison Than Out, Study Finds. If true, it's sad.
Unsanctioned Polygamy Is Weird, but Is It the Government’s Business?
Syrian protests spread into the work week, but regime holds firm

Break the spend-and-borrow cycle
Cantor: ‘Not a Game’
On the Washington airwaves, Tito Muñoz fine-tunes a conservative Latino voice
Christie: Destiny Should Not Be Determined by Zip Code
Cantor emerges as player and pain in debt talks They refer to being a pain to the GOP establishment like it's a bad thing. It's not.

President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Huge Obama birthday fundraiser day after debt ceiling deadline A tin ear and terrible optics.
Emails Show White House Targeting Fox News Despite Denial
Why 2012 is shaping up as an 'Anybody But Obama' election
Are Tax Increases More Important to Democrats Than Avoiding Default? Reid Won't Say
Big Drama Obama: ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’
Go Ahead, GOP, Make Obama's Day
National Standards and Tests: An Unprecedented Federal Overreach
The myth of Obama’s great temperament
Obama's multiplying Middle East failures.
Obama Tries to Resurrect ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - Again Conservative homosexuals successfully repeal DADT and Obama tries to shut them down, hmmm. AND DOJ Tells Court It "Continues to Defend" DADT, Seeks Reinstatement of Law "By the Close of Business Tomorrow"
Newt Gingrich Calls Out Obama Over His Failure to Help Black Americans
Revenge of the Nerds? The political dangers of an intellectually superior attitude.
America's weak-kneed response to Assad's political street theatre
Pelosi: Obama More Patient Than Job of the Bible, or Something
Walker Committee Finds Huge Savings in WI; Dems Kvetch
Regime Change May Be Needed To Cut Deficit
Obama Uses Debt Crisis to Raise Taxes

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Bush years imposed crushing regulatory burdens
Congress hears outcry from business lobby on debt ceiling and deficit
55% Oppose Tax Hike in Debt-Ceiling Deal
Manufacturing Gauge Slumps as Core Inflation Gains
Obama Figures Out How to Create Jobs! (in Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Russia…)
The real reason the U.S. could lose its AAA rating.
Fair Tax or Foul? The promise and peril of changing the way we pay for government
Debt Endangers Growth AND ‘The Economy Can’t Grow’
Understanding the McConnell debt limit proposal
Why Wall Street doesn't seem worried about default
14 Cities That Are Being Eaten Alive By Public Sector Workers
The Truth About the Auto Bailouts
Why Are Economists Confused? Americans Aren’t
August 2nd no hard deadline on debt limit
Why there’s never been a better time to cut farm subsidies
S&P: U.S. Debt Could Reach ‘Junk’ Rating by 2030, Absent Entitlement Reform
A Capitol Hill Debate on Whether Fiscal Conservatives Should Support Higher Taxes
Europe's banks brace for clutch of health test failures AND Europe Banking Lies Coming Unglued
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Unaccountable and Costly
New Study from Swedish Economists Allows Us to Quantify the Cost of the Bush-Obama Spending Binge

Another provision of healthcare reform law comes under bipartisan assault
Big Government And Health-Care Stocks: A Happy Marriage?
States Moving Away from Government-Run Healthcare
Obama Creates Army Hidden In Health Care Bill
Follow the State's Lead to Better Medicaid
The Expanding Catalogue of Obamacare Fables

Indoctrination Fridays: Green Curricula’s Real Target is Free Markets, Not Global Warming
The EPA's Regulatory Trainwreck
Spectacular Waste in Redwood Forests needs $14,187 to repair its wrecked Chevy Volt
Good news The Green Economy Withers
Politics has overtaken science at the EPA
Power Plant Shutdowns, Slowdowns May Follow New EPA Regs in Texas
Wanted: Objective government-funded scientists for objective government-funded study
GOP light bulb amendment likely to pass Friday after earlier defeat

Pravda Syndrome: MSM Can’t Stop Lying About ‘Gunwalker’ No shame: The body count may be in the hundreds, and they still scratch the president's back.
The Nanny State Never Ends – The Healthy Media for Youth Act
Let’s play hardball
Emails reveal White House calling Fox News host Baier ‘a lunatic’
CNN launches full-scale assault on Rupert Murdoch’s ankles
White House Spokesman Crumbles Under Relentless Debt Questions -- "I Can't Choose."
Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media
Is Google spying on you? Again, whatever happened to do no evil?

uh-huh. ‘FOX News Is a Criminal Organization,’ Says Protester Wandering Outside Murdoch’s Home
The Enduring Dangerous Legacy of the Sixties New Left
Busted Again: Union Workers Drinking and Smoking Pot On Lunch Break
14 Cities That Are Being Eaten Alive By Public Sector Workers
Where Does The UAW Stand On Fuel Economy?
Wikileaks ‘Assistant’ Hypes Expansion of Government Power to Aid…Wikileaks
Obama bailout chief changes story: Maybe I did say, 'I did this all for the unions'
Union Corruption: There’s No App For That
University Gone Wild: Senior UMSL Administrators Bare (Almost) All in Embarrassing Internal Emails

ADF letter to Wis. Attorney General: Stop UW Hospitals from illegally funding abortions

Running on Empty Tour makes its way through Michigan
Unmasking the "International Community"
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Daily Round-Up 07-14

Unhappy Bastille Day - Today, the French Revolution began. A flawed experiement with proto-socialism and Rousseau's philosophy, it remains a stunning example of naive idealism and the blueprint which all totalitarian and socialist/facist/communist societies inevitably follow.

GOP Wins Minnesota Shutdown Fight
Slim Majority Don't Want Wisconsin Lawmakers Recalled
The Democrats’ class-warfare rhetoric is too rich for most Americans.
New Reality Emerging on Illegal Immigration

SEIU Dragged in Bogus ‘Witness’ Who Wasn’t Even at Scene of the Crime
The MSM’s ‘Media Matters’ Blackout. While they scramble to bury Rupert Murdoch, they ignore the blatant violation of tax-exempt status by George Soros' pet outfit.
America the Broken
Gunwalker: Justice Department Tampering with Witnesses? Darrell Issa and Charles Grassley demand to know about contact DOJ has had with committee witnesses. Also, a source tells PJM: DOJ has picked a new fall guy to target after they failed to topple ATF Director Ken Melson.
School District Admits 'Big Mistake' Over 'Get Rid of Snyder' Phone Alert
Even As They Devour Your Tax Dollars, the Deadbeat Thugs of ACORN Housing Owe $163,000 in Back Taxes

Tell Darrell Issa To Stop The Pigford Perversion
Bachmann Leads Iowa Poll
Paul’s Conviction Ad

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Weekly Claims Finally Show Decline in Weak Jobs Market
Summarizing Today's Economic Data Barrage
Gee I wonder why - U.S. Satisfaction Slides to Two-Year Low
Pessimism deepens as economic concerns rise
The Government’s Four-Decade Financial Experiment
Days of Economic Reckoning The U.S. and the EU alike are bungling colossally.
$22 Billion Housing Tax Credit Program Utterly Failed as Economic Policy
Obama’s Debt Rebellion
How Much of Federal Spending is Borrowed for Every Dollar?
I Hope I’m Wrong, But Here’s Why Republicans Will Lose the Debt-Limit Fight
The End of the Affair The fate of Detroit isn’t a matter of economics. It’s a tragic romance, whose magic was killed by bureaucrats, bad taste and busybodies. P.J. O’Rourke on why Americans fell out of love with the automobile.
We already were headed for a downgrade because of too much, not too little, debt
Moody's warns it may downgrade US credit rating

Obama lied about a central fact about his own life which he used — powerfully — to push health care reform.
Paul Ryan Schools Sebelius on Medicare Reform Well she does need a lot of schooling.

Hooray! House votes to take EPA off clean water beat
Energy and Poverty in China
A US oil boom -- unless greens abort it. Well those greenies do like their eugenics and abortion.
FTC Ban on Junk Food Ads Would do More Harm than Good

I'm Trying Not to Start Crying About This
David Cay Johnston Apologizes
The MSM’s ‘Media Matters’ Blackout. While they scramble to bury Rupert Murdoch, they ignore the blatant violation of tax-exempt status by George Soros' pet outfit.

Obama administration labor rule changes unfair to employers
BREAKING ON GLADNEY TRIAL: SEIU Dragged in Bogus ‘Witness’ Who Wasn’t Even at Scene of the Crime
Even As They Devour Your Tax Dollars, the Deadbeat Thugs of ACORN Housing Owe $163,000 in Back Taxes
Obama’s Labor Board: We Prosecute Dead People Too…
Leader Admits in Email: Teachers Union ‘Stands Up For Adults’
Internal Emails Reveal UMSL Cover-Up: Administrators Targeted Student, Misled Public, Backed Radical Course
Bad Politician Bad 07-14

President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Unbelievable. GOP Debt Ceiling Ace in the Hole: Obama’s Birthday Bash That's an impressive set of tin ears you've got on you Mr. Obama.
Gunwalker: Smoking Gun Email?
Obama Exposes Social Security's Big Lie
America Tunes Out Why is Obama such a bore? There's always the possiblity Obama wants you to stop paying attention...
Why O's debt stance is a joke
‘Don’t Call My Hand’? AND Obama warns Cantor: 'Don't call my bluff' AND The Country’s In The Very Best Of Hands
Obama Owns the Debt-Ceiling Fiasco It doesn't help that he's declared high-speed rail and even unspent stimulus funds as untouchable.
The only thing worse than starting a stupid war is losing it.
Gunwalker: Justice Department Tampering with Witnesses? Darrell Issa and Charles Grassley demand to know about contact DOJ has had with committee witnesses. Also, a source tells PJM: DOJ has picked a new fall guy to target after they failed to topple ATF Director Ken Melson.
The Vicious Jackals Are Planning to Screw Us Over (But You Already Knew That)
Prosecutors defend House steroid hearings that ensnared Clemens
Blagojevich Convicted—Is Accountability in the Offing for Rep. Jackson, Jr.?
In Economic Woes 07-14

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Weekly Claims Finally Show Decline in Weak Jobs Market
Summarizing Today's Economic Data Barrage
Gee I wonder why - U.S. Satisfaction Slides to Two-Year Low
Pessimism deepens as economic concerns rise
The Government’s Four-Decade Financial Experiment
Days of Economic Reckoning The U.S. and the EU alike are bungling colossally.
$22 Billion Housing Tax Credit Program Utterly Failed as Economic Policy
Obama’s Debt Rebellion
How Much of Federal Spending is Borrowed for Every Dollar?
I Hope I’m Wrong, But Here’s Why Republicans Will Lose the Debt-Limit Fight
The End of the Affair The fate of Detroit isn’t a matter of economics. It’s a tragic romance, whose magic was killed by bureaucrats, bad taste and busybodies. P.J. O’Rourke on why Americans fell out of love with the automobile.
We already were headed for a downgrade because of too much, not too little, debt
Moody's warns it may downgrade US credit rating
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Stealing Your American Dream
My husband's book is out as are some reviews.
Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You
Book Description:
Customer Reviews from are here.
Editorial Review quotes below:
Reviews from the Internet
Red Tape, Druggie Monkeys Bankrupting US
'Stealing You Blind': How 'Public Servants' Sponge Off the Private Sector
10 questions with ‘Stealing You Blind’ author Iain Murray
Article by my husband in the Washington Examiner - Bureaucrats are stealing Americans blind
Stealing You Blind, Book Review With the Author Iain Murray
Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You
Book Description:
They’re Stealing Us Blind
Remember when we used to call government employees “public servants”? They’re servants no more—now they’re bureaucratic masters of the universe, claiming inflated salaries (up to two times as much as private sector employees) and early retirement with unparalleled pensions and benefits. And how do they spend their time? When they’re actually working, they spin red tape and regulations that make your life harder (and their lives easier), your taxes higher, and your share of the nation’s debt unsustainable.
Like true bureaucrats they like to scurry around in the dark, doing their mischief outside of public scrutiny. But no longer: Iain Murray—author of the rollicking exposé The Really Inconvenient Truths—knows all about bureaucrats and their lairs, because he used to be one himself. In Stealing You Blind he blows the whistle on the out-of-control bureaucracy whose greed could actually tip our country into a financial abyss.
In Stealing You Blind, you’ll discover:Why the wealthiest congressional district in America is in a recession-proof suburb of Washington, D.C.Filled with devastating facts about how government workers are living large off the rest of us and driving our country to financial ruin, Stealing You Blind is a rousing call to reclaim our rights as taxpayers and save our economy from the bureaucrats who are choking it to death for their own benefit.
How the Department of Transportation went from having one employee making $170,000 or more to having nearly 1,700 making that much—during the peak of the recession
Why even FDR thought federal workers shouldn’t be allowed to unionize
How state, local, and federal bankruptcy could be coming your way thanks to public employee union greed
Why bureaucrats regard taxpayers as sheep to be shorn—and how they do it
Ten steps to fight back and regain control of our government from the parasitic bureaucratic class
Customer Reviews from are here.
Editorial Review quotes below:
“Where do all your hard-earned tax dollars go? You don’t know the half of it! . . . This must read manual takes you on a maddening tour that starts at Al Gore’s mansion, winds through the ever-expanding empire of Nanny State busybodies in Washington, and dives into bloated municipal payrolls from the Big Apple to Bell, California. Murray outlines imperative reforms to rein in these new robber barons. If you believe public servants should serve the public and not themselves, get this book.”
—Michelle Malkin, Fox News Contributor and author of Culture of Corruption
“A powerful government, the liberal myth goes, places a check on special interests and provides a counterbalance to the power of the wealthy. In truth, government growth instead creates a new class of Robber Barons—handsomely paid ‘public servants’ who soon monetize that service to become obscenely paid revolving-door lobbyists and ‘consultants.’ Recovered bureaucrat Iain Murray paints the unseemly picture of ‘our new leisure class’ in vivid—and often rage-inducing—detail.”
—Tim Carney, author of Obamanomics and Senior Political Columnist, The Washington Examiner
“Iain Murray eviscerates what he calls the new robber barons, the great empire-builders of the public sector. It is a story of greed, arrogance, and power that would make even a domineering nineteenth-century industrialist blush. This isn’t just a smart and entertaining take-down, but a call to action.”
—Rich Lowry, editor of National Review
Reviews from the Internet
Red Tape, Druggie Monkeys Bankrupting US
'Stealing You Blind': How 'Public Servants' Sponge Off the Private Sector
10 questions with ‘Stealing You Blind’ author Iain Murray
Article by my husband in the Washington Examiner - Bureaucrats are stealing Americans blind
Stealing You Blind, Book Review With the Author Iain Murray
Daily Round-Up 07-13

Republicans want records from Justice officials about botched gun operation

Senate stops Reid's millionaire tax measure
Hollywood Finally Admits It Discriminates Against Conservatives -- Could This Be the Start of Something Big?
The End of Subsidized Loans?
Voter photo ID laws are good protection against fraud
The IRS's Temporary Political Retreat on Taxing Donors to 501(c)(4) Groups
GOP Candidates: Sharpening the Knife
RNC ad: Change Direction
Wis. Democrats Defeat 'Fake' Candidates in Primary. The "fake" label is stupid. What were Wis. Republicans supposed to do? By putting up candidates in this primary, the conservatives force the democrats to spend money they'd presumably prefer to save for the general recall election. "Fake" or not, this was a smart move on the conservatives' part.
Wall Street Journal Backs McConnell Plan I'm not sure how I feel about this plan but anything that forces Obama to show his hand isn't a bad idea.
Tea-Party Senators Plot with House Allies
Time to get ‘serious’ on illegal aliens

“Trying to ease our own guilt feelings is very different from trying to advance those less fortunate.” – Thomas Sowell
ACLU Using Food Pantries To Undermine Voter ID In Wisconsin
Allegations of corruption, fraud, tears town government apart
Police charge mother in Nashville airport altercation. Woman refused to let officers screen daughter AND New Port Richey couple says TSA search went too far
Suspect Allowed to View Child Porn in Washington Jail
Harvard Researchers Accused of Breaching Students' Privacy
Kindergarten nightmare grips NYC parents
Our Frivolous Approach to Citizenship
A shamefully wrong decision. NOT GUILTY!…SEIU Thugs Cleared in Brutal Gladney Beatdown!…Update: Gladney Reaction (Video)

Boehner Boosts the BBA
Sen. Inhofe places hold on Obama's nominee for commerce secretary
Herman Cain - I’d replace the income tax with the Fair Tax
David Mamet's Conversion
What ‘constitutional conservatism’ means to me

Liberty Is at Stake
Will Washington Find the Cure for Cancer? Government boards and drug price controls threaten to throw sand in the gears of medical progress.
Rolling Back the Obamacare Banana Republic
US to Clarify How Insurance Exchanges Will Work
FDA Proposes Targeted Drug Testing Guidelines
Huntsman, Pawlenty Also Toyed With Healthcare as Govs
AARP assails Medicare benefit cuts
Should Parents Lose Custody Of Obese Kids? This is a ridiculous intrusion by the government into the family.

National Academy of Sciences warns EPA to get its science straight or risk irrelevance
Supreme Court deals major blow to environmentalists
Global Warming: Cities, Too, Are Carbon 'Sinks'
Let There Be Light…And Freedom To Choose Its Source
Taken for a Ride. Underhand attempts by the US Congress to bypass regulatory decisions made by federal agencies erode science-based policy.

Hollywood Finally Admits It Discriminates Against Conservatives -- Could This Be the Start of Something Big?
I'd agree with this statement - The BBC Is at Least a Thousand Times More Evil and Dangerous than Rupert Murdoch
Erring and forgiving, &c.
Who's Burning D.C. Down?
David Mamet's Conversion

Live Action Needed: Planned Parenthood’s Mission Creep and the Congressional Imperative
A Victory for Life, and for Free Speech
Three Cheers for AUL’s Exposé of Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood’s Non-Response to AUL

Something is brewing - Tea-Party Senators Plot with House Allies
The Tea Party Is Ceiling the Deal
Tea Party Groups Target Lawmakers on Debt Ceiling
Time to get ‘serious’ on illegal aliens
Republicans want records from Justice officials about botched gun operation
Bad Politician Bad 07-13

President Obama Job Approval
Latest Election Polls
President Obama vs. Republican Candidate
2012 Republican Presidential Nomination
Romney Beats Obama in Hypothetical Race
Obama 2012 Fundraising Behind 2008 Pace
The Presidency Matters, But How Much Does Obama?
US too dumb to know O is always right

Issa, Grassley name 12 senior Justice officials in Fast and Furious letter
Department of Justice Finally Responds to ‘Fast and Furious’ Accusations, By Mandating More Gun Control
‘Gunwalker’ Deepens: Agent Zapata Killed By Gun From … Texas? In addition to Phoenix and Florida, it appears the U.S. government had gunwalking operations based in Houston and Dallas.

Operation Fast and Furious: Designed to Promote Gun Control By giving Mexican drug lords guns with which they can kill Americans?
Operation Fast and Furious is looking more and more like a set up from the beginning to push Obama and Holder's radical anti-Second Amendment agenda as they used law abiding gun shop owners to enable government officals to break the law, then turned around and blamed the very same gun shops for illegal gun trafficking, despite those shops being forced by ATF to help ATF agents carry out Operation Fast and Furious, and now, those shops are being punished through new Justice Department gun control measures.
Time only for small ball
Eric Holder sues Jindal administration over welfare agency voter registration
Holder Launches Witch Hunt Against Biased Banks
Grassley, Issa slam Holder again: Are you skewing Fast and Furious witnesses?
House GOPers losing patience with Obama stall on Solyndra loan guarantee documents
Obamageddon Coming to a City Near You?
Janice Hahn’s last-minute sleazeball maneuvers
Issa calls on Postal Workers Union to stop running ‘misleading ad’ about USPS financial situation
House turns out lights on Barton's bulb bill AND The BULB Act and the Inertia of the Administrative State

Mr. President: America is Paying Attention to the Debt Ceiling
Obama Digs in His Heels on Taxes "Revenue enhancements" must be on the table, the president insists.
Human Shields: Obama to use Social Security recipients as human shields if GOP doesn't give him massive tax increase
Washington gets $200 billion a month, Social Security costs $50 billion a month, and Obama is threatening to starve Grandma?
Obama to Hold Senior and Vets Benefits Hostage for Tax Increases
Allegations of corruption, fraud, tears town government apart
GOP leaders split on when to push for balanced-budget amendment
Obama worst president for Israel – ever
Arrogant and petulant
Obama's Anti-Immigrant Stance. Under the guise of immigration enforcement, the White House pushes a pro-union agenda
The President Needs to Stop Scaring Seniors
Let There Be Light…And Freedom To Choose Its Source
Blow against O in Weiner race. Koch: Vote for GOPer a vote for Israel
Seven Reasons Why Corruption Reigns in Spain. Where it's safer to be a crooked politician than a thief robbing banks or stealing handbags from old ladies.
In Economic Woes 07-13

Never Did Get A Job From A Poor Man
Jobs vs. Government
Drilling deregulation could create 190,000 jobs
Where Have America's Jobs Gone? Hiring at McDonald's; Wireless Networks' Job-Killing Effect; One Machine Doing The Work of Three
Gloom, despair and agony: Why small businesses aren’t hiring
Our economy needs small businesses, and small businesses need regulatory reform
Obama Most 'Anti-Jobs' President

Herman Cain - I’d replace the income tax with the Fair Tax
Not Taking Other People’s Money
Patriotic Taxation Or Unpatriotic Redistribution?
A war between the taxpayers and the tax-eaters
Gallup - U.S. Debt Ceiling Increase Remains Unpopular With Americans
The Spending Is the Problem

California companies fleeing the Golden State
From the great Ken Blackwell - How To Solve Our Growth and Jobs Deficit Mr. Blackwell's book, urgent: How Constitutional Conservatism Can Save America, is on my bedstand right now (along with my husband's - Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You) and it is a terrific read. I'd take Mr. Blackwell's advice any day.
Rhode Island Cities Run Out of Other People's Money
Obamageddon Coming to a City Near You?
A 1% Tax on the Market Capitalization of Public Companies
Arrogant and petulant
Raise Taxes or Granny Gets It The liberal media's idea of a grown-up.
The issue isn’t default but government shutdown
Amazon seeks ballot measure to undo California tax
Washington gets $200 billion a month, Social Security costs $50 billion a month, and Obama is threatening to starve Grandma?
Let There Be Light…And Freedom To Choose Its Source
Ireland's Bonds Downgraded to Junk Move Comes as Italian Lawmakers Seek to Speed Austerity Budget, and Road Map Emerges for Addressing Greek Debt
Europe Readies for the Worst
Big Unions/Leftie Groups 07-13

Close the door on public-sector unions
National Education Association Thanks Students for Raising PAC Funds
Prison doctor gets paid for doing little or nothing A California surgeon has mostly been locked out of his job: on paid leave, fired or fighting his termination. When he does work, it's reviewing records. He made $777,000 last year, including back pay
Allegations of corruption, fraud, tears town government apart
Unions Turning on Obama in Debt Battle
A shame. NOT GUILTY!…SEIU Thugs Cleared in Brutal Gladney Beatdown!…Update: Gladney Reaction (Video)
Oversight committee demands NLRB documents on Boeing suit
Obama's Anti-Immigrant Stance. Under the guise of immigration enforcement, the White House pushes a pro-union agenda
ACLU Using Food Pantries To Undermine Voter ID In Wisconsin
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