President Obama Job Approval
Nailed! ACORN Supervisor Convicted for Election Fraud
Rangel 'raided' PACs for 393G
Name That Party: Another Criminal Democrat Goes Unidentified by Old Media
Time to close the open bar in Washington
The Entitlement Crisis
Heath Shuler discusses run for minority leader with CNN
After Struggles, Obama Seeks Lift in Japan
ABC: So that Obama trip to Asia turned out to be a huge bust, huh?
The Liberal Crisis
PJTV Video - Tony Katz, Comically Speaking: Salt, Sugar and Fat, Oh My! Nanny State Sticks Its Nose in Your Food
Expert: past 10 days have been worst of President Obama's 'political life'
Chris Christie's Star Turn Raises National Prospects, Nearly $9 Million for GOP
I want, I want. I need, I need! Virginia Bill Asks For Tea Party License Plate

Stop Smearing Federalism. From consumer advocacy to gay marriage, liberals routinely embrace federalism. So why do they keep comparing it to slavery?
Experts weigh in: Can the economy be saved?
Missouri Dem warns McCaskill against 'disloyalty' to Obama
Will Stealth Spending Decide the 2012 GOP Presidential Primaries?
Get Ready for the Great MERS Whitewash Bill
Barton denies he is using opposition research to upend Upton challenge
Groups Funded by Soros Network Back Soros
Climbing Mount Publishable. The old scientific powers are starting to lose their grip
A bad news week for AGW proponents
PJTV Video - Red, White & Gadsden Yellow: Tea Party Election Influence with FreedomWorks' Matt Kibbe
Bernanke's relationship with GOP deteriorating over Fed decisions
Obama can't get G-20 nations to follow his lead
Means To An End To Big Spending
Left-Winger Tina Brown Heads Daily Beast/Newsweek Merger; A List of Her Liberal Rantings
Fixing errors online needs some correcting at news organizations

Obama Fudges His Afghan Deadline
America Declines To Lead
Embarrassment in Seoul The world won't follow slow-growth, weak-dollar America.
How's that stimulus workin' for ya? A look back.
In her new reality show, it’s obvious Sarah Palin can work the media
Why Wall Street should fear Sarah Palin
Public pension liabilities pose future threat
CNN Claims No Favorites, But MRC Data Shows Campaign Coverage Skewed Left
'New York Times’ Gushes Over Communist Community Center
Four Reasons to Worry About the Newsweek-Daily Beast Deal.
NY's God-awful GOP
Where Will the G.O.P. Go Digging?
One and done: To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012 AND The WaPo Shivs The One
Axelrod starts Obama's re-election work next year
Class dismissed: Why middle income jobs are not coming back
Bury the Estate Tax for Good

Peggy Noonan - Wrong, Wrong, And Wrong
Surprise, California! Budget Deficit 25 Percent Worse Than a Month Ago
Obama’s Trade Strategy Runs Into Stiff Resistance
Getting our Fiscal House in Order
Can pay, won't pay. America’s most profligate states do not owe as much, proportionately, as Greece. But their politics are just as problematic
American Narcissus. The vanity of Barack Obama
GOP Staking Claim to Obama's Coalition of Voters
Healthcare (October 2010)
Here’s a Woman Fighting Terrorism. With Microloans.
Native American Farmers Shake the Public Money Tree
Fiscal Crises and Imperial Collapse
California's Whooping Cough Epidemic Centered in Rich, White Counties. Only liberal greenies avoid vacinations. Dumbasses.
Obama=Bush? President Obama isn’t the new Carter, but he just might be the new (first) Bush
Study shows reusable bags contain high levels of lead content
Loads of Unions on exemption list - Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of November 1, 2010
Long wait for food safety bill may be over
Fed Up: The Cost of Ben Bernanke’s Monetary Kamikaze Mission
Rand Paul: Fiscal commission report doesn't go far enough
Pot and kettle
Shuler on Pelosi: If 'she doesn't step aside, I will challenge her' for top post
Why Isn’t Mexico Rich?
No Camelot 2.0 The decline of liberal idealism.
Media Research Center: Bachmann and other conservative women treated unfairly by mainstream media
“The First Amendment, well how quaint!”
Two Wonks with One Plan About Too Much Debt
Democrats' campaign fortunes rise and fall with Obama's popularity
What the Deficit Commission Draft Ignores
The White House vs. science
The Decider returns to haunt Mr Nuance as George W. Bush eclipses Barack Obama
White House Push-Back on Asia Trip Failure Meme
San Francisco mayor vetoes happy meal ban

Investing in a frenzied market. Certain start-up markets may have gotten too hot, but that should be a reminder for investors to find opportunity where the crowd isn't.
An Open Letter to Republican Freshmen Members of Congress
No Country for Burly Men. How feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs
Barack Obama: the most anti-Israel president ever
We Told You So
Miller: Ballot Fight Rests on Alaska Vote Count
South Park - Obama All Over Again
Is Obama Trying to Turn the Border into the Next ‘Third Rail’? The border is a national security issue, but a defeated Obama is less likely to triangulate than he is to polarize.
Obama panel probes stimulus waste -- at Ritz Carlton
'We're Women. We Were Trained To Be Nice. We Weren't Direct Enough'
The Obamamometer The perfect candidate breaks from script.
Education (September 2010)
This is the Moment
Business community opposes Paycheck Fairness Act
Man up, Media and Open Your Eyes!
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