Friday, August 21, 2009

How Stupid Are You.

Wow, Rich! Don't hold back or anything.

Rich Lowry has a post up titled "Stupid Nation, Just how stupid do they think we are?" that points out just how stupid we Americans are. Go, Rich, Go!
Stupid enough to think that a new $1 trillion health-care entitlement is just the thing to restore the country to fiscal health.

Stupid enough not to know that almost every entitlement known to man has cost more than originally estimated, with a congressional committee in 1967 underestimating by a factor of ten Medicare’s cost by 1990.

Stupid enough not to realize that it is through budget trickery — the taxes begin immediately, the spending is put off for a few years — that the program in the House shows “only” a $239 billion deficit over the first ten years.

Stupid enough not to worry that Obama’s proposed superteam of technocrats operating outside normal political controls — the so-called Independent Medicare Advisory Council — will resort to rationing when costs continue to spiral upward.

Stupid enough to consider it wise to use several billion dollars in cuts from Medicare to create a new entitlement rather than to forestall Medicare’s own looming insolvency, currently projected for 2017.

Stupid enough not to notice that the “public option” was explicitly designed by the Left as a stealthy path to single-payer, even as liberals continue to talk and write about its ultimate purpose openly.

Stupid enough to believe that we’ll be able to keep our current health-care arrangements if we like them, even though the public option could throw tens of millions of people out of private insurance.

Stupid enough to trust the same people who came up with the public option as stealth single-payer to craft a co-op provision that isn’t a stealth public option.
Believe it or not, but Mr. Lowry goes on. The above is just a small sample of this magnificent rant against liberal elitism. Enjoy.

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