President Obama Job Approval
An Ethics Meltdown at the Justice Department
Prosecutors' conduct can tip justice scales
AG defends DOJ's performance in Black Panther case
Justice in the balance
Our Amicus Brief in the Virginia Case Challenging the Constitutionality of the Obama Health Care Plan
Latest Election Polls
Republicans Still Lead among Likely Voters
Gallup’s astonishing numbers and the Lake Superior congressional districts
GOP Poised to Gain or Hold Senate Seats in Key States
Voting preferences remain close among registered voters
GOP holds wide lead among likely voters in latest Gallup poll
‘Well Positioned’ For November
The wreck of the Jim Oberstar?
Wisconsin's Russ Feingold in Peril, But Still Practicing 'I Did It My Way' Politics
A GOP Unknown in Striking Distance of Barney Frank
Frank's Own Battle Erodes Help for Fellow Democrats
Halloween-Themed Ads
Coons distances self from Obama
NJ governor rallies fellow Republicans in Iowa
Republican Rep. Joseph Cao reaps the rewards of bipartisanship; Obama thanks him the Chicago way
Red-Herring Politics
NFL Tells Russ Feingold to Pull Campaign Ad
Longtime U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards admits he's trailing in U.S. House District 17 re-election bid
Blumenthal tops group's list of 10 worst AGs
In Wake of Taping, Ashjian’s ‘Tea Party of Nevada’ Chairman to Resign, Endorse Angle
Hispanics not motivated for 2010 election
When Harry Met Sharron
Does Boehner Even Want to Win Big?
Rahm Emanuel gets earful during listening tour of Chicago
Chicago: Rahm Emanuel’s kind of town?
And if you were looking for symbolism, there was the moment when Emanuel finished shaking hands with commuters at a Chicago Transit Authority station and shoppers at a supermarket and climbed back into his black Dodge Caravan, in which he could be seen vigorously washing his hands — in clear view of television cameras and reporters.
Murkowski Lawyers Warn Stations Not To Air Tea Party Ad AND Murkowski Calls Tea Party Ad Dishonest. Fact Checking Shows It’s Not.
Liberal Republican Primary Losers Better not Spoil the Elections
The troubling bailout of OneUnited Bank
Newt Gingrich memo: 'Paychecks vs. food stamps'
Wasn't this rally in protest of the Glenn Beck rally "usurping" Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" rally? If so, isn't using a photo from it to make their own rally look bigger wrong? “One Nation” Official Website Using Picture of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Rally in Place of Their Own…
Why Big Labor couldn't match Glenn Beck's rally
'One Nation' ... Under Socialism
$69M in Calif. welfare money spent out of state
World’s Largest Teleprompter Used at ‘One Nation’ Rally
A day of reckoning for public pensions: The bills are due, the coffers are empty. Public pensions are driving state and local governments into debt at an unsustainable rate. America must face this fiscal time bomb or these dream benefits will become a nightmare
Corporate social responsibility as corporate welfare
The Insurgency
Experts say Rahm Emanuel not a legal resident of city
Here’s How to Balance the Budget
The Bill Gates Income Tax If Washington's most famous billionaires are really worried about their state's finances, they'd write personal checks to the government and leave everyone else alone.
Congress On Steroids Slinks Out Of Town
Putting the Revenue Shortfall in Perspective
Across America, Main Street Voices Disappointment
Obama: Fiscal Situation "Untenable"
American Exceptionalism: Obama vs. Jefferson
College Democrats torn between seeing Jon Stewart and working on campaigns
Trucks Encircle ABC, CBS, NBC, Challenge ‘Liberal’ Media to ‘Tell The Truth’
I love seeing Olbermann get Fisked - About Those ‘Shadowy Groups’
Mondale: Obama's teleprompters are 'idiot boards,' keep him from connecting with audiences
Invisible dads
Preventing a Propaganda Parade
Was TARP Worth It?
The War on the Young
Hijacking the Meaning of Separation of Church and State
Breaking down the MasterCard, Visa settlements
Libs blow same smoke as in '94
The Balkanization of Barack's Party
Political attacks by Obama camp endanger opportunity
The Most Conservative Court In Modern American History?
O's quietest jobs-killing machine
Voting With Their Feet
The Whole 209 Yards: California’s Proposition for the Nation
Escape clause from global warming law
NPR: Not Particularly Relevant on Energy ‘Subsidies’
YIKES! Super-rich investors buy gold by ton
The Feds' Disease: Spending! (Part 1)
An Arrogant View of the Tea Party Movement
Sebelius Versus Wall Street Journal (and the truth)
Healthcare Reform: Promises Made, Promises Not Kept
The Era of Rationing Begins
Obamacare Is Making Businesses Sick
Medicaid & ObamaCare The impact of the overhaul law on the states
House Democrats Attack Right-to-Work Laws
10:10? Nein! Nein!
A Letter from a Republican to Hispanics
So much for "global warming" (at least in Europe) - Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way
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