California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure
VATs are evil and wrong. Period. The VAT Is Obama's License to Spend
Gee, I wonder why. White House Caught Altering Stimulus Baseline Projection by 7 Million Jobs
An Economy of Liars. When government and business collude, it's called crony capitalism. Expect more of this from the financial reforms contemplated in Washington
Is Washington Bankrupting America?
The SEC, Goldman Sachs, and John Paulson’s Money Trail. The Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs has been in the news, following an SEC civil action last week. Somehow, the other party to that transaction, hedge fund manager John Paulson, hasn't had as much attention. Curious
POJTV Video - Grover Norquist: "Leave our Earnings Alone"
Wall Street cashes out investment in Chris Dodd

Regulation Reality Tour Kicks Off in Colorado
The Obama-Dodd-Frank-Everything’s-A-Bank-Bill
The Dismal Economics of Utopia. Spreading the wealth around forces massive inequalities. Duh.
PJTV Video - 2010 Pig Awards: Breaking our Bank By Bringing Home the Bacon
Fannie and Freddie Amnesia. Taxpayers are on the hook for about $400 billion, partly because Sen. Obama helped to block reform.
The Obama Revolving Door: Former WH Counsel Craig goes to Goldman Sachs
Regulatory reform debate obscures key fact: Everybody’s getting money from Wall Street
GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman
Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse
Awful Tax System Causing a Growing Number of Americans to “Go Galt”
PJTV Video (VodkaPundit) - Hair of the Dog: Geithner's Golden Hover Ponies Take on Naughty Wall Street Bankers
GOP senators avoid co-sponsoring campaign finance reform bill
Geithner to Pressure Collins Today—Man the Battle Stations
Tax Court Rejects "Geithner Defense," Says Reliance on TurboTax Does Not Excuse Taxpayer From Penalty for Errors on Tax Return

Hawaii Needs Free Markets, Not “Sustainability”
Goldman Sachs Has Hurt Wall Street and Our Country
‘If you tax them, they will leave’. Chris Christie seeks to mend the broke and broken state of New Jersey.
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