Friday, October 23, 2009

Islamist Extremism and the Murder of Daniel Pearl

Read this speech by Sen. Joe Lieberman and remember Daniel Pearl.
At the heart of the ideology that motivated Danny Pearl’s killers is not religion but the same totalitarian impulse that we have seen appear and reappear, like a pestilence, across numerous countries and cultures and eras, intensely so during the past hundred years.
It's Nazism with religious cover.

I should add that my husband was a staunch opponent of the death penalty (Hitler would have been given a "chance at redemption") until my husband was struck by a one-two punch. One night we watched a horrific documentary detailing an Australian serial killer who would paralyze his victims and then practice different execution methods. Shaken to his core at this display of actual evil, we went to bed. That morning, we learned that Daniel Pearl had been brutally beheaded. My husband is still opposed to the death penalty in most cases but he now acknowledges that there is some evil in the world that must be destroyed for the preservation of good.

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