I wasn't sure today's Obamacare Daily Round-Up would be worth it since we'd be hearing from Obama himself this evening but apparently everyone is piling on today so here goes....
Obama disapproval on health care up to 52 percent More detailed story here.
A Glimpse of Our Future from Great Britain? This is what the oldest government-run healthcare system does to its citizens. 'Doctors told me it was against the rules to save my premature baby'. HORRIBLE. If the baby had been born just two days later, they would have attempted to save him. This is what happens when beaurocrats run healthcare and it could happen here given Obama's outright support of late-term abortions. More here and here.
Obesity, Magic Ponies, and Hitler Dueling opinions over at BloggingHeads.com
Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care. The president's proposals would give unelected officials life-and-death rationing powers. From The Wall Street Journal and Sarah Palin. And Moe Lane's review of her op-ed, here.
Let's hear what he has to say first... "Tide turns against public option on eve of President Obama's address." From The Hill.
Blue Dog Ross Comes Out Against Public Option From The Washington Post.
Interesting idea - who knows maybe it'll help Congress read the damn thing, but what if it rains? Group wants to chalk Capitol steps with entire healthcare bill
Political Theory. Megan McArdle's take on what's happening with Obamcare.
Why VOTERS matter. Obama's Speech: The Outside Game is the Game That Matters Although over at Slate.com, Timothy Noah doesn't seem to thing US Citizens are the important issue in this piece titled, "No More Speeches! On health reform, Obama needs to twist arms, not win hearts and minds."
Pelosi and Reid Tell President: We Have the Votes; President Wants Bill Passed Soon. From ABC News.
Obama's media skills face pivotal test. From Politico.com. It's not the message that's the problem, it's the policy.
Fines proposed for going without health insurance. Don't sign up for Obamacare and you will pay a price.
Despite Fears, Health Care Overhaul Is Moving Ahead. From The New York Times, seemingly endoursing a cram down.
Obama to Endorse Public Plan in Speech is the headline in this Wall Street Journal article which, if true, might indicate that Obama has a tin ear when it comes to the desires of the American public.
Micheal Barone over at the Washington Examiner has this piece up titled, The convenient fantasies of President Obama.
Too late for Obama to turn it around? Camille Paglia's take over at Salon.com. I don't always agree with her but I completely respect her independance of thought. An excellent read.
Obama Pitched Universal Health Care to Students in Meeting Prior to His Speech on Education. Don't turn your back on this guy is pretty much the take-away I'm getting.
Congress has already exempted itself from Public Option. From The Washington Examiner.
ObamaCare's Crippling Deficits. The higher taxes, debt payments and interest rates needed to pay for health reform mean lower living standards. From The Wall Street Journal.
A warning from Riehl World View - Ignore Us At Your Peril
Commentary from Forbes Magazine - Do Health Care Reformers Fear A Reading Public?
Obama’s False Witness. In accusing the Right of lying about health care, the Left shows its disregard for the truth. From the wonderful Ramesh Ponnuro.
Whom Do You Trust?
Where's the Urgency? Various polls seem to indicate Americans want Congress to stop this headalong rush and actually Read The Bill!
The Washington Times suggests "Better ways to reform health care."
This is just a tad tongue-in-cheek. A Bipartisan Plan to Wreck the System. The health-care address President Obama should really give to Congress.
John Stossel talks about "Obama's Speech Tonight". It's a good piece to read.
In this Forbes Magazine op-ed by Scott Atlas titled, "Why Are These Health Care Fixes Ignored? Obama and Pelosi reject introducing competition.", he presents five excellent healthcare reforms that are being deliberately rejected by liberals. Why?
Boehner: GOP leaders haven't met Obama for health talks since April. What's the point? They'd only disagree with Dear Leader anyways.
Obama tries to build momentum for health overhaul. He can try all he wants but I think the voters might have something to say about this.
Competing with China: Trump may have a trick up his sleeve
46 minutes ago
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