Friday, June 12, 2009

Yes, But Are They Anti-Abortion?

This is obviously an attempt to force radical environmentalist issues on the United States such as forcing us to ruin our economy even further by adopting destructive energy policies.

Crimes against Future Generations need to become taboo
Montreal/Hamburg, 29. Mai 2009. How can we prevent and prosecute activities today that severely threaten the living conditions and health of those living in the future? This was the theme at the symposium of 120 international law experts in Montréal on May 28-29, where the World Future Council (WFC) presented its pioneering work on Crimes against Future generations for discussion.

“We are today using international law in a heartless fashion, for we think only of those who are alive here and now and shut our eyes to the rest of the vast family of humanity who are yet to come. This forecloses to future generations their rights to the basic fundamentals of civilized existence: acknowledging them as holders of rights in the eyes of our law” says Judge C.G. Weeramantry, former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice and WFC Councillor.
But what I really want to know is if these jokers are serious, does that mean they'll also be anti-abortion?

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