President Obama Job Approval
Gallup - The public hates almost everything Congress has done
The Anti-American President?
The magic fades
Document drop: Breaking: DOJ Inspector General will investigate Obama voting rights record
Pelosi has pocketed nearly twice as much lobbyist cash as Boehner
You were expecting a Chicago machine politician to show an enthusiasm for civil liberties?
O Vanity, O’s Vanity
Conservatism does not equal racism. So why do many liberals assume it does?
Given Congress's 22% approval rating, I'm surprised they dare to "tread" at all. Congress to tread carefully in run-up to election
The moment is over.
The Real Special Interest: Government Lobbying Government
The Obama Zone
Interestingly during the 2008 election season many noted that McCain had more women in higher positions than Obama. So this isn't so much an aberration as a trend. Obama faces new criticism from women's groups over his team
What Did Jon Stewart Know and When Did He Know It?: Democrats Use ‘Daily Show’ Tickets to Raise Money
Vulnerable Democrats duck public events
IL spends $6.2 million on taxpayer-funded lobbying
An Opening in Connecticut
Next, Michelle Obama's health reform plan for the nation's restaurant menus and families dining out
Oh sure, now they grow a pair - Democrats challenge Nancy Pelosi on taxes
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