Friday, January 23, 2009

Lying Cheats are Okay

Only if they are Democrats.

Jonah Goldberg has an intelligent post on NRO today about the hypocrisy of the Left - comparing the tax judgements of Mr. Geithner and Joe-the-Plumber.

It boils down to a conservative private citizen who has an unknown tax problem and liberals treat him like an immoral fiend. Yet when a liberal wants to run the IRS has a major and known tax problem, then his liberal-ness makes him fit for financial office.

Jonah ends the article with...
I thought the Democrats believed the financial implosion was caused by arrogant and greedy men who thought the rules didn’t apply to them because they were so important. I guess they didn’t mean it.

Of course, they meant it, Jonah. These Democrats/Liberals know full well that the financial implosion was caused by arrogant and greedy men who thought the rules didn't apply to them because they were so important because they ARE the arrogant greedy, "too important" men who caused the financial implosion and believe the rules don't apply to them.

And they are willing and enabled by the media to shift the blame elsewhere.

The democrat's position is not really that of hypocrisy as much as it is a cynical, outrageous, and sociopathic disregard for ethics, responsibility, truth and honesty.

That's all.

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