Andrew Stuttaford over at NRO is concerned about the tradition of marriage between a man and a women continuing.
I am not the least bit concerned.
Marriage evolved in human relationships as a social contract between men and women for both sex and the raising of children. It may have started out as "she's mine, don't touch" but it has evolved.
I would never ever deny anyone the chance to form a union with someone they love. Never. But marriage is between a man and a woman.
And I'm not the only one saying that. The under-30s might think marriage is more "open" but they grow up as Andrew states.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that blacks and hispanics voted for Obama but against gay marriage. Why? Because marriage cuts across all of human existance, all cultures, and all races.
All the damage Baby Boomers have done to their own marriages and children has not destroyed marriage. Children of divorced parents are burnt, cautious, and afraid but they still desire marriage and family. It is the human condition. The under-30s are naturally skeptical of a relationship that caused them so much harm in their childhood but eventually they will find someone they love so much, they will want to make the formal bind and have children.
Gay marriage is love but it only goes halfway as far as marriage is defined by human anthropological tradition. Again, I will never deny love. All forms of love are wonderful. Love is wonderful.
But marriage is more than love. Love is only part of marriage, the other part is children and the future of humanity. Because without children there is no future of humanity. And all homosexuals came from the marriage of a man and a woman (consecrated or not).
From a reproduction position alone, homosexuals must recognize that for the vast majority of them, marriage "made" them. So why is it so hard to acknowledge that marriage is a separate form of relationship reserved exclusively for a man and a women? I don't deny their love, I certainly don't deny my love for my husband but why should my marriage be demoted to a union for their sake? Especially when, quite frankly, there are more of us then them?
Marriage is sacred because it is universal. Youth is univeral too. They'll come around.
Open Thread
4 hours ago
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