Thursday, September 9, 2010
Random Round-Up 09-09
President Obama Job Approval
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
PJTV Video - September 11th
Busting the Worst Little ACORN Lobbyist in Texas
What a Surprise
Obama’s Ocean Policy Initiative: Washington’s latest power grab
ObamaCare Causes Insurance Premium Hikes
Who's beating the GOP establishment?
Democratic Panic?
Parents, Mark Your Calendars: September 14th Is Obama Day At School!
Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data
Considering the Source . . .
Congress goes for rationing
Infrastructure Stimulus Spending: Pandering to Organized Labor
Chamber ups its stakes in midterm election
Believe Him or Your Eyes
States fight Obamacare
PJTV Video - Sonja's Bureaucratic Nightmare: What You Can Look Forward to With Obamacare
Now she's a lying and stupid sack of fecal matter - Barbara Boxer’s Taxpayer Tab: $3.6 Million & Counting
When in Doubt, Obama Adds to Debt
Election Year Pork: Boxer Defies Pentagon, Air Force with Aircraft Funding Push
Dems Propose Back Door Energy Taxes
Is Housing Overvalued?
Why framing the wrong problem killed the summer of recovery.
Appeals Court Protects CIA Rendition
Obama: ‘I Am Absolutely Committed To Fiscal Responsibility’
Another Day, Another Shattered Obamacare Promise
How ObamaCare Guts Medicare The president's pledge that 'If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep it' clearly does not apply to America's seniors.
Virginia congressman admits: ‘If you don’t tie our hands, we will keep stealing.’
Sinking With Obama, Dems Plan Political Triage
Factchecking the NYT Ground Zero Mosque Editorial. No, there are not a bunch of Confederate monuments in the Union states, and the few there are were not erected for "graciousness and reconciliation."
How Obama Thinks Read the whole thing. It's a fascenating and compelling perspective.
Ground Zero Mosque: The Bombast of Imam Feisal
‘Like a Dog’: The Origins of Barack Obama’s Petulance
Duckworth Dishes Misinformation to Disabled Vet
Democratic strategists pooh-pooh the polls
A President's Class War Where on the income scale does Mr. Obama divide the country between us and them?
Remember November, and Christie
The Mothballing of the Antiwar Movement
Obama’s Favorite Union Boss on ObamaCare: ‘We Drove it Down the Republicans’ Throats’
Shake up: The Tea Partiers are coming to the staid Senate
A former Enron adviser's improbable history.
Obama In Ohio: Hello Illinois!
Why Reagan and Clinton Survived the Midterms and Obama Won't
Appeals court blocks Pa. town's immigration law
Oakland Dems face jury probe on possible Tea Party-related fraud
126,000 voters with unknown or invalid mailing addresses in Kansas
Who Made the $10,000 Stimulus Sign? Obama touts his stimulus success at a sign company getting very few government contracts, a fitting backdrop for further investigation into the propaganda road signs.
Sheriffs want lists of patients using painkillers
Stimulus Spending and Unemployment Levels: Still No Correlation
Healthcare Reform? Promises…Promises
Free Market Activists to Challenge Big Labor This Election with ‘The Concord Project’
Democrats Can’t Win 435 Different Elections
Getting Too Close to Home
HHS Secretary Sebelius vows 'zero tolerance' for insurers blaming premium hikes on health law
Bonfire of the Insanities
It’s Deja Coakley All Over Again
Gov. Christie Responds To Teacher Claiming He Lambastes Education
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