The Fraud Is Everywhere: SUNY Albany and Queens University Belfast Join Climategate
Finally an equation even an environmentalist can understand - No data = no science
Of course they do. - Warmists Give Climategate the Cold Shoulder The guys in this video are from CEI, the outfit my husband works for! They ask environmentalist what they think about the CRU scandal and the greenies are circling the wagon.
BPA: The Tangled Web of Green
Climategate’s ‘Josh Steiner’ Moment, Featuring John Tierney and Michael Mann
Amen to that - Scientists Need Ethics Training and Anger Management
Global Warming 101
He also has something he wants to show you back in his office. Bill Clinton: “Global Warming Could Make Some Places Colder”(Video)
Hacking the Climate Debate
Ask Not for Whom the Tree Rings . . .
Something in the Water Is Feminizing Male Fish. Are We Next? AND What Do 'Intersex' Fish Mean for Water Quality? The answer is the excess estrogen women who take birth control pills urinate into the water system. My husband's book, The Really Inconvenient Truths covers this issue in detail in Chapter Three (sample here) and explains why environmentalists are desperate to blame pesticides rather than bcp because they are also dedicated to reducing the human population for which they need The Pill.
Bellesiles & Climategate
It's The Data, Stupid Cont'd
Something UN Could Devote More Energy To AND my husband's response to Jonah - Re: Something the U.N. Could Devote More Energy To
Groupthink and the global warming industry
When Do We Get to Read the Rest of the UN Emails on Climate Change?
Climategate: The White House Stonewalls with Stupidity
Denying the global-cooling cover-up. Obama team puts politics above science on climate
No Hole in the Blogosphere: Tracking Climate-Gate
High Price, Low Return
In Depth coverage of Copenhagan and Environmental issues from The Financial Times, here. (Warning - you may need a subscription)
But you don't need a subscription here - Climategate Document Database from PJTV/Pajamas Media
The Inquisition of Global Warming
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