Saturday, February 21, 2009

Name and Shame Bill Moyers as a Hypocrit

Another Name and Shame via GayPatriot in his post on Bill Moyers titled "Bill Moyers: The Power of Outing".

Apparently, Mr. Liberal TV Guy used to work as an aide to LBJ (democrat) and was tasked with using the FBI to see if any of Goldwater's (republican) staff were gay.

Wow! Another example of how being a liberal is all about kindness and inclusiveness.

I particularly like GayPatriot's comparison to Nixon and how he got in trouble for using the FBI to dig up dirt on people.

How does it feel Moyers (and Democrat LBJ) to be just as "good" as Nixon.

Moyers is an ass and should be ashamed of himself.

GayPatriot ends with this observation:
Interesting how a story about a liberal pundit’s investigations into the sexuality of coworkers and political rivals primarily draws the attention of conservative bloggers. And gay bloggers seem more interested in the story than do the organizations ostensibly representing our peers.

The more we learn about Bill Moyers, the more we see how much his political affiliation defined his life. He would do anything to destroy a rival politician, even root around to see if that man had gay staffers, seeking to use those staffers’ sexuality against their Republican employer.

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