President Obama Job Approval
A secret $6 billion bailout for Puerto Rico?
Smooth move dumbasses. John Adams tried that 200 years ago with the Alien and Sedition Acts and that was an epic fail. Why isn't that liberals have no new ideas? Dem planning bill that would outlaw threats to lawmakers
Boehner will keep flying commercial
Debt default is no laughing matter
In Budget Crises, an Opening for School Reform School systems can put students first by making sure any layoffs account for teacher quality, not seniority. AND Three Reasons You Should Join “National School Choice Week”
Is this a good thing? - The Fed’s QE2 Traders, Buying Bonds by the Billions
Please! Simplify! Dump the Current Tax Code and Start Over
To House GOP, Illegal Immigration Is Jobs Issue AND Detaching the Anchor From Anchor Babies
Rep. Steve King Says Witnesses Are Ready to Testify in Congress About Alleged Fraud in Federal Compensation Payments to Black Farmers Pigford is a disgrace for a round-up go here.
How to Use Evil to Promote Your Agenda
Downturn's Ugly Trademark: Steep, Lasting Drop in Wages
Like paying taxes and other law-abiding requirement, following the rules - even if they are for the safety and well-being of 100s of fellow travelers - is for the "little people" Arianna Huffington, fellow passenger escorted off airline after dispute over her BlackBerry
It's Back...Assange: We're stepping up release of leaked docs
The Internet Is Threatened By Government Regulation
Thank you for keeping up the good fight - Radio hosts: We won’t back down
Thomas Sowell - A Republican Showdown?
The Case for Social Security Personal Accounts
From the brand new Tatler website - Clicking through images of Jared Lee Loughner’s backyard skull shrine, linked from Drudge. I’m not seeing a Gadsden flag
Explaining Evil
Stay classy - MoveOn launches campaign against vitriolic language — despite sordid history of using vitriolic language
Don’t think of an elephant: Giffords, ghouls and gimmicks

Acid Rhetoric Flashbacks
Dems Need to Look to Their Own Ranks for ‘Elevated Rhetoric’
Paul Krugman's totalitarian temptation
Chuck Norris - Obamacare's Baby Death Panels (Part 1)
Pennsylvania voters develop a taste for the Tea Party
While I'm sorry he did wrong, I'll always have a soft spot for the man who drank DDT during a Congressional hearing to prove its safety. DeLay Sentenced to 3 Years on Conspiracy Charge
Citizen Soros: Suppressing Conservative Ideas (Part 2 in a Series)
A civil rights official disgraces himself
Please let it be - Is 2011 The Beginning of the End for Medicare?
Dangerous Liberal #11: Peter Lewis (Link to the list of 50 here) AND The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2010
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