President Obama Job Approval
Voter Fraud Watch
Young Voters More Hesitant to Commit to Dems
Radical in the White House Stanley Kurtz didn’t have to go to Kenya to figure out who Barack Obama really is.
The Incumbent Protection Racket
Taking a break from suing states, Obama's Justice Department wins hundreds of awards from itself
Obama’s Base Will Stay Home
Poll - Independents Drive GOP Midterm Advantage
Harry Reid Steals Nevadan's Milk Money To Buy Campaign Ad
ON THE ROAD: Bielat Relishes Underdog Role in Bid to Beat Barney Frank
A Pre-Election Day Prediction: Massachusetts Will Retire Barney Frank. Robert Snider predicts that America's bluest state will retire a long-term Democrat, sending military veteran and Republican Sean Bielat to Washington in place of Barney Frank.
New Video Exposes The False Narrative of the "Stomping" Victim AND Shhh—Nobody Tell MSNBC

Astonishing Stats on Women Voters
Linda McMahon vs. Richard Blumenthal: Connecticut's wrestling match
Candidate Sharron Angle is a ‘bitch’? Women’s groups outraged by ’sexist’ View co-host Joy Behar And yet Joy still has her job, unlike Juan.
Bucks election board to hear GOP allegations of absentee-voter fraud by Democrats
Pennsylvania's Race Gets Dirty As Sestak Slings Feces
50 Laboratories For Health Reform
Boxer Campaign Apologizes for Getting Caught Soliciting Teachers to Recruit Student Volunteers AND Boxer faces ethics complaint for telling teachers to send students to work for campaign This is why you should sign up for your opposition's communications - to make sure you know what they are up to.
Public-Employee Unions Funnel Public Money to Dems Franklin Roosevelt thought public-sector unions were a lousy idea. Do you?
When Unions Vote Your Money
Ouch On the Daily Show, Obama is the last laugh
Taxpayers win in court

It Ain’t So, Joe
Teachers Spent $9M On Cosmetic Surgery in 2009
The Role of the Elite
TARP plays well for Dems in wealthy N.Y. suburbs
New Jersey abandons toothless reforms
About California's Prop 23
Closing in California
California can't mess with Texas
Job Losses Outweigh Obama’s Successes
Tax Breaks For The Wealthy Do Boost Economy
Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech; Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation
Starting Afresh in Pursuit of Liberty
Democrat Gets Booed for Blaming Bush-- In Massachusetts!
Officials scramble to send out vote-by-mail ballots
Foreclosure activity up across most US metro areas
The real foreclosure mess: Lack of accountability for banks
Energy Crisis Over!
The PC Revolution Devours Its Own Children, Part CLVII, NPR Edition
Actually, it is sickening us all - Health Care Is Ailing Democrats
Poll: Independents Drive GOP Midterm Advantage
When Clinton fails to excite, trouble looms for state Dems

s Time for Some Cold, Hard Truths
Economy Top Issue for Voters; Size of Gov't May Be More Pivotal
Forgetting the Constitution The assurance that “separation of church and state” is in the Constitution shows our elites’ ignorance.
Signs of the Democratic Apocalypse. Midterms are tough for presidents, but party leaders aren't usually in trouble..
The Right on Public Broadcasting
Energy and anger
Tea Party Movement Is A Game-Changer
Labor helps key Senate Dems, but abandons most House Blue Dogs
Democrats Doing Opposition Research For 2012
Foreclosure activity up across most US metro areas
Public Pay Study Seems Bogus
'Stranger Danger' and the Decline of Halloween. No child has ever been killed by poisoned candy. Ever..

Obama's got his midterm mantra down, so why isn't anybody listening?
Another Debate Audience Recites Pledge When Another Moderator Says ‘No
Memo to Candidates - Dire Economy Calls for Deep Reforms
New York City’s Dumb Gun Laws Could Get Dumber
Poll: Most Want Obama Fired In 2012
Top DOJ Official Describes Recent Controversy As "He Said, She Said," Insists Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Confronting The CBS Reporter Who Threatened to Harm A Conservative Radio Host
Health Law Unpopular in Key House Districts.
Could Disgruntled Gay Voters Impact Close Blue State Elections? If gay voters choose to sit out the election, it could mean Democratic losses in tight races.
ObamaCare: Political Trouble for Moderate Democrats?
Channeling Milton Friedman
The high cost of Obama’s health 'savings'

Saudi Prince Backs Moving Planned NYC Mosque
Mercatus Center Financial Markets Working Group Wins Templeton Freedom Award
How the White House Bungled the Politics of Health Care
There They Went Again The 111th Congress fits a familiar Democratic pattern..
Obama Coalition Is Fraying, Poll Finds
A classic case of Obama's sophistry and lack of candor
The Coming Struggle
Baseball, the World Series and Steroids: George W. Bush Was Right
New York City Nominated for Ballot Bungle Booby Prize
The Rage Against Citizens United Why Barack Obama gave the Supreme Court a public tongue-lashing.
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