Personally 2010 has been a roller coaster of amazing highs - spending the night in Cinderella's Castle - and profound lows - my father's death. Just two examples.
But life and the years go on. I will always treasure the memories not only of the past years events both happy and bitter but also the support the readers of Shout First have given me. I am grateful for the positive experiences and even the negative ones. My husband had a bad health scare but it revealed a medical condition that he is now receiving treatment for. Ultimately a good thing.
Thank you. And it is my heartfelt and fervent wish that everyone, everyone have a brighter New Year filled with good fortune, love and peace.
Friday, December 31, 2010
The Business of America Has Always Been Business
Jamestown unearths 400-year-old pipes for patrons Because I love archeology, I was attracted to this article but my take away is that from its very first moments of existence, people came to the colonies and America to make money and have a better, freer life.
Tobacco's popularity created a large demand for pipes that were typically made in London using white clay from Dorset, along England's southern coast. Interested in the lucrative new industry, investors in the Virginia Company sought to add pipemaking to its trades and sought out adequate clay from the surrounding area.
Settlers, Kelso said, were under "tremendous pressure" to give investors the instant gratification they needed because "they put so much money into it," and didn't want to lose their lifeline to England. Colonists tried different trades such as silk making, glassmaking, lumber, sassafras and tar, with no financial success.
"The whole idea was to make money for investors and they enlisted all these specialists that would search Virginia for profitable resources that they could exploit," Straube said. "Tobacco was the quickest and easiest and most successful."
Minimum Wage Basketcases

Minimum Wage Laws in the States
When you look at this map, just remember that the states with the highest "minimum wage" are the ones suffering the worst economies and voter exodus. Just sayin'.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Your Taxes On Vacation
Before you read this, check to make sure your stomach is strong enough. President and family on multi-million dollar Christmas vacation in Hawaii
Another Ignorant Leftie
Complete with video - he's such a useless tool
Liberal Star Blogger Ezra Klein: ‘Constitution Has No Binding Power on Anything’; Confusing Because it’s Over 100 Years Old
Liberal Star Blogger Ezra Klein: ‘Constitution Has No Binding Power on Anything’; Confusing Because it’s Over 100 Years Old
Bloodied Snow Plows
Sanitation Department's slow snow cleanup was a budget protestIf true, these men have blood on their hands. People died because the roads were not cleared. For shame!
Caused by warming?
BRITAIN’S winter is the coldest since 1683 and close to being the chilliest in nearly 1,000 years.
Latest figures reveal that the average temperature since December 1 has been a perishing -1C.
That makes it the second coldest since records began in 1659.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Random Round-Up 12-29

President Obama Job Approval
Closing the books on the worst Congress
Please Stop 'Helping' Us
According to TIME, Nothing Happened in 2010
Voters really don't like ObamaCare -- still

From the Wall Street Journal - Death Panels Revisited The left won't admit that Sarah Palin had a point about rationed care..
Woman Who Protested TSA Pat-Downs At OKC Airport Banned From Flying
IRS Declined to Audit 97% of Potential Tax Shelters Without Required Approval
Debunking That Study on ‘Mis-Informed’ Fox News Viewers
The Five Worst Op-Eds of 2010
Only one in five Americans want government to regulate the Internet
111th Congress Created More National Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined
The top 10 violations of the Constitution by Obama and the 111th Congress

'Shall' D.C. Decide for Patients & Doctors?
Actually, Bush Vetoed Bill with ‘End-of-Life’ Provisions
Well, DUH - Health plans for high-risk patients attracting fewer, costing more than expected
The Dumbest Government Decisions
Hot Sensations Vs. Cold Facts
Things the chattering class got wrong
Population Patterns Show Rejection of Liberalism
A truce in culture wars as voters focus on economy
Carbon Rationing By Other Means
Dogma and the New Progressives
Thomas Sowell - Promises and Riots

The Obamacare tax hangover
Unlearning the Lessons Being Taught
Here’s how serious people transcend ideological differences
AP-GfK Poll: Baby boomers fear outliving Medicare
VDH - How Did All That Happen?
Sanitation Union Fires Back At Accusations Of Slow-Down
The Obamas Police Food and Football (Updated) Why their comments on Michael Vick and school lunches make us queasy
The ten most underreported studies from 2010

Mike's mosque myopia Bloomberg is such a tool.
Rationing Revealed at the Heart of Obamacare
Ken Blackwell - If We Don't Balance Books, Others Will
Global Warming Skeptic Predicts Brutal Winter, Warns “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
Is there any weather pattern that would cast doubt on global warming?
Local Government Stupidity Contest
Big Nannies of the Year
What the Health Care Bill Means for You in 2011
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Round-Up 12-28
Santa Baby... Defund ObamaCare.
It's a sign the tingle has gone - Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?
The *true* John Conyers scandal.
President Obama under pressure to deliver on climate AND YET there's this... The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers
EPA's Endangerment Rule Threatens States' Sovereignty
The Cancun Climate Con
Ethanol: No End in Sight
The EPA and the Alarmist Narrative
Teen Birthrates and the Media
Pigford Investigation Resources Careful, cleaning out this fraud pigsty is gonna get messy.
Ya think? GAO Sees Problems in Government’s Financial Management
The String-Pullers in Internet Regulation
White House attempts to quiet revived talk of 'death panels'
Consumer Confidence Shows Surprise Drop in December
Has Government Grown Since the Recession Started?
Whistleblower Protection Act
Using Regulation Against The Will Of The People
Dispelling the VAT. I would only agree to a VAT in America if it was as public as the current sales tax is AND we completely eliminated both corporate taxes and income/estate taxes. Period. Otherwise, VAT is nothing but a scam.
Boston Taxpayers Pay $8.4 Million for Teachers' Union Softball, Legal Defense
Changes to data collected on unemployment duration
Shell's Plan to Drill for Oil in the Beaufort Sea This Summer
How Much Debt Did the 111th Congress Leave Us?
Investigating Obama's Eating Habits
Early Word: Obamacare High-Risk Pools Unpopular, Expensive
Poll: Opposition to Individual Mandate at All-Time High
Political End Runs
Fleeced: The upper 1% earned 19.6% of total income before tax, and paid 41% of the individual federal income tax. "No other major country is so dependent on so few taxpayers"
EPA to Regulate Greenhouse Gases
The States' 'Day of Reckoning'
European anarchists grow more violent, coordinated
I am the YouTube airline pilot
It's a sign the tingle has gone - Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Just Release The Birth Certificate?
The *true* John Conyers scandal.
President Obama under pressure to deliver on climate AND YET there's this... The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers
EPA's Endangerment Rule Threatens States' Sovereignty
The Cancun Climate Con
Ethanol: No End in Sight
The EPA and the Alarmist Narrative
Teen Birthrates and the Media
Pigford Investigation Resources Careful, cleaning out this fraud pigsty is gonna get messy.
Ya think? GAO Sees Problems in Government’s Financial Management
The String-Pullers in Internet Regulation
White House attempts to quiet revived talk of 'death panels'
Consumer Confidence Shows Surprise Drop in December
Has Government Grown Since the Recession Started?
Whistleblower Protection Act
Using Regulation Against The Will Of The People
Dispelling the VAT. I would only agree to a VAT in America if it was as public as the current sales tax is AND we completely eliminated both corporate taxes and income/estate taxes. Period. Otherwise, VAT is nothing but a scam.
Boston Taxpayers Pay $8.4 Million for Teachers' Union Softball, Legal Defense
Changes to data collected on unemployment duration
Shell's Plan to Drill for Oil in the Beaufort Sea This Summer
How Much Debt Did the 111th Congress Leave Us?
Investigating Obama's Eating Habits
Early Word: Obamacare High-Risk Pools Unpopular, Expensive
Poll: Opposition to Individual Mandate at All-Time High
Political End Runs
Fleeced: The upper 1% earned 19.6% of total income before tax, and paid 41% of the individual federal income tax. "No other major country is so dependent on so few taxpayers"
EPA to Regulate Greenhouse Gases
The States' 'Day of Reckoning'
European anarchists grow more violent, coordinated
I am the YouTube airline pilot
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Still Out Sick
Merry Freakin' Christmas to me!
Now they are giving me antibiotics normally prescribed for pneumonic horses.
I promise I'll get back to ya'll.
Now they are giving me antibiotics normally prescribed for pneumonic horses.
I promise I'll get back to ya'll.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Random Round-Up 12-13

President Obama Job Approval
From our friend Boris who is a wolf in sheepdog's clothing - Snooty Europhiles should be forced to crawl in penitence. The 'blimpish Little Englanders’ who opposed monetary union were right all along
New WikiLeaks Document Dump Targets Liberal Media – Part 1
To revive the economy, pull back the red tape
Government Unions vs. Taxpayers The moral case for unions—protecting working families from exploitation—does not apply to public employment.
“Cultural Defenses” and Incest
I blame Reid for a lot of things - Blame Reid, Not Republicans, for ‘Obstructionism’
Kicking the Medicare can -- again
Swindle of the year
The Hawkeye Handouts The tax bill is becoming a favor festival, starting with ethanol.
Good! Dems could miss last chance to pass their own agenda
Cynical beyond belief. Media Creates New Palin Scandal! Sarah Accused of Bringing Hairdresser on Haiti Trip "That's right, what the Palin-hating AP and others fail to report is that the "hair stylist" is Bristol Palin."
Political class, Middle America headed in opposite directions on economy
Bewildering Media Non-Reaction: Obama/Clinton Presser, Socialist Sanders’ Filibuster

After 25 years, time has come to clean up the tax code (again)
Tea Party-backed freshmen win plum committee assignments
Forget the Rich, Let's Increase the Tax Base!
ObamaCare: Flight of the MDs
Everyone Hates Ethanol Subsidies. Why Can't We Get Rid of Them?
Media Demands That President Obama Start “Acting Black” If you remember the "Not Black Enough" debacle, this isn't really news.
The Crisis of the Middle
Another Failed Climate Conference
Virginia Federal Judge to Rule on Constitutionality of ObamaCare
Virginia emerges as a bellwether
Obamacare Heads to Court This Week
The Dems' Crackup
If China Blows Up, So Will Every Other Market
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Yes, ObamaCare Still Worse Than You Thought
Obama Signing Child Nutrition Bill Into Law
Eagle concerns stymie wind farms
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Random Round-Up 12-12

President Obama Job Approval
Emergency Rooms: The Canary in the Health Care Coal Mine
Arsonist Strikes on Cape Cod, Leaves Calling Card: 'F--k the Rich'
The Collapse of the Guantanamo Myth This week a Democratic Congress ratified Bush-era policy by refusing to fund any effort to shut the detention facility.
Christie Going After Tenure in Fight With Teachers’ Union
Big Government Economics Is Dead (Again)
Middle America's Economic Woes
Who said? Can you guess which voice of moderation on the Left said this? “In 2012, the Republicans will have their nasty little primary, which will basically be mean people fighting dumb people. So after about two years of this stuff, we’re going to start looking pretty good to people again.” Answer: Van Jones: We are coming for the media and that’s not all
What happens next in the tax-cut standoff: Three scenarios
Still deaf to the voters
It’s a Wonderful Leftist Life Barry Bailout's transformation of Bedfellow Falls marches on.
One nation, under too many laws
Outrageous public-employee pension obligations kill the city's ability to provide vital services
Pigford’s Original Black Farmers Unhappy Over Massive Fraud – Media Ignores
The Cancun Crack-Up The biggest climate conference achievement: Sun tans.
A GOP quip in need of a GOP policy: how would repealing Obamacare create jobs?
Obama riles Dems by spurning New Deal complacency
Killing Obama’s ‘Build America Bonds’ Is a Big Reason to Like the Tax Deal
Should We Gloat Over Obama’s Childish Behavior?
Gary Becker – The Economist’s Economist
Muslims Save Jews in Untold WWll Story. Exhibit showcases photographs of Albanian Muslims who sheltered Jews during the Holocaust
Subsidy Trains to Nowhere Can we sell you a ticket to Borden? It only costs $4.15 billion.

Excellent Polling Data on Spending Restraint vs. Deficit Reduction
When greens pollute
GOP wants Obama to show his sincerity on earmarks
Wow, Obama's relying on Biden. And I thought the Clinton presser looked bad. As the Ground Shifts, Biden Plays a Bigger Role
It’s a Long Way Down
How to get Julian Assange: U.S. should use aggressive prosecution to charge WikiLeaks villain
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Random Round-Up 12-11

President Obama Job Approval
Hope for Change - President Obama Brings Bill Clinton In To Talk Tax Plan…And Then Leaves To Go To A Christmas Party!
Bill Clinton Resumes Presidency
Stay Classy Columbia - Palin-Hating Columbia Professor, Huffington Post Blogger, Busted for Incest

Unemployment Benefits Being Held Hostage by Dems
Rock bottom: Obama hits 42% approval in new McClatchy poll
Anything that underfunds crappy green laws and regs is A-OK with me - Three cash-strapped states—New York, New Hampshire and New Jersey—are using funds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to plug budget holes.
Will the Supreme Court Empower Trial Lawyers to ‘Legislate’ Climate Policy? Fighting the extortion strategy from the greenhouse protection racket.
UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years
More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims - Challenge UN IPCC & Gore

Who could blame them - Two black Democrats bolt party for GOP
Arizona Regains Footing in Legal Battle Over Immigration Law
Rep. John Kline and the Secret Ballot Protection Act
Ya think? - ‘Something Very, Very Weird is Going on in Washington’
Friday, December 10, 2010
One Pig of a Fraud

What a fraud magnet - The Pigford President: Obama Signs Black Farmers Settlement
Pigford Witness Report: 700 Claims Filed with My Name on Them, Many From Hundreds of Miles Away
Why are USDA officials off the hook in case of bias against black farmers? As President Obama signs a taxpayer-funded settlement in case of bias against black farmers, some Americans ask: Why didn't any heads roll? Ex-USDA employee Shirley Sherrod is one.
Uh-huh - White House Ordered Me Fired; Obama Can’t ‘Fully Grasp’ Civil Rights Struggle
Probably - Will Pigford vindicate Andrew Breitbart?
Obamacare 12-10

Insurance Companies Stop Treatments Based on Pending FDA Rationing Decision
Who’s Left to See the Patients Post-Obamacare?
White House Concedes Individual Mandate is Not Severable
Debt Panel Punted on Health Care Cost Plan
Woman dies waiting in ER as AG finds little movement
Will Congress Find Funds for Obamacare and Lots of Pork Under the Tree This Christmas?
ObamaCare kills discount drug deals to childrens hospitals
Obamacare Unintended Consequence of the Day: Higher Drug Prices for Kids' Hospitals
Big Union/Leftie Groups 12-10

New NLRB Decision Legitimizes Unions’ Race to the Bottom
NYC Teachers Union vs. the Children
Obama uses labor board to revive Card Check
Teachers: Professionals or ‘Education Workers?’
Crony Car Capitalism
Bully Pulpit. Equating the New Jersey governor's "I calls it as I sees it" style with hate speech is nonsense..
Junk Science 12-10

Rage against the dying of light (bulbs)
The Politication of Climate Science
Let Ethanol Subsidies Expire For Good
Clouds and Climate Confusion
Cancun COP16 attendees fall for the old “dihydrogen monoxide” petition as well as signing up to cripple the U.S. Economy
The unusually chilly global-warming summit Cancun is hosting the U.N. conference on man-made climate change — amid record cold temperatures
WikiLeaks Cables Confirm Worst Fears of Climate Skeptics. Domestic political considerations far outweighed any scientific basis for the Copenhagen Accord
It's a Big Mistake to Expand the FDA's Regulatory Reach to Our Food System
White House backs green tax provisions to build liberal support
Random Round-Up 12-10

President Obama Job Approval
Fantastic - House Dems reject Obama tax plan in current form Way to ruin the economy for everyone, jackasses.
Legislative Documents for the Obama Tax Compromise Bill
The WikiLeaks Vindication of George W. Bush

It's official - He's Carter. Obama won't leave DC until nuke deal is done
When Words Fail
Of course he does - Obama honors Nobel winner with statement about himself
Read My Lips... No New Spending!
Widening the Margin of Voter Fraud. The culture of fraud is clearly in place and it is extensive.
The Great College-Degree Scam
America’s just not that into you, Mr President. The future still looks grim for Barack Obama

More MSNBC Awesomeness: Obama Gets Pimp-Slapped by Rachel Maddow
Most Americans Say They’re Worse Off Under Obama, Poll Shows
Black Conservatives Renew Call for Investigation of Obama Justice Department
Matthew Elliot on Britain's Burgeoning Tax Revolt
When Entitlement Socialism Fails...
O's woes with the angry left
Massive budget bill faces opposition in Senate
Is Congress Above the Law?

Let's not settle for the big-government status quo, which is what the president's deficit commission offers.
Hopefully the DREAM act is dead - Democrats delay action on young immigrants bill
Democrat Congressman: Illegal Aliens Are ‘De Facto Citizens’ Sort of like if I break into your home, I'm a "de facto" homeowner?
A Little Late for the Third Way
The Tea Party's brew includes gays and lesbians TEA Partiers welcome anyone so long as they believe in privacy, responsibility, individual freedom, and minimal government.
CEOs find new friend in Obama - nobody else does though.
Cuccinelli Pushes Repeal Amendment
National Conference of State Legislators gathers over ‘dire’ numbers
Miracle Man Wants More Money
California Budget Gap May Reach $28.1 Billion Over 18 Months, Brown Says
What Might Have Been
Congress Must Cut Spending!
Private Citizen Goes Undercover, Performs Sting on High-Ranking Nazi. Holocaust scholar Mark Gould spent four years posing as a neo-Nazi to gather evidence against the notorious Bernhard Frank. This week, Gould filed a civil lawsuit against him
Economic Storm Clouds on the Horizon
Lame Duck Congress Faces Reality on Taxes
There goes the neighborhood - US home values set to drop 1.7 trillion dollars in 2010

The Barack Obama Tax Reform Plan?
Obama and the Democratic Revolt The White House must convince Dems—50 in the House and about 15 in the Senate.
Why Democrats Are Deserting Obama.
Nothing Redemptive About This Country.
Obama Directs His Staff to Analyze Options for Overhaul of U.S. Tax System
From Audacity to Animosity No president has alienated his base the way Obama has.

Senate fails to pass bill for military policy
Revolting against reality
This Is What Happens When You Get Engulfed by a Wave
WikiLeaks and Assange pretend there are no consequences
The Humble Hero
This man should be an inspiration to us all. The video making the face book rounds is here. If anyone can tell me how to donate to his efforts, please send me a link. Thanks
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Riots in London
A test of liberty in London by my husband about the idiocy of leftist students in Great Britain who prefer to free-ride on the backs of taxpayers rather than pay for their own college education.
No sympathy for having to pay college tuition from this side of the Atlantic.
No sympathy for having to pay college tuition from this side of the Atlantic.
Last Quack
It appears that this disasterous and now lame duck Congress is about to vote on one more monstrocity.
Massive budget bill faces opposition in Senate
I love how they've added all sorts of insults to the American people in this bill just to drive home the point that they have no clue why they are so hated by voters.
ARGH! Just go home and crawl back under your rocks!
Massive budget bill faces opposition in Senate
I love how they've added all sorts of insults to the American people in this bill just to drive home the point that they have no clue why they are so hated by voters.
ARGH! Just go home and crawl back under your rocks!
Old Words Are New Again
I'd use any of these words in a heartbeat if only to jargogle whomever I was with.
20 Obsolete English Words that Should Make a Comeback
I use freck all the time but am apparently "off definition".
Other terrific words: Deliciate, Malagrugrous, and Ludibrious. The first ten are terrific, the second ten not so much. Still read the whole thing. As a former professional writer and a gal with a BA in Medieval English Lit., I love this clobber.
20 Obsolete English Words that Should Make a Comeback
I use freck all the time but am apparently "off definition".
Other terrific words: Deliciate, Malagrugrous, and Ludibrious. The first ten are terrific, the second ten not so much. Still read the whole thing. As a former professional writer and a gal with a BA in Medieval English Lit., I love this clobber.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Junk Science 12-08

Ethanol: Let Protectionism Expire It’s high noon for ethanol subsidies and import tariffs, but not for the ethanol industry.
Well the incandescent light bulb is a far, far better product than that poisonous mercury crap thingy. Fred Upton, author of the light bulb law, turns against it
The U.N.’s climate summit is the same thing all over again.

North America: The new energy kingdom
The correct and standard response to all Greenie/Leftie suggestions is "You First" - Memo to Turner Hypocrites, every last one of them. For example, Five-Time Father Ted Turner Calls for One-Child Policy
Obamacare 12-08

Fresh Poll: What Do Voters Think of ObamaCare Now?
Medicare needs sustainable 'doc fix'
Health Care Rationing: The Real Death Panels Are Coming Our Way
Obamacare Waiver List Swells AND More Health Waivers AND The List
Another Obamacare Oops - I'm not sure I can take another one of these and I know children's hospitals can't either.
This is why all government programs are crap. They might start small, meaningful, and effective but always grow into large, intrusive, and inefficient toilets, draining taxpayers of money better spent elsewhere. This is how nearly all government programs evolve. Always. Obama: “When Medicare was started, it was a small program. It grew.” You don’t say!
Wiki-Leaks - 12-08

Cry me a river - Report--WikiLeaks In CHAOS!
Assange's Media Allies
Julian Assange’s EgoLeaks WikiLeaks is the journalistic equivalent of the art world’s Piss Christ — a product of the cynical postmodern West. I like this line "Only a perpetual adolescent believes that one has to be perfect in word and thought to be good."

Hackers Target WikiLeaks 'Enemies': Mastercard, Twitter, Paypal, Even
Bill Ayers Defends Wikileaks, Calls Weather Underground Terrorism "Restrained," Bashes America It's Tool One and Tool Two!
Dereliction of Duty: Obama and the WikiLeaks Train Wreck
Random Round-Up 12-08

President Obama Job Approval
ARGH - House Democrats tack controversial food-safety bill to spending measure
This kinda sums up my evolution as well - Sooner or later you have to join the side you’re on
The top U.S. banks are bigger than ever. Do they pose a threat to the economy?
Birther of The Nation You'll never believe how upset the hard left is at President Obama.. Oh honey, we're all angry at Obama.
Sharpton wants FCC to take Limbaugh off the air

Save the North Koreans!
While his base rages, Obama faces tax-cut reality
The Economic Incompetence Of The Political Class
Small-Biz Killers
I don't really want to think about the democrats position on this at all. Stop And Think About The Ridiculousness Of The Democrats' Position On Taxes
AIG, U.S. Treasury Plan Stock Sale
10-Year Work Permits for Millions - millions of illegal immigrants that is. Given the current unemployment rate for native Americans, this should be another nail in the DREAM Act's coffin.
Freeze Taxes, Freeze Spending, and Go Home

Porker poker? Harry Reid tries to add online poker to tax bill Nope, just Reid's payback to the SEIU casino workers who coughed up big money to get him re-elected.
Walter Williams' Memoir
Anything that hurts unions is a good thing. A union in and of itself isn't necessarily bad, just that they no longer work to protect the workers. O'Sullivan's Law is in effect. Wis. Governor-Elect raises prospect of union decertification to balance budget
Why Pigford Matters
Black Farmers Advocacy Helped Get Obama Elected for Pushing Pigford II; Says BFAA ‘Rural ACORN’ Video
Pigileaks: The Pigford Applications
Why Do the Poor Stay Poor?
Of course he does - Obama Opens The Door To Raid Social Security
Warren Buffett, Robber Baron?
Quite frankly, this messing with the internet is merely a reflection of the Left's hatred of innovation and lack-of-control. The single most innovative and helpful invention of the last 40 years and they want to put their grubby fingers all over it and ruin everything for the rest of us. FCC's pay-as-you-go Internet plan raises video, access questions

Of course he is - Suspect in Baltimore Bombing Plot Is an American Convert to Islam
President Obama's Scorecard on Promises Kept, Broken
Liberal Math
Elites Should Blame Selves, Not Obama, for Believing His Messianic Pretensions
Why Obama can't shake Bush
But I love Walmart (not as much as Nordstrom Rack but I do care) Homeland Security & Walmart Team Up To Fight Terrorism In The Checkout Line
Pelosi escalates criticism of tax-cut deal. She really is a turd, isn't she?
Crisis in the States
The 10 Biggest Conservative Stand-Outs of 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Can't Even Print Money Right
Government can’t print money properly
Explain to me why we should trust the government to do something new like control our healthcare, when they can't even do something they've done for centuries correctly?
Explain to me why we should trust the government to do something new like control our healthcare, when they can't even do something they've done for centuries correctly?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Random Round-Up 12-06

President Obama Job Approval
Bush job approval rating higher than Obama's
Holder Must Go - Panel finds Justice reluctant to take cases of white victims
How to Balance the Budget Without Raising Taxes
The GOP’s California Blues
We Want You Morons Back
Report: WikiLeaks' Assange to Talk to UK Police, Attorney Says
GOP's Global Warming Skeptics to Take House Chairs on Energy, Science
Deciding Who Lives and Who Dies
Ending child marriage helps communities across the developing world
The Pigford Shakedown: How the Black Farmers’ Cause Was Hijacked by Politicians, Trial Lawyers & Community Organizers — Leaving Us With a Billion Dollar Tab

Defying the will of the people, Obama governs by regulation
BWAHAHAHA - Al Gore's climate group shrinking
A Joyless Jobless Report. Those dreadful new unemployment numbers are even worse than they look.
What's Up With 'Sputnik?' Obama Makes '50s Space Race a Rallying Cry
The Next Step in the Walmart Employment-Discrimination Case
Do we need a “repeal amendment”?
Shocker: Rangel May Face More Ethics Charges
The Real Dream of Illegal-Immigration Advocates
A Dispatch from the Kinston Voting-Rights Trial
WikiLeaks cables: Barack Obama is a bigger danger. WikiLeaks harms the US. But the president's refusal to acknowledge the threats we face is a bigger danger
Unusual methods helped ICE break deportation record, e-mails and interviews show
Russian satellites fall into Pacific
Sunshine in Kansas: State Transparency Spotlight
MSM Inertia: What We Can Learn from 120 Years of Climate Catastrophe Reporting. The media falls in love with catastrophic predictions, and is consistently 10-15 years behind(!) in reporting on what the global temperature is actually doing.

Obama presidency turns government up to 11
So Explain to Me Again Why We Need Illegal Aliens?
Democrats on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Americans Don’t Hate the Rich
Ohio Blowout Raises Red Flag for Democrats
Must Liberals Ruin Our Sports, Too?
An Index That Charts Risk
Julian Assange, Information Anarchist WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hopes to hobble the U.S. government.
WikiLeaks: Fishing With Dynamite

Dems aim for 100+ bills in 1 swoop
Where Have All The Capitalists Gone?
They should lay off Obama on this stuff, it's hard to remember these details when you weren't even born here - Obama muffed U.S. motto.
PIG Out on Kevin Williamson’s New Book
You’ve Met Government Motors. Now Meet Government Computers
Me & Mrs. Sherrod — And The $1.25 Billion Pigford II Black Farmers’ Settlement
No Country for Burly Men. How feminist groups skewed the Obama stimulus plan towards women's jobs
Obama V. Events
New regs = more pink slips
The sayings of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The Green Economy Is Here, and It Ain't Pretty

Pension Woes Prompt GOP Move
Worse Is to Come for Euro as Trichet Fails to Calm Crisis, Forecasters Say
The ‘Unholy Alliance’ Between Islamic Jihad and Utopian Socialism
Our Elites at Work
The DREAM Act Is an Amnesty Bill That America Cannot Afford
Soon my daughter won't be allowed to sell Girl Scout cookies - Finally, Air Force Can't Afford Bombers, Schools Can't Hold Bake Sales
Politics: WikiLeaks Took Advice From Media Outlets
What should each party have learned from the 2010 midterms, and what incorrect conclusion are they most likely to extract
Obama Made ‘Big Mistake’ on Climate Bill, Turner Says - Ted Turner seems increasingly irrelevant to me these days.
The Walking Death Tax Without Congressional action, it returns with a 55% rate vengeance in 26 days..
WikiLeaks and U.S. Computer Security: The ‘Second Spy’ Theory. Either U.S. intelligence is massively incompetent, or PFC Manning had help — an insider with high-level access.
Obama Sacrifices Jobs to Save His Own
Bernanke's Arrogance Problem
Assange making arrangements to meet police, lawyer says

Why the left is angry at Obama
WikiLeaks cables: Barack Obama is a bigger danger. WikiLeaks harms the US. But the president's refusal to acknowledge the threats we face is a bigger danger
Public pensions and your right to know
Author claims we're in the grip of a mini ice age
Fear Of Malicious Envy Elicits Altruistic Behavior
Investors Appear To Be Avoiding Past Mistakes
No end in sight to U.S. economic crisis as 'scariest jobs chart ever' shows post-recession unemployment is at its worst since World War Two
Barrett Brown’s Lawyer Sends Me an Email Threatening ‘Legal Proceedings’
Alaska's legal climate far from harsh
What I’ve Learned. We can’t keep politics out of school reform. Why I’m launching a national movement to transform education.
It's all speculation which is pretty much all Wall Street - WikiLeaks' Wall Street Bombshell
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