Merry Christmas from the IRS: Another Year of Government Dysfunction
Obama signs U.S. debt limit increase into law
Congress to Raise Debt Ceiling: Why You Should Care
Consumers aren't spending as much this holiday season, and that's a good thing
PJTV Video (Sonja Schmidt) - Obama Claus is Coming to Town
Financial groups call on regulators to narrow new policy against kickbacks

Tax Vox’s Lump of Coal Award: The Worst Tax Ideas of 2009
Highly...er...Targeted Job Stimulus?
Bailouts, TARP…And Bowl Game Sponsorships?
PJTV Video - The Decade's Worst Economic Blunders
Titanic debt
Top 10 Most Ridiculous Uses of Stimulus Funds (Updated)
Blank-Check Bailout for Fannie and Freddie Means Taxpayers Get a Lump of Coal from Obama
City spending stimulus money on new tennis courts
New Spitzer Hypocrisy In AIG Case
Employer Mandates Result In Lost Jobs
Say Goodbye to Indiana? - Gary Death Countdown
Have a Merry Government-Regulated Christmas
Feingold slams Obama over earmarks
Trifecta (PJTV Video) - Tiger's Troubles, Trillions Wasted & Time Running Out: Was 2009 the Year of Squander?
Lessons from John Galt
So much for transparency - Administration Won’t Estimate Total Losses of Fannie and Freddie
Despite Obama's campaign vow, federal budget still a mess
Estate tax gap could result in lawsuits
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