Monday, November 23, 2009

Obamacare Daily Round-Up 11-23

Hey Liberal Hypocrites - What ever happened to Keep Government Off My Body?! - 'The Bureaucrat in the Exam Room'

Health 'reform' that burdens our young

Free to Choose


Number Of Uninsured Is Vastly Over-Estimated

Support for Health Care Plan Falls to New Low

Dear Fellow Guinea Pig

Marching off a cliff

Is Medicare the Real Target of ‘Health Care Reform?’

The Senate's Health-Care Act. For Democratic 'moderates,' the political play is the thing.

Debating ObamaCare honestly

'I screamed, but there was nothing to hear': Man trapped in 23-year 'coma' reveals horror of being unable to tell doctors he was conscious. Only medical advances in diagnosis saved him, but under Obamacare, the rate of medical research will be significantly slowed.

Doomsday Orszagism

On the changing relationship between doctor and patient and that element of distrust

GOP senators unload on health legislation the morning after

The Crony Capitalism Cafe….. Yes Senator I’ll have the Free Lunch Also!!

Reid’s Payroll Tax Deception

Here's hoping he stays that way - Nelson is a 'no' on health bill as written

Obama faces bruising battle with his own party as radical healthcare bill passes major hurdle.

How health care reform could fall apart

Dems ready to go-it-alone on health care

Obamacare: Big State Tax Hikes

Some states already poised to opt out of government-run public health plan

What Makes A Black Man?

A Taxing Taste Of Things To Come

4 Lessons Learned From the Health Care Vote On Saturday

Schumer and Kyl spar over so-called 'new Louisiana Purchase'

A Two-fer! Media corruption AND admitting Obamacare is a fiscal nightmare! Newsweek Editor Admits: Health Care Bill a ‘Fiscal Fraud’ But ‘I’d Still Vote for It’

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