Thursday, November 20, 2008

No Experience Required

Victor Davis Hanson over at NRO (scroll down, I can't link to his post directly) discusses the fallout already starting from Obama's utter lack of political experience.

His cabinet picks are all basically Friends of Bill.

Yup, if we are very, very lucky, we're going to get a repeat of the Clinton years. I mean it, if we are lucky. The last thing I want is Obama's election platform actually becoming reality.

As Victor points out
"That is, given Obama's absence of executive experience and brief tenure in the Senate, Obama never was in a position to assemble an insider team other than the Chicagoan Axlerod. So what was Obama to do when he needed savvy advisers and a brain trust he could count on from the old days to form the nucleus of his advisors and cabinet?

He could hardly draw on personal friends like Ayers, Khalidi, Pfleger, Rezko, and Wright. Other than Friends of Bill, the last Democrats to be insiders were the Carterites now in their 80s. So if a Democrat were to be elected President without much experience, and without friends or advisors he could draw upon who were qualified for office and worldly about Washington's macabre politics, who but the Clintonites were there?

This seems to be an unprecedented development entirely neglected by the media, this sudden reliance on a primary rival's team—ipso facto an illustration of Obama's thinner political resumé."
The lack of executive experience on the part of all the candidates (except Gov. Palin) was a major concern of mine during this election and I hope and pray that the conservatives beat this particular horse to death and put up for election in 2010 and 2012 strong female and male conservatives with both real world and executive governance experience.

It is the core argument against Obama - even four years from now. We did not get "Change" (thank God), we got more of the same. More of the same old Clinton policies. More of the same old socialism. More of the same old leftwing failures that has always dragged this country down.

We need to cultivate experienced conservative leaders now (but let's not run for election until the time is appropriate, OK?). This is a potential conservative strength and we must build on it as this inexperience of Obama's and Clinton redux will be the chink in Obama's armour.

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