Sunday, November 16, 2008

Elitism Bad

One of the glories of Capitalism is that you don't have to be an Ivy League graduate to become wildly successful. You just have to be smart and driven.

You have to care about something so much that you make it happen. And in America, that is possible because the entrepreneur (or any person working to make themselves better) is free to try and succeed. Although that may no longer be true soon.

In socialist countries (democratic socialist or communist), elites don't want the competition from upstarts who didn't do their time in "prestigious" universities (intellectualism being a principle measuring stick of elitism). So in socialist countries ranging from Cuba to France, entrepreneurs are suppressed or outright illegal.

So Elitism is bad and yet here in the USA.

Which is wrong and a shame. Thankfully David Limbaugh's excellent post on his website, Sanctimonious Stone Throwers, points this shame out very perceptively.

It's starts with how Sarah Palin's elite detractors are wrong, wrong, wrong but continues with the very real examples of how the Liberal elites let Obama play the race card by claiming Conservatives would play the race card - which we never did.

"There's apparently no limit to the shameless tactics of those willing to use false and divisive charges of racism to vilify an entire group of people (which, ironically, is the pernicious thought process inherent in racism) who are probably truer to racial colorblindness than their sanctimonious accusers."

By claiming Conservatives would "play the race card" before it even happened, Obama played the race card. While he said he wanted to "transcend race", he also said, "They're going to try to make you scared of me," ... "You know, 'He's not patriotic enough; he's got a funny name.' You know, 'He doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills."

Doesn't seem very transcendent to me.

Apparently, the media was so charmed by a man with degrees from Columbia (a nest of liberal radicalism) and Harvard (rapidly becoming so) that they didn't bother to actually realize what tools of the Obama campaign they had become.

But unless Conservatives fight back, the media will forever be Liberal tools.

Liberalism has no faith or understanding of everyday people. They say they are fighting for the "little" people but every single policy they enact has harmed more folks than helped.

Elitism is the failure to let local people solve their own local problems. And everyone should be afraid of any government policy that allows someone from another place to make decisions for those most affected.

Why should Washington DC solve California's problems when Californians know what best works for them? Why should we believe Obama can even possibly fulfill any of his campaign promises when they are all predicated on the idea that the elite know best.

When has that ever been true? But don't look to the liberal (aka socialist-leaning) media to let you know that.

Intellectuals who understand the everyday pleasures of personal freedom and who want a person with a good idea to succeed are always welcome. Elites - liberal or conservative - who believe their cocktail barter should be ashamed. Actually, they should be Named and Shamed.

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