Pointing and laughing at the "Lamestream Media" for this...
American Way: Sarah Palin email frenzy backfires on her media antagonists
Interestingly, we get this information from a non-American news source (Lame!) - Sarah Palin emails: Enemies sent a series of death threats. The release of 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin's emails shows that she received a barrage of abusive emails including death threats in the run up to the 2008 presidential race.
From Stanley Kurtz - Palin/Obama Paper Trails and Media Hypocrisy
OUCH - LA Times Won’t Release Obama-Khalidi Tape But Posts 24,000 Sarah Palin Emails
9 most shocking and incriminating revelations from the Palin emails that will most certainly finally KILL HER OFF
Three of the Dumbest Politico Palin Headlines of the Day
A Sarah Palin Tina Fey Could Love
Behold The Mainstream Media Eating Its Own Anti-Palin Bile - A Running List of Headlines
From Comments in Legal Insurection
The Washington Post thinks it's "harassment" to request Michael Mann's files from the University of Virginia (their Memorial Day editorial) but it's cool with requesting and obtaining and asking for citizen-journalists to go through 24,000 of the State of Alaska's emails involving Sarah Palin.
LA Times has posted the entire archive here. Quite frankly, if you've got enough time and truly believe you'll find some evil in these email, then you're kinda of loser.
Whoa! Looks like CNN spit out a bit of the kool-aid! - Scrutinize the president, not Palin
Hey, apparently there are lots of liberal losers with time on their hands - Newspapers Want You to Do Their Muckraking
Letting the Media Do Our Thinking: An Excerpt from ‘Bring Her Down’
I predicted the media’s approach to the Palin e-mails almost 3 years ago
Bombshell Palin Email Surfaces: 'Trig Will Be a Joy'
Palin emails show top Alaskan lawmaker blamed for Trig Palin rumors
SHOCKING: Palin Emails Show Phrases Like “Holy Flippin’ Crap”
Palin emails show engaged leader who sought VP nod
Krauthammer Calls Media Obsession with Palin Emails a “Disgrace” – Video 6/10/11
Thatcher Foundation Responds to the ‘Palin Was Snubbed’ Report Saying, “The Guardian Has Minimal Credibility”
Palingate part 2: Circus Atmosphere
Gird Your Loins: More Sarah-Bashing Certainly to Follow
Other former vice-presidential candidates or potential presidential candidates whose entire email archive from their time in office has been released so the press (or just people who read the WaPo online) can comb through looking for something interesting
'Creepy': Early Show Guests Rip MSM's Palin-Email Goosechase
Explosive e-mail revelation: Palin, staff were excited when McCain named her to the ticket
Sarah Palin emails: Selection as vice presidential nominee sparked jubilant exchanges between governor, staff
Palin Has Always Been Underestimated
Off the charts Palin Derangement Syndrome
Commenter “elaine” has a point
Can you imagine a Reaganesque reformer as president in the internet age? When that President can pretty safely ignore the bitter mewling of the MSM, because citizens have other ways of getting the truth? I think that’s the real reason they’re scared witless over a Palin presidency; because it’ll mean reform of everything they’ve worked for and built, without any concern for the MSM tearing down that reform.
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers
When you've lost Kutcher - Ashton Kutcher Defends Sarah Palin Against MSM’s ‘Repulsive’ Email Crusade
Tea Party continues to grow
Palin, Paul Revere, and Republicanism. There is a connection between Palin and Revere, unrelated to his Midnight Ride, which bears on her coming decision about running for president.
How they played the Palin email story
Update: Politico Admits ‘Error’ in Attributing Bachmann Criticism to Palin
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