Tides Foundation Grantee Was Founded by Convicted Terrorist
Obama Promises of Change Hid His Real Agenda
PJTV Video - MONEY HONEY! Will Corporate Cash Corrupt or Clean-Up the 2010 Midterm Elections?
Obama ads on YouTube draw overwhelmingly negative response

A Purposeful Misunderstanding of the Movement
Fannie, Freddie bailout could nearly double in size
Think Progress Discovers Conservative Philanthropy Is a Lot Like Progressive Philanthropy I love the last line - "Next thing Think Progress will tell us there’s gambling in Atlantic City."
The Obama administration doesn’t have a plan for part two of the mortgage meltdown

Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes
Don’t Ask Me about the NAACP’s Desperate ‘Report’ on the Tea Party
Liberal CEOs are the Next Target for Tea Party Activists, says National Center for Public Policy Research
Hubris, Nemesis, and Partying Like It’s 1773
Halloween Scare: Evil Rich People
Is Geithner the next to leave Obamaland?
ObamaCare's Incentive to Drop Insurance. My state of Tennessee could reduce costs by over $146 million using the legislated mechanics of health reform to transfer coverage to the federal government..
Video - Eyeblast Hits The Street: Reactions To Obamacare And The Individual Mandate

HHS Giving States Millions of Taxpayer Dollars to ‘Help Consumers File Complaints’ Against Their Health Plans
Wall St. mogul picked for State Department post
CWA Union Boss Says Tea Party Advocates ‘Slavery’
Al Gore urges California to vote no on climate initiative
Barney Not-So-Frank The Massachusetts congressman implausibly denies his role in the mortgage meltdown.

Tea Party revels in Barney Frank’s money woes
Steve Rattner, canceled
Social Media To Produce More Entrepreneurs?
The Extremists Are Coming!
Facts prove troublesome for Obamo. They always have.
Avoiding the Stalemate State
Every email and website to be stored. Every email, phone call and website visit is to be recorded and stored after the Coalition Government revived controversial Big Brother snooping plans
Majority says no 'change' under Obama, or change for the worse

Soros Gives Media Matters $1 Million to Fight Beck and Fox News
Obama Costs $43K per Person
Volt Fraud At Government Motors
WaPo/AP Caught Revising the O’Donnell Story Without Issuing a Correction

Ground War More Intense Than 2006, Early Voting More Prevalent. Democrats Stirring But Are No Match for Energized Republicans
Juan Williams Commits the Ultimate Kinsleyesque Gaffe
Audit: NJ Turnpike Wasted Millions On Perks
Media comes to the rescue for Democrats
Where Is Gloria Allred?
Schilling: ‘Let the Private Sector Fix This’
At The Blue Curtain Cafe. The joy is in the comments section!
$100 Billion Difference in PA Senate Race
Muslims speak out against NPR’s political correctness
The Hill's 2010 Midterm Poll: Media has gotten more partisan, likely voters say

Nothing to Fear but More Government
Majority of independent voters say Dem leadership is more left wing than they are
On Climate Change, Most Tea Partiers Get It

Soros-Funded Documentary Embraces Left-Wing Terrorists Who Plotted To Kill Republicans
Obama Administration's Priority Is Public Relations
Fannie, Freddie bailout could hit $363 billion
Spain's Solar Deals on Edge of Bankruptcy as Subsidies Founder

Year after year, our culture of dependence grows
Would the Supreme Court Dare Undo the Mandate?
We’re Getting Cap, No Trade
The False Choice Between a VAT and Impossible Spending Cuts
Personally, I'd accept a national VAT on two conditions. 1) No more income or corporate taxes. And 2) All tax rates are transparent and added on at POS and not folded into the price like the taxes on gas is.
George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR
Video - "Today Show" Profiles Gov. Chris Christie
Two Numbers Behind Voters' Sour Mood
Just Say Yes — Or Else!

In wake of NPR controversy, Fox News gives Juan Williams an expanded role. The cable news network signs the analyst to a new three-year contract for nearly $2 million. Meanwhile, conservative figures blast the public radio network for its response to Williams' comments about Muslims.
The best defense against bigoted cultural tribalism...
Labor increases spending on ads in midterm campaign home stretch
Government Intervention in Health Care Increases Costs
Fairfax County Renews Lease for Saudi Wahhabi School

GOP Is Poised to Reap a Redistricting Bonus
Top 10 ways government kills jobs in America
Dude, show some respect
Schumer cutting monster checks to help out fellow Senate Democrats
NAACP Kicks Cameras Out of Presser, Lies, Refuses to Repudiate Gladney Incident
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