From the Things-I-Teach-My-Kids-That-Obama-And-Congress-Need-To-Learn File:
Today's lesson for Congress and the White House is "It is better to do something slow and right than fast and wrong."
As in, it is better to do something like completely overhaul the regulatory system slow and right than fast and wrong. That's something even my five year old could tell these jokers.
You would think they'd have figured that one out by now but NOOooooooo.
They did TARP fast and wrong.
They did the auto bailout fast and wrong.
They did the stimulus fast and wrong.
Every foreign policy act has been fast and wrong.
The fast and wrong list goes on and on because Obama and his liberal democrat lackeys in Congress know that what they are doing is wrong.
At least I hope they know what they are doing is wrong because the thought that they actually believe this is right is terrifying.
My five year old son says I did it right because I did it slow. And I tell him that is perfectly good to start by doing something slow in order to get it right.
Once you get it right a couple of times, then you can slowly speed up. But doing it right and slow at first gives you the practice and skill to do things faster. But politicians only have real world experience in a few areas - usually lawyering. While some come from business, medicine, and other areas. The vast majority have focused their experience on public service which is fine.
Except it means they do NOT know how to run a business or it has been so long since they ran a business or say a doctor's office that they no longer have the practice.
And yet they feel they can run the country instead of simply enacting and maintaining the laws that set the really experienced people free to run the country.
So here's another piece of motherly advice for our politicians, shut up, sit down, and listen, damn it.
Or the American people will put you in the longest Time Out of your life.
Western offshore wind EIS is MIA
36 minutes ago
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