Sunday, January 4, 2009

Global Warming Solved

Ironically, all the hubbub about global warming is over. Since 1998 (the peak heat year), global temperatures have dropped by 0.7 C, the equivelant of all the net warming of the 20th century.

But you'd never know that from the media and eco-freaks out there banging away at their global "change" drums. (Did you notice that once the temperatures started dropping, the enviros quietly changed it from global "warming" to climate "change"?)

Christopher Booker, a very sound English scientist, has an article about this in Britain's Telegraph. He rightly mocks the Met Office's consistantly wrong climate predictions and concludes his article thus....

The reason why US scientists take a particular interest in the forecasting skills of the UK Met Office is that, through its Hadley Centre, its temperature data are one of the four official sources on which the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change bases all those projections of global warming which have the Western world's politicians under such a spell.

The Met Office, which played a key part in setting up the IPCC, has long since abandoned any pretence that it is an impartial scientific body when it comes to promoting its favourite cause of man-made climate change.

As the Met Office's website boasts, its ''world-leading expertise'' enables it to provide ''an understanding of the future through risk analysis and long-range forecasting''. It stages seminars to equip ''professionals in Government and the public sector'' to ''dispel scepticism about climate change in your organisation''.

It is just a pity that our Met Office's comically consistent inability to predict weather even a few weeks ahead (let alone a century hence) is beginning to make it an international laughing stock.

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