Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Case for Ken

Amanda Carpenter over at has presented serveral excellent reasons why Ken Blackwell should be RNC Chair.

Among the mighty Ken's ideas are:

If elected RNC Chairman Blackwell’s mission would be to change the culture of the RNC, which he thinks has become too dependent on Washington connections cultivated with the soon-to-be nonexistent Bush Administration. To help make the break, he’s pitched RNC members on a new revenue sharing program that would kick-back ten percent of net fundraising proceeds to state parties.
Blackwell is also a strong advocate for opening up the RNC’s “voter vault” database to members, which helps satisfy the outside pressure for all RNC candidates to become more tech-friendly without riling older RNC members who are turned off by complex tech talk.

He also wants to keep the Republican party Conservative. And more. Mr. Blackwell has laid out all his ideas in a 38-page, Conservative Resurgance Plan. I've read this plan and it is really inspired. I didn't think I could be more impressed with Mr. Blackwell but I am.

Quite frankly that is truly what the GOP needs badly right now, a man with a (really good) plan.

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